I'm using this component on ESP32 withc basic http auth. But the problem is that usre can call cgi scripts even it is not authorized. For example my configuration is:
ROUTE_CGI("/admin/example.cgi", cgiExample),
ROUTE_AUTH("/admin/*", webBasicAuth),
And user can call cgi dirrectly when enter full url.
Is this OK or this is a BUG ? If this is OK, I think I need to verify autorization in CGI script, but is there any function/macro providing infromation that current request comes from authorized browser ?
I'm using this component on ESP32 withc basic http auth. But the problem is that usre can call cgi scripts even it is not authorized. For example my configuration is: ... ROUTE_CGI("/admin/example.cgi", cgiExample), ROUTE_AUTH("/admin/*", webBasicAuth), ... And user can call cgi dirrectly when enter full url. Is this OK or this is a BUG ? If this is OK, I think I need to verify autorization in CGI script, but is there any function/macro providing infromation that current request comes from authorized browser ?
BR, Marcin.