chnm / serendipomatic
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rebecca's list #14

Closed rlskoeser closed 11 years ago

rlskoeser commented 11 years ago

mostly small items I don't want to lose track of

~~ error pages for 404/500 ~~ ~~ check dates on search term results -- not available or not getting passed thru to item? ~~ ~~ input form validation for zotero username: if not a valid user name or we can't pull collection (not public?), redirect back to input form with a message (does this behavior change with oauth?) ~~ ~~ styling for error messages, e.g. no input on the form ~~ ~~ adjust handoff between input and stash display to allow reload to vary results: store all keywords/terms in session, and then filter/select in the view ~~ ~~ redirect to home page if stash url is loaded with no data in the session (?) ~~

rlskoeser commented 11 years ago

we need to make sure we test some weird edge cases (just found a problem when just one or two terms are entered)

mialondon commented 11 years ago

Thanks, I'll put them in the QA/user stories list.

rlskoeser commented 11 years ago

we'll also need to generate official api keys and document them somewhere internally (have been using ad hoc/personally generated keys so far)

mialondon commented 11 years ago

It's in the list for post-launch