Open Iristyle opened 12 years ago
FYI -- I sent Oliver a msg through Google+ here, to get the ball rolling on his approval... IF this is something Chocolatey agrees with doing ;0
FYI -- the software that I'm installing uses nested INI files. This isn't officially allowed in an ini, but is common practice. Get-IniContent / Out-IniFile doesn't handle this properly. I'm fixing now...
Example config
url =
url =
Previous comment trashed... totally overhauled the script for the nesting. Basically rewrote the whole cmdlet and docs
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Get-IniContent
Reads the contents of an INI file into an OrderedDictionary
The dictionary can be manipulated the same way a Hashtable can, by
adding or removing keys to the various sections.
Nested INI sections represented like the following are supported:
name = value
name = value
;name = value
Comment lines prefixed with a ; are returned in the output with a name
of {Comment-X} where X is the comment index within the entire INI file
Comments also have a IsComment property attached to the values, so
that Out-IniFile may properly handle them.
Inspiration from Oliver Lipkau <>
String or FileInfo
Keys with a OrderdedDictionary Value are representative of sections
Sections may be nested to any arbitrary depth
.Parameter Path
Specifies the path to the input file. Can be a string or FileInfo
$configFile = Get-IniContent .\foo.ini
Parses the foo.ini file contents into an OrderedDictionary for local
reading or manipulation
$configFile = .\foo.ini | Get-IniContent
$configFile.SectionName | Select *
Same as the first example, but using pipeline input.
Additionally outputs all values stored in the [SectionName] section of
the INI file.
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, Mandatory=$True)]
[ValidateScript({ (Test-Path $_) -and ($_.Extension -eq '.ini') })]
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: Get-IniContent processing file [$Path]"
# TODO: once Powershell 3 is common, this can be $ini = [ordered]@{}
$ini = New-Object Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
function getCurrentOrEmptySection($section)
if (!$section)
if (!$ini.Keys -contains '')
$ini[''] = New-Object Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
$section = $ini['']
return $section
$comments = 0
$sections = @($ini)
switch -regex -file $Path
'\[((?:[^\[\]]|(?<BR> \[)|(?<-BR> \]))+(?(BR)(?!)))\]' # Section
$name = $matches[1]
# since the regex above is balanced, depth is a simple count
$depth = ($_ | Select-String '\[' -All).Matches |
Measure-Object |
Select -ExpandProperty Count
# root section
Write-Verbose "Parsing section $_ at depth $depth"
# handles any level of nested section
$section = New-Object Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
$sections[$depth - 1][$name] = $section
if ($sections.Length -le $depth)
$sections += $section
$sections[$depth] = $section
'^(;.*)$' # Comment
$section = getCurrentOrEmptySection $section
$name = '{Comment-' + ($comments++) + '}'
$section[$name] = $matches[1] |
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IsComment -Value $true -PassThru
'(.+?)=(.*)' # Key
$name, $value = $matches[1..2]
(getCurrentOrEmptySection $section)[$name] = $value
Write-Verbose "[SUCCESS]: Get-IniContent processed file [$path]"
return $ini
And to save the contents recursively
#Requires -Version 2.0
function Out-IniFile
Write the contents of a Hashtable or OrderedDictionary to an INI file
The input can either be a standard Powershell hash created with @{},
an [ordered]@{} in Powershell 3, an OrderedDictionary created by the
Get-IniContent cmdlet.
Will write out the fully nested structure to an INI file
Inspiration from Oliver Lipkau <>
Accepts either a Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary or
a standard Powershell Hashtable
Returns an IO.FileInfo object if -PassThru is specified
.Parameter InputObject
Specifies the OrderedDictionary or Hashtable to be written to the file
.Parameter FilePath
Specifies the path to the output file.
.Parameter Encoding
Specifies the type of character encoding used in the file. Valid
values are "Unicode", "UTF7", "UTF8", "UTF32", "ASCII",
"BigEndianUnicode", "Default", and "OEM". "Unicode" is the default.
"Default" uses the encoding of the system's current ANSI code page.
"OEM" uses the current original equipment manufacturer code page
identifier for the operating system.
.Parameter Append
Adds the output to the end of an existing file, instead of replacing
the file contents.
.Parameter Force
Allows the cmdlet to overwrite an existing read-only file. Even using
the Force parameter, the cmdlet cannot override security restrictions.
.Parameter PassThru
Returns the newly written FileInfo. By default, this cmdlet does not
generate any output.
@{ Section = @{ Foo = 'bar'; Baz = 1} } |
Out-IniFile -FilePath .\foo.ini
Writes the given Hashtable to foo.ini as
@{ Section = [ordered]@{ Foo = 'bar'; Baz = 1} } |
Out-IniFile -FilePath .\foo.ini
Writes the given Hashtable to foo.ini, in the given order
@{ Section = [ordered]@{ Foo = 'bar'; Baz = 1} } |
Out-IniFile -FilePath .\foo.ini -Force
Same as previous example, except that foo.ini is overwritten should
it already exist
$file = @{ Section = [ordered]@{ Foo = 'bar'; Baz = 1} } |
Out-IniFile -FilePath .\foo.ini
Same as previous example, except that the FileInfo object is returned
$config = Get-IniContent .\foo.ini
$config.Section.Value = 'foo'
$config | Out-IniFile -Path .\foo.ini -Force
Parses the foo.ini file contents into an OrderedDictionary with the
Get-IniContent cmdlet. Manipulates the contents, then overwrites the
existing file.
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[ValidateScript({ ($_ -is [Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) -or `
($_ -is [Hashtable]) })]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ -IsValid })]
$Encoding = 'Unicode',
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: Out-IniFile writing file [$FilePath]"
if ((New-Object IO.FileInfo($FilePath)).Extension -ne '.ini')
Write-Warning 'Out-IniFile [$FilePath] does not end in .ini extension'
if ((Test-Path $FilePath) -and (!$Force))
throw "The -Force switch must be applied to overwrite $outFile"
$outFile = $null
if ($append) { $outFile = Get-Item $FilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($outFile) -or (!(Test-Path $outFile)))
{ $outFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $FilePath -Force:$Force }
#recursive function write sections at various depths
function WriteKeyValuePairs($dictionary, $sectionName = $null, $depth = 0)
#Sections - take into account nested depth
if ((![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sectionName)) -and ($depth -gt 0))
$sectionName = "$('[' * $depth)$sectionName$(']' * $depth)"
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: writing section $sectionName to $outFile"
Add-Content -Path $outFile -Value $sectionName -Encoding $Encoding
$dictionary.GetEnumerator() |
% {
if ($_.Value -is [Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] -or
$_.Value -is [Hashtable])
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: Writing section [$($_.Key)] of $sectionName"
WriteKeyValuePairs $_.Value $_.Key ($depth + 1)
elseif ($_.Value.IsComment -or ($_.Key -match '^\{Comment\-[\d]+\}'))
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: Writing comment $($_.Value)"
Add-Content -Path $outFile -Value $_.Value -Encoding $Encoding
Write-Verbose "[INFO]: Writing key $($_.Key)"
Add-Content -Path $outFile -Value "$($_.Key)=$($_.Value)" -Encoding $Encoding
WriteKeyValuePairs $InputObject
Write-Verbose "[SUCCESS]: Out-IniFile wrote file [$outFile]"
if ($PassThru) { return $outFile }
I'm going to incorporate these into
I think these would be helpful in chocolatey as well. We are always moving forward to pulling as much logic into utility functions and out of packages so that packages can stay small and readable. And the other side effect is that we can fix/update logic without having to edit a bunch of packages.
Some installs are a little more involved than kicking off an MSI or EXE installer, or unzipping some files.
I have such a package I'm working on, where two pieces of software communicate with each other through a scripts directory. Software B has the scripts that software A needs, and my install will copy the files from B into the directory stored in A's configuration.
The settings for the scripts directory location is stored in an INI file, so I'm incorporating some code to read / write an INI file.
Rather than reinvent the wheel, I'm going to pull these into my local package.
Get-IniContent Out-IniFile
I think this is something that would be best to make available through the Chocolatey infrastructure, rather than having package authors include it.
Would be good to contact the author Oliver Lipkau (doesn't appear to have a Github account) for approval / inclusion... and to ensure license compatibility of course.