chnm / anthologize

Anthologize is a free, open-source, WordPress-based platform for publishing. Grab posts from your WordPress blog, pull in feeds from external sites, or create new content directly in Anthologize. Then outline, order, and edit your work, crafting it into a coherent volume for export in several formats, including PDF, EPUB, and TEI.
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Handle comments from locally produced content #12

Open patrickmj opened 12 years ago

patrickmj commented 12 years ago

Imported from Trac ticket #16 reported by boonebgorges on 2010-08-04:

Posting as a separate ticket from feed content, which will be a whole other bag of worms

Getting comments is pretty easy; the question is how to present them in the UI and in the output.

UI: Maybe on the project organizer, items have a 'use comments' toggle. But does it have to be more fine grained than that? Maybe 'show comments' (in the ui) and then user can select which ones to display in the final version

TEI: Patrick, it'll be a fairly simple process to add comments to the queries you're using to get content out of WP

Outputs: How to display them? As footnotes? Endnotes? Sidebar? (Endnotes seem the most true to the blog format, and are probably the easiest to handle?)

patrickmj commented 12 years ago

Comment by sramsay on 2010-08-07:

"Outputs: How to display them? As footnotes? Endnotes? Sidebar? (Endnotes seem the most true to the blog format, and are probably the easiest to handle?)"

Footnotes and endnotes have a very particular meaning in printed texts. By nature, they are meant to be keyed to particular locations in the inline text. They're also usually (though not always) generated by the author.

Margin comments are closer to blog comments, but even these are usually location specific. We could perhaps create something that looks for quotes and tries to key them back to the text, but I suspect that covers only a fraction of blog comments.

In other words, I think blog comments are blog comments. They come after the main text in a section called "Comments," and elaborate on or challenge the main text in various ways. I don't see any reason to map them onto a codex convention that is foreign to their original purpose.

patrickmj commented 12 years ago

Comment by boonebgorges on 2010-08-19:

I agree with that, Steve. My question was more about physical placement than about conceptual mapping. It's easy to pull the comments out of WordPress and pass them along to Patrick; from his point of view, in turn, it'll be easy to put them under whatever TEI heading he'd like. We just have to decide where they actually appear in the output.

patrickmj commented 12 years ago

Comment by boonebgorges on 2011-06-04:

Punting to 0.7.