chocolatey-community / chocolatey-cookbook

Chef cookbook to install chocolatey and packages on Windows
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Use the official install.ps1 #113

Closed docwhat closed 7 years ago

docwhat commented 7 years ago

This uses the remote_file resource to fetch the install.ps1 from

This should allow improvements from the "official" copy to be matched in the chocolatey version.

This is an alternative to #112

I would argue that using the official install.ps1 is worth the extra network traffic (which is only a conditional GET anyway).

docwhat commented 7 years ago

This will require #114 to pass.

docwhat commented 7 years ago

Arguments for using the official version:


mwrock commented 7 years ago

Have a look at We used to pull from but had reliability issues and switched to keeping it local.

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago


docwhat commented 7 years ago

I looked at #81 and I don't see a huge issue there, other than the being down.

I made the remote_file use ignore_failure so that it won't break a converge if is down. However, it'll fail the next step which tries to run it if it was never downloaded.

The ['install_vars']['chocolateyDownloadUrl'] attribute is still honored, because the default install.ps1 honors it.

I added a new [install_ps1_url] attribute so that the install.ps1 can be fetched from a local source if someone is running in an environment with no internet.

docwhat commented 7 years ago

Replying to @ferventcoder's objections:

Can't use in offline scenarios.

You can, but you have to set two variables now:

Harder to customize the location to install Chocolatey from.

It uses the same attribute as before: [install_vars][chocolateyDownloadUrl]

Instead of using a template, it is passed as an environment variable: $env:chocolateyDownloadUrl

Can't pass along other ruby variables.

I'm not sure what you mean. The only variable passed to the template was download_url which was just [install_vars][chocolateyDownloadUrl] and available as an environment variable anyway.

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean. The only variable passed to the template was download_url which was just [install_vars][chocolateyDownloadUrl] and available as an environment variable anyway.

This is my attempt to state things should be more consistent with the Chef cookbook. This is what is found in the Puppet template:

$url = '<%= @download_url %>'
$unzipMethod = '<%= @unzip_type %>'

Although that is all that is there now, if you go and look at the one from, you will see it adds more options that could be parameterized (although some may not apply):

# Environment Variables, specified as $env:NAME in PowerShell.exe and %NAME% in cmd.exe.
# For explicit proxy, please set $env:chocolateyProxyLocation and optionally $env:chocolateyProxyUser and $env:chocolateyProxyPassword
# For an explicit version of Chocolatey, please set $env:chocolateyVersion = 'versionnumber'
# To target a different url for chocolatey.nupkg, please set $env:chocolateyDownloadUrl = 'full url to nupkg file'
# NOTE: $env:chocolateyDownloadUrl does not work with $env:chocolateyVersion.
# To use built-in compression instead of 7zip (requires additional download), please set $env:chocolateyUseWindowsCompression = 'true'
# To bypass the use of any proxy, please set $env:chocolateyIgnoreProxy = 'true'
docwhat commented 7 years ago

@ferventcoder I must be dense, because I still don't understand...

The node['chocolatey']['install_vars'] cover all the variables that the install.ps1 has at the moment...

From attributes/default.rb:

# Chocolatey install.ps1 env vars. See
default['chocolatey']['install_vars'].tap do |env|
  env['chocolateyProxyLocation'] = Chef::Config['https_proxy'] || ENV['https_proxy']
  env['chocolateyProxyUser'] = nil
  env['chocolateyProxyPassword'] = nil
  env['chocolateyVersion'] = nil
  env['chocolateyDownloadUrl'] = ''
  env['chocolateyUseWindowsCompression'] = nil

Feature-wise, that's more than the puppet one handles.

If at some point in the future the script takes a new environment variable (e.g. $env:chocolateyPreferVanilla) then an end-user can configure it via the node['chocolatey']['install_vars'] (e.g. node['chocolately']['install_vars']['chocolateyPreferVanilla'] = true).

Thanks for sticking with me, here... what am I missing?

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago

This wasn't an argument on how fully featured one is over another.

It's about the default means of internet but configurable (and more work) to use a local script. Defaulting to internet and backing up to local use seems different than what I am used to for organizations building reliable solutions.

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago

I don't know, maybe it's better to try for a bit.

mwrock commented 7 years ago

I really appreciate this PR, but I do want to make clear that for now we want to keep the installer script local. Prior to #81 we did have alot of issues with download reliability and things have been much smoother since. So I'd prefer to see improvements focus on refreshing the local script. Thanks!

docwhat commented 7 years ago

Fair enough!

I dropped the stock install.ps1 from into the files section. This should make updating in the future much easier (just curl the official one).

How's that?

mwrock commented 7 years ago

This is going to break people using the chocolateyDownloadUrl node attrubute and host their own choco distro. Ideally I think this pr should just change the template.

docwhat commented 7 years ago

This is one of the bits I don't understand...

Is that behaving differently in the old template version than with the version? Because there is a matching $env: var there that I thought did the same thing.

If they are different then I have to reread the powershell scripts to figure out the differences.

mwrock commented 7 years ago

Yes the powershell in the version allows an environment variable to override the default. The template in this cookbook goes one step further and allows a node attribute to override it. This is part of the public interface of the cookbook so to speak so we don't want to change it.

docwhat commented 7 years ago


Yes the powershell in the version allows an environment variable to override the default. The template in this cookbook goes one step further and allows a node attribute to override it. This is part of the public interface of the cookbook so to speak so we don't want to change it.

This isn't changed by using the upstream version of install.ps1. Here's the powershell_script resources:

powershell_script 'Install Chocolatey' do
  environment node['chocolatey']['install_vars']
  cwd Chef::Config['file_cache_path']
  code install_ps1
  not_if { chocolatey_installed? && (node['chocolatey']['upgrade'] == false) }

The environment node['chocolatey']['install_vars'] line means that all the node attributes will be passed in as environment variables.

One of node install_vars is "chocolateyDownloadUrl", which in powershell becomes $env: chocolateyDownloadUrl.

So there is no change in cookbook features.

mwrock commented 7 years ago

Oh I totally didn't see that. Thanks!

mwrock commented 7 years ago

Released to supermarket as v1.1.0.

docwhat commented 7 years ago
