chmln / handlr

A better xdg-utils
MIT License
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Some html files are being opened by a terminal text editor instead of their handlr default #10

Open Kabouik opened 4 years ago

Kabouik commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what's wrong, but some html (I think only text/html) are being opened by a text editor instead of their handlr default:

~ $ handlr get text/html
~ $ ls /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop
~ $ handlr open TOTO.html

→ Opens with kakoune.desktop.

~ $ cat ~/.local/bin/xdg-open
handlr open "$@"
~ $ which xdg-open
~ $ xdg-open TOTO.html

→ Same (as expected).


[Desktop Entry]

GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Modal text editor


Exec=tilix -e kak %U
~ $ handlr list
│ #x-scheme-handler/mailspring                │ mailspring.desktop             │
│ application/excel                           │ libreoffice-calc.desktop       │
│ application/msexcel                         │ libreoffice-calc.desktop       │
│ application/pdf                             │ mupdf.desktop                  │
│ application/rtf                             │ libreoffice-writer.desktop     │
│ application/                    │ libreoffice-calc.desktop       │
│ application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text     │ libreoffice-writer.desktop     │
│ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocum+ │ libreoffice-calc.desktop       │
│ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocum+ │ libreoffice-writer.desktop     │
│ application/x-extension-htm                 │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ application/x-extension-shtml               │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ application/x-extension-xht                 │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ application/x-extension-xhtml               │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ application/x-ms-excel                      │ libreoffice-calc.desktop       │
│ application/xhtml+xml                       │ firefox.desktop                │
│ audio/mp3                                   │ cmus.desktop, sayonara.desktop │
│ audio/mpeg                                  │ cmus.desktop, sayonara.desktop │
│ image/bmp                                   │ viewnior.desktop               │
│ image/gif                                   │ viewnior.desktop               │
│ image/jpeg                                  │ viewnior.desktop               │
│ image/jpg                                   │ viewnior.desktop               │
│ image/png                                   │ viewnior.desktop               │
│ inode/directory                             │ org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop     │
│ text/html                                   │ firefox.desktop                │
│ text/plain                                  │ kakoune.desktop                │
│ video/3gp                                   │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/3gpp                                  │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/3gpp2                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/divx                                  │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/dv                                    │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/fli                                   │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/flv                                   │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/mp2t                                  │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/mp4                                   │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/mp4v-es                               │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/mpeg                                  │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/mpeg-system                           │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/msvideo                               │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/ogg                                   │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/quicktime                             │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/vnd.mpegurl                           │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/vnd.rn-realvideo                      │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/webm                                  │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-avi                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-flc                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-fli                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-flv                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-m4v                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-matroska                            │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-mpeg                                │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-mpeg-system                         │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-mpeg2                               │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-ms-asf                              │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-ms-wm                               │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-ms-wmv                              │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-ms-wmx                              │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-msvideo                             │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-nsv                                 │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-ogm+ogg                             │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-theora                              │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ video/x-theora+ogg                          │ mpv.desktop                    │
│ x-scheme-handler/chrome                     │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ x-scheme-handler/ftp                        │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ x-scheme-handler/http                       │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │
│ x-scheme-handler/https                      │ userapp-Firefox-XGT2G0.desktop │

Is it just a local issue on my machine or is it because the default for text/plain takes precedence for text/html?

chmln commented 4 years ago

Hi @Kabouik

Thanks for filing an issue!

This can happen if you have html files without doctype, html, body, and some other tags.

I've reported this issue upstream If it doesn't get resolved quickly there I will add a workaround.

Kabouik commented 4 years ago

Thanks, glad you identified the issue already. I'll keep a look on that.

tpeacock19 commented 2 years ago

@chmln do you plan on adding a workaround for this? I'm still experiencing this issue and it does not seem like it has gotten much attention upstream.