chmln / i3-auto-layout

Automatic, optimal tiling for i3wm
145 stars 20 forks source link

All or nothing #2

Open madhermit opened 4 years ago

madhermit commented 4 years ago


Great app, it makes i3 usage very easy, thanks for building it. However, I'm running into an issue where it seems to disable the ability to change to other layouts. For instance, when I open firefox after say a restart, with 5 or 6 windows, they display in the i3-auto-layout pattern. When I hit $mod+w to display them tabbed, it won't do so. I like the i3-auto-layout tiling for 90% of my windows, but for windows like firefox it makes more sense to use them in a tabbed layout. New firefox windows created subsequently would benefit from opening in the i3-auto-layout, so its not just application specific.

Maybe have the layout always default to i3-auto-layout but then still allow manual, one time, layout changes.

Let me know your thoughts!

CSRaghunandan commented 4 years ago


This breaks tabbed and stacked layouts for i3. I'd sometimes like to have stacked layouts possible even when i3-auto-layout is enabled

huyhoang8398 commented 2 years ago


nrvale0 commented 2 years ago

This breaks tabbed and stacked layouts for i3. I'd sometimes like to have stacked layouts possible even when i3-auto-layout is enabled

FWIW, I think i3-alternating-layout is all-or-nothing we well.