chmln / handlr

A better xdg-utils
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Fails to open nvim desktop file, possibly because it starts in terminal #5

Closed jthomme1 closed 4 years ago

jthomme1 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I just discovered this nice tool, because I am not happy with the performance of xdg-open. But I have an issue with it launching nvim, I get the error:

Vim: Error reading input, exiting...

Vim: Finished.

My configuration is just:

│ application/pdf                         │ org.gnome.Evince.desktop           │
│ application/postscript                  │ org.gnome.eog.desktop              │
│ application/            │ libreoffice-draw.desktop           │
│ image/jpeg                              │ org.gnome.eog.desktop              │
│ image/jpg                               │ org.gnome.eog.desktop              │
│ image/png                               │ org.gnome.eog.desktop              │
│ inode/directory                         │ spacefm.desktop                    │
│ text/plain                              │ nvim.desktop                       │
│ text/x-c                                │ nvim.desktop                       │

I suppose that this is related to the fact that it gets launched in a terminal. I have installed the package via the arch linux aur. Thanks