Currently, the project relies on YouTube’s captioning system for lyrics extraction. However, only a limited number of YouTube videos have captions enabled, restricting the number of songs from which we can extract lyrics. This issue proposes the development of a text extraction pipeline that can work independently of YouTube captions, enabling us to extract lyrics from a broader range of songs.
Limited song coverage: Only a small subset of YouTube songs have captions enabled.
Many songs unsupported: A large number of the songs we are targeting lack captions, making it impossible to extract lyrics using the current method.
Inconsistent results: Even when captions are available, they may be inaccurate or incomplete, further reducing the reliability of the current approach.
Proposed Solution:
Build a text extraction pipeline that:
Works with audio files directly, rather than relying on captions.
Uses techniques such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert song audio into text (lyrics).
Optionally incorporates NLP post-processing to clean and format the extracted lyrics.
Consider alternative APIs or services that might offer more comprehensive lyric extraction.
Audio quality and background noise may affect the accuracy of ASR.
Regional accents, singing styles, and language differences will need to be addressed in the pipeline.
Potential processing overhead due to real-time or large-scale audio transcription.
Next Steps:
Research available ASR tools (e.g., Google Speech-to-Text, Whisper by OpenAI).
Prototype the integration of an ASR system with the current pipeline.
Test the system on a range of songs, both with and without captions.
Creating a correct translated text can be a challenge. The current approach in this project is simply providing a textbox for the user to manually correct the translation. 😆
Summary: Currently, the project relies on YouTube’s captioning system for lyrics extraction. However, only a limited number of YouTube videos have captions enabled, restricting the number of songs from which we can extract lyrics. This issue proposes the development of a text extraction pipeline that can work independently of YouTube captions, enabling us to extract lyrics from a broader range of songs.
Proposed Solution:
Build a text extraction pipeline that:
Consider alternative APIs or services that might offer more comprehensive lyric extraction.
Next Steps: