chmln / i3-auto-layout

Automatic, optimal tiling for i3wm
146 stars 20 forks source link

Debugging #1

Closed ttxtea closed 3 years ago

ttxtea commented 4 years ago

This is wonderful i3 extension. When freshly installed it worked for a while. Then sometimes it stops. At frist i3-msg restart and i3-msg reload enabled the auto-layout again. At the moment it does not. Was wondering if there is a debug mode, or a general strategy on how to debug it. exec_always --no-startup-id i3-auto-layout is in .i3/config. Its on i3 version 4.13.

chmln commented 4 years ago

@ttxtea I recommend running it inside a systemd user service which autorestarts. Crashes are rare, just make sure you're running the latest version from master.

In any case I'll see if I can get better output when errors happen.

chmln commented 4 years ago

@ttxtea should be much improved now, with proper output when errors happen.