chmod77 / dfuse-python

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Merge EOSIO-specific calls to develop #9

Closed chmod77 closed 3 years ago

chmod77 commented 3 years ago

This PR just separates concerns - by splitting the EOSIO and ETH interfaces. The ETH interface is just a skeleton as at now.

A couple of things have changed, especially on how imports are to be done, as well as the Dfuse Types.

To use the EOSIO interface, imports are done as follows:

In [2]: from dfuse import Eosio and initialized as follows:

In [3]: eosio = Eosio()

To call an EOSIO interface function, you then do the following:

In [8]: obj = eosio.get_transaction_lifecycle(id='1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253')

The type changes are now specified to either EOSIO or ETH, for instance:

In [8]: obj = eosio.get_transaction_lifecycle(id='1d5f57e9392d045ef4d1d19e6976803f06741e11089855b94efcdb42a1a41253')

Out[9]: <dfuse.eosio.types.TransactionLifecycle at 0x7fcfc747c3d0>```