chmln / i3-auto-layout

Automatic, optimal tiling for i3wm
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i3-auto-layout not working #6

Closed muralikodali closed 2 years ago

muralikodali commented 2 years ago

for some time i3-auto-layout is not working.

it is not even showing up in running processes.

the-shank commented 2 years ago

I am having this issue as well.

Installed i3-auto-layout via cargo. And I have the following line in my i3config

exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.cargo/bin/i3-auto-layout
rengare commented 2 years ago

@the-shank @muralikodali I fixed the issue by upgrading one of the dependencies. In the mean time you can go to my repo and compile it manually (

the-shank commented 2 years ago

@the-shank @muralikodali I fixed the issue by upgrading one of the dependencies. In the mean time you can go to my repo and compile it manually (

Thanks, will do !

muralikodali commented 2 years ago

@rengare thanks for upgrading dependencies.

i have compiled the binary after cloning from it is working well.