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(cygwin) Cygwin doesn't want to install to a path with a space #1626

Closed Destroy666x closed 2 years ago

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

I would like to install Cygwin into C:\Program Files\Cygwin. Commands I tried: choco install cygwin --force --params "/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" choco install cygwin --force --params "/InstallDir:""C:\Program Files\Cygwin""" choco install cygwin --force --params "'/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin'" choco install cygwin --force --params "/InstallDir:'C:\Program Files\Cygwin'" choco install cygwin --force --packageparameters="/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" And some other variants/combinations of these I can't exactly recall.

Expected Behavior

Cygwin should install to path with spaces like C:\Program Files\Cygwin like many other packages do, e.g. PHP or Python didn't have this issue.

Current Behavior

Currently it's acting weirdly because there are 2 possible outcomes:

Possible Solution

I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with Cygwins installation file, but not much knowledge from me on these. Possibly these not being quoted? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Open cmd
  2. Use any of the commands I listed above while Cygwin is uninstalled.


Installation of Cygwin in a different folder to keep the system more clean.

Your Environment

RedBaron2 commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x The requirements of the install parameters :

If the registry key is found regardless of the parameters given. The install will be the location specified in the registry.

I hope this helps you out. I'm sure it is not what you would like for the answer. The helper script for this package could be re-done to be more informative or work differently.

The best suggestion is to uninstall the package. Reinstall to the desired location and future upgrades will be at that location.

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

@RedBaron2 sorry, but I'm not exactly sure how this helps me whatsoever... This seems completely unrelated to my report of not being able to change the install dir to one with space(s), for Cygwin package. I tried deleting that key and it still didn't install into the desired path.

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

Plus what you wrote seems like another bug, but one for uninstaller, which should delete that registry key I'd assume.

RedBaron2 commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x Please take a moment and calmly let's look at this closely.

sorry, but I'm not exactly sure how this helps me whatsoever...

The code for the InstallDir detection reads the registry first. If that is found then any parameters of InstallDir are ignored.

I tried deleting that key and it still didn't install into the desired path.

Did you reboot the system after the change? *

Do not use force to install a package unless the package will not install normally. (Most packages don't need it) Please follow the read me for this package closely. If this package will not properly install using choco install --params="/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" then you can try choco install --params="/InstallDir:%ProgramFiles%\Cygwin"

These are only suggestions and not to be the only ways to get the package un/installed.

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

@RedBaron2 yes, the registry was reloaded, few times by reboot specifically too for sure. Even if it wasn't, the initial problem didn't come out of nowhere, because, like I wrote, it keeps installing into C:\Program, which means that it took my custom path, but an incorrect one... I can also install it to e.g. C:\Random by just specifying C:\Random Files\Cygwin

Now these are kind of helpful:

Do not use force to install

Why is that exactly bad? I will try without, but I don't see why it would cause issues

choco install --params="/InstallDir:%ProgramFiles%\Cygwin"

I will try with that too, even though I have no idea what this would change as like I mentioned the direct plain text InstallDir worked problemlessly for all the other packages that I wanted to moved. And, unsurprisingly: image So both commands you provided should be the same, right? Not too familiar with Windows command line, but envs should be parsed into text right when the command is executed or are they ignored in params between quotes?

Did you test this yourself and manage to install to that directory?

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

This is proof that --force and registry don't matter: image

Also, the uninstaller does remove the key from what I see. So you don't need to do it manually, I did last time because I probably didn't uninstall then.

RedBaron2 commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x I'll do some more research, but the preliminary results are pointing to the cgywin setup not taking the spaces. They are being cut as of they are the end of the value not passed with the whole value. It though is Not the package or chocolatey.

I'll get back to you about it.

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks.

Env did also nothing like I suspected: image

I'll try some more weird quote combinations in meanwhile, but I don't think anything can be achieved here without a fix somewhere.

EDIT: this dirty workaround worked after 2nd install, 1st results in error similar to the one I share in bug report, but complaining about "C disk not existing: choco install cygwin --params="/InstallDir:'""C:\Program Files\Cygwin""'" image

Any hints on how I'd quickly test a custom install script? Want to try my suggested fix from bug report, pretty sure it would work. Here's what I think happens with this command:

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

So @RedBaron2 , a short summary of last comment with what I'm guessing and 99% sure the fixes are, but I can't test that due to my insufficient Chocolatey knowledge at least yet:

  1. - $cygwin_root needs to be between quotes in both lines
  2. - $cygwin_root\cygwinsetup.exe needs to be between quotes, not sure about $setup_path
RedBaron2 commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x I'm still looking into this but can you answer a few questions

  1. Why are you trying to install Cgywin into the Program Files directory?
  2. Have you used Cgywin in this or any other folder that has a space in it?
  3. Could you post a gist of the install that you got to work?

Though to answer your question of how to test your bug fix. The short list of events to do this are:

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x I believe you are correct in your assumption that the space issue is caused by the package not explicitly quoting the paths (chocolatey's helper trims out the quotes you pass to it).

However, to be completely sure before we make any necessary changes to that area, would you be able to provide the full log of the installation? This log is located in %ChocolateyInstall%\logs\chocolatey.log, in this file we can see both the arguments that chocolatey received as well as the arguments that get passed to the cygwin installer (feel free to clean up that log with any values you deem sensitive).

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago


  1. This question is, once again, irrelevant. You claim to provide a way to change installation dir and it's buggy, no matter whether it's C:\Program FIles\Cygwin or D:\Some tools\Cygwin. But, to answer, that's where I normally installed Cygwin with a regular installer, so just a habit
  2. Yes. Like any software which can change instllation path

@AdmiringWorm sure, any specific commands you'd like it for? Or just any command that doesn't work?

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x any log related to a command that is failing should suffice. The install command with a path containing spaces would probably be the best.

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

@AdmiringWorm ok, so here are logs of both choco install cygwin --force --params "/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" installation attempts, 1st that fails with the error and 2nd with success but installation to wrong path:

Log ``` 2021-03-24 21:51:45,114 23760 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational 2021-03-24 21:51:45,159 23760 [INFO ] - ============================================================ 2021-03-24 21:51:45,370 23760 [INFO ] - Chocolatey v0.10.15 2021-03-24 21:51:45,378 23760 [DEBUG] - Chocolatey is running on Windows v 10.0.19042.0 2021-03-24 21:51:45,380 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/choco.exe.old". 2021-03-24 21:51:45,381 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe.old". 2021-03-24 21:51:45,397 23760 [DEBUG] - Command line: "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe" install cygwin --params="/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" 2021-03-24 21:51:45,398 23760 [DEBUG] - Received arguments: install cygwin --params=/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:51:45,445 23760 [DEBUG] - RemovePendingPackagesTask is now ready and waiting for PreRunMessage. 2021-03-24 21:51:45,452 23760 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PreRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:51:45,458 23760 [DEBUG] - [Pending] Removing all pending packages that should not be considered installed... 2021-03-24 21:51:46,533 23760 [DEBUG] - Performing validation checks. 2021-03-24 21:51:46,539 23760 [DEBUG] - Global Configuration Validation Checks: 2021-03-24 21:51:46,540 23760 [DEBUG] - - Package Exit Code / Exit On Reboot = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,542 23760 [DEBUG] - System State Validation Checks: 2021-03-24 21:51:46,543 23760 [DEBUG] - Reboot Requirement Checks: 2021-03-24 21:51:46,545 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending Computer Rename = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,547 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending Component Based Servicing = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,548 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Auto Update = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,549 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending File Rename Operations = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,550 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,551 23760 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer SysWow64 = Checked 2021-03-24 21:51:46,554 23760 [INFO ] - 2 validations performed. 2 success(es), 0 warning(s), and 0 error(s). 2021-03-24 21:51:46,556 23760 [DEBUG] - The source '' evaluated to a 'normal' source type 2021-03-24 21:51:46,558 23760 [DEBUG] - NOTE: Hiding sensitive configuration data! Please double and triple check to be sure no sensitive data is shown, especially if copying output to a gist for review. 2021-03-24 21:51:46,565 23760 [DEBUG] - Configuration: CommandName='install'| CacheLocation='C:\Users\Destroy666\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey'| ContainsLegacyPackageInstalls='True'| CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds='2700'|WebRequestTimeoutSeconds='30'| Sources=''|SourceType='normal'| Debug='False'|Verbose='False'|Trace='False'|Force='False'|Noop='False'| HelpRequested='False'|UnsuccessfulParsing='False'|RegularOutput='True'| QuietOutput='False'|PromptForConfirmation='True'|AcceptLicense='False'| AllowUnofficialBuild='False'|Input='cygwin'|AllVersions='False'| SkipPackageInstallProvider='False'|PackageNames='cygwin'| Prerelease='False'|ForceX86='False'|OverrideArguments='False'| NotSilent='False'| PackageParameters='/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin'| ApplyPackageParametersToDependencies='False'| ApplyInstallArgumentsToDependencies='False'|IgnoreDependencies='False'| AllowMultipleVersions='False'|AllowDowngrade='False'| ForceDependencies='False'|Information.PlatformType='Windows'| Information.PlatformVersion='10.0.19042.0'| Information.PlatformName='Windows 10'| Information.ChocolateyVersion=''| Information.ChocolateyProductVersion='0.10.15'| Information.FullName='choco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79d02ea9cad655eb'| Information.Is64BitOperatingSystem='True'| Information.Is64BitProcess='True'|Information.IsInteractive='True'| Information.UserName='Destroy666'| Information.UserDomainName='GEJMINGKOMPJUTO'| Information.IsUserAdministrator='True'| Information.IsUserSystemAccount='False'| Information.IsUserRemoteDesktop='False'| Information.IsUserRemote='True'| Information.IsProcessElevated='True'| Information.IsLicensedVersion='False'|Information.LicenseType='Foss'| Information.CurrentDirectory='C:\WINDOWS\system32'| Features.AutoUninstaller='True'|Features.ChecksumFiles='True'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksums='False'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksumsSecure='True'| Features.FailOnAutoUninstaller='True'| Features.FailOnStandardError='False'|Features.UsePowerShellHost='True'| Features.LogEnvironmentValues='False'|Features.LogWithoutColor='False'| Features.VirusCheck='True'| Features.FailOnInvalidOrMissingLicense='False'| Features.IgnoreInvalidOptionsSwitches='True'| Features.UsePackageExitCodes='True'| Features.UseEnhancedExitCodes='False'| Features.UseFipsCompliantChecksums='False'| Features.ShowNonElevatedWarnings='True'| Features.ShowDownloadProgress='True'| Features.StopOnFirstPackageFailure='False'| Features.UseRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades='True'| Features.IgnoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated='False'| Features.SkipPackageUpgradesWhenNotInstalled='False'| Features.RemovePackageInformationOnUninstall='False'| Features.ExitOnRebootDetected='False'| Features.LogValidationResultsOnWarnings='True'| Features.UsePackageRepositoryOptimizations='True'| Features.ScriptsCheckLastExitCode='False'| ListCommand.LocalOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdOnly='False'|ListCommand.IncludeRegistryPrograms='False'| ListCommand.PageSize='25'|ListCommand.Exact='False'| ListCommand.ByIdOnly='False'|ListCommand.ByTagOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdStartsWith='False'|ListCommand.OrderByPopularity='False'| ListCommand.ApprovedOnly='False'| ListCommand.DownloadCacheAvailable='False'| ListCommand.NotBroken='False'| ListCommand.IncludeVersionOverrides='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnUnfound='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnNotInstalled='False'| UpgradeCommand.NotifyOnlyAvailableUpgrades='False'| UpgradeCommand.ExcludePrerelease='False'| NewCommand.AutomaticPackage='False'| NewCommand.UseOriginalTemplate='False'|SourceCommand.Command='unknown'| SourceCommand.Priority='0'|SourceCommand.BypassProxy='False'| SourceCommand.AllowSelfService='False'| SourceCommand.VisibleToAdminsOnly='False'| FeatureCommand.Command='unknown'|ConfigCommand.Command='unknown'| ApiKeyCommand.Remove='False'|PinCommand.Command='unknown'| OutdatedCommand.IgnorePinned='False'|Proxy.BypassOnLocal='True'| 2021-03-24 21:51:46,566 23760 [DEBUG] - _ Chocolatey:ChocolateyInstallCommand - Normal Run Mode _ 2021-03-24 21:51:46,571 23760 [INFO ] - Installing the following packages: 2021-03-24 21:51:46,573 23760 [INFO ] - cygwin 2021-03-24 21:51:46,574 23760 [INFO ] - By installing you accept licenses for the packages. 2021-03-24 21:51:46,678 23760 [DEBUG] - Using ''. 2021-03-24 21:51:47,325 23760 [DEBUG] - - Supports prereleases? 'True'. 2021-03-24 21:51:47,326 23760 [DEBUG] - - Is ServiceBased? 'True'. 2021-03-24 21:51:47,573 23760 [DEBUG] - Package 'cygwin' found on source '' 2021-03-24 21:51:47,656 23760 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Attempting to resolve dependency 'chocolatey-core.extension (? 1.3.3)'. 2021-03-24 21:51:51,737 23760 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Attempting to resolve dependency 'chocolatey (? 0.10.5)'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,293 23760 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Installing 'Cygwin 3.1.7'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,300 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'LICENSE.txt' to folder 'Cygwin\legal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,302 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'VERIFICATION.txt' to folder 'Cygwin\legal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,304 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyInstall.ps1' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,305 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyUninstall.ps1' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,307 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'setup-x86.exe' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,309 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'setup-x86_64.exe' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,314 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Cygwin.nupkg' to folder 'Cygwin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,562 23760 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Cygwin.nuspec' to folder 'Cygwin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,564 23760 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Successfully installed 'Cygwin 3.1.7'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,568 23760 [INFO ] - Cygwin v3.1.7 [Approved] 2021-03-24 21:51:53,580 23760 [INFO ] - cygwin package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,756 23760 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:51:53,757 23760 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:51:53,758 23760 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1': 2021-03-24 21:51:53,765 23760 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $toolsPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $pp = Get-PackageParameters $toolsLocation = Get-ToolsLocation # mkdir $toolsLocation -ea 0 | Out-Null $cygwin_root = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Cygwin\setup' -ea 0).rootdir if (!$cygwin_root) { $cygwin_root = if ($pp.InstallDir) { $pp.InstallDir } else { "$toolsLocation\cygwin" } } else { Write-Host 'Existing installation detected, ignoring InstallDir argument' } if (!$pp.Proxy) { $pp.Proxy = $Env:ChocolateyProxyLocation if (!$pp.Proxy) { $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $url = '' $pp.Proxy = if (!$wc.Proxy.IsBypassed($url)) { $wc.Proxy.GetProxy($url).Authority } } } if (!$pp.Site) { $pp.Site = '' } Write-Host "Download site: $($pp.Site)" $silentArgs = @( '--quiet-mode' "--site $($pp.Site)" '--packages default' "--root $cygwin_root" "--local-package-dir $cygwin_root" if (!$pp.DesktopIcon) { '--no-desktop' } else { Write-Host 'Desktop icon will be created' } if ($pp.NoStartMenu) { '--no-startmenu'; Write-Host 'No start menu items will be created' } if ($pp.Proxy) { "--proxy $($pp.Proxy)"; Write-Host "Using proxy: $($pp.Proxy)" } if ($pp.Pubkey) { "--pubkey $($pp.Pubkey)";Write-Host "URL of extra public key file is provided" } if ($pp.NoAdmin) { '--no-admin'; Write-Host "Do not require running as administrator" } ) $packageArgs = @{ packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName fileType = 'exe' file = "$toolsPath\setup-x86.exe" file64 = "$toolsPath\setup-x86_64.exe" softwareName = 'Cygwin*' silentArgs = $silentArgs validExitCodes = @(0) } Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage @packageArgs Install-BinFile -Name "Cygwin" -Path "$cygwin_root\Cygwin.bat" Write-Host "Copying cygwin package manager (setup) to $cygwin_root" $setup_path = if ((Get-OSArchitectureWidth 32) -or $env:ChocolateyForceX86) { $packageArgs.file } else { $packageArgs.file64 } Move-Item $setup_path $cygwin_root\cygwinsetup.exe -Force 2021-03-24 21:51:53,767 23760 [INFO ] - The package Cygwin wants to run 'chocolateyInstall.ps1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,770 23760 [INFO ] - Note: If you don't run this script, the installation will fail. 2021-03-24 21:51:53,772 23760 [INFO ] - Note: To confirm automatically next time, use '-y' or consider: 2021-03-24 21:51:53,774 23760 [INFO ] - choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation 2021-03-24 21:51:53,794 23760 [INFO ] - Do you want to run the script? 2021-03-24 21:51:53,795 23760 [INFO ] - 1) yes 2021-03-24 21:51:53,796 23760 [INFO ] - 2) all - yes to all 2021-03-24 21:51:53,797 23760 [INFO ] - 3) no 2021-03-24 21:51:53,798 23760 [INFO ] - 4) print 2021-03-24 21:51:55,680 23760 [INFO ] - Choice selected: 'all - yes to all' 2021-03-24 21:51:55,801 23760 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin''] 2021-03-24 21:51:55,814 23760 [DEBUG] - Redirecting System.Management.Automation.resources, Version=, Culture=pl-PL, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by '' 2021-03-24 21:51:56,356 23760 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.19041.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.19041.610' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,229 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,230 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,231 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,232 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,233 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,234 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,235 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,236 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,237 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,237 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,238 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,239 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,239 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,240 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,241 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,241 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,242 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,243 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,243 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,244 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,244 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,245 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,246 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,246 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,247 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,248 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,249 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,250 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,250 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,251 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,252 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,253 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,254 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,255 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,256 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,256 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,257 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,258 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,258 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,259 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,260 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,260 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,261 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,261 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,267 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,268 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,269 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,270 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,271 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,272 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,273 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,274 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,274 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,282 23760 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions 2021-03-24 21:51:57,309 23760 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:51:57,310 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,562 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,563 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,564 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,565 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,566 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,567 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,569 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,571 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,572 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,574 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,575 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,576 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,576 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,577 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,578 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,579 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,580 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,581 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,583 23760 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:51:57,585 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,708 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,710 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,711 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,712 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,713 23760 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-misc-helpers\chocolatey-misc-helpers.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:51:57,715 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-misc-helpers\chocolatey-misc-helpers.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,905 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,906 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,906 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,907 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,907 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,908 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,909 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,909 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,910 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,910 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,911 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,912 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,912 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,913 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,913 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,914 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,915 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,915 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,916 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,916 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:51:57,917 23760 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-visualstudio\chocolatey-visualstudio.extension.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:51:57,918 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-visualstudio\chocolatey-visualstudio.extension.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,717 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,718 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,720 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,721 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,722 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,723 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,724 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,724 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,725 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,726 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,726 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,727 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,728 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,728 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,729 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,730 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,730 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,731 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,732 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,732 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,733 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,734 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,734 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,735 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,736 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,737 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,738 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,739 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,741 23760 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:51:58,742 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,913 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,914 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,915 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,916 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,917 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,918 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,918 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,919 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,920 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,922 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,923 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,923 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,924 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,925 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,926 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,927 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,927 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,928 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,929 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,930 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,931 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,932 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,932 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,933 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,934 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,936 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,937 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,937 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,938 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,939 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,940 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,941 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,941 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,942 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,943 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,944 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,945 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,946 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,947 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,948 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,949 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,949 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,950 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,951 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,952 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,953 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,954 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,955 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,956 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,957 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,958 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,959 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,960 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,961 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,962 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,963 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,964 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,964 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,965 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,966 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,966 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,967 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,968 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,968 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,969 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,970 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,971 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,971 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,972 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,973 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,973 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,974 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,975 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,975 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,976 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,977 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,978 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,979 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,980 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,981 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,981 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,982 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,982 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,983 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,984 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,984 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,985 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,985 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,986 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,987 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,988 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,988 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,989 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,990 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,991 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,991 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,992 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,992 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,993 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,994 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,995 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,996 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,996 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,997 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,998 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,998 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,999 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:58,999 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,000 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,001 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,001 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,002 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,002 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,003 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,004 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,004 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,005 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,006 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,006 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,007 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,008 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,008 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,009 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,010 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,010 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,011 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,012 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,012 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,013 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,013 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,014 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,014 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,015 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,015 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,016 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,017 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,017 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,018 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,018 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,019 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,020 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,020 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,021 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,022 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,022 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,023 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,024 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,024 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,026 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,027 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,028 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,028 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,030 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,030 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,031 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,032 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,032 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,033 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,034 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,035 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,036 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,037 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,038 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,038 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,039 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,039 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,040 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,041 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,042 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,042 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,043 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,044 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,045 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,046 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,047 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,048 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,049 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,050 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,051 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,052 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,098 23760 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------Script Execution--------------------------- 2021-03-24 21:51:59,099 23760 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for Cygwin v3.1.7 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin', 2021-03-24 21:51:59,108 23760 [DEBUG] - Running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' 2021-03-24 21:51:59,150 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Get-PackageParameters 2021-03-24 21:51:59,155 23760 [DEBUG] - Parsing $env:ChocolateyPackageParameters and $env:ChocolateyPackageParametersSensitive for parameters 2021-03-24 21:51:59,201 23760 [DEBUG] - Adding package param 'InstallDir'='C:\Program Files\Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:51:59,213 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ToolsLocation 2021-03-24 21:51:59,298 23760 [INFO ] - Download site: 2021-03-24 21:51:59,329 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage -silentArgs '--quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program Files\Cygwin --local-package-dir C:\Program Files\Cygwin --no-desktop' -file 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe' -file64 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe' -fileType 'exe' -validExitCodes '0' -packageName 'Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:51:59,333 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ProcessorBits -compare '32' 2021-03-24 21:51:59,346 23760 [INFO ] - Installing 64-bit Cygwin... 2021-03-24 21:51:59,463 23760 [DEBUG] - Error ensuring directories exist - Exception calling "GetDirectoryName" with "1" argument(s): "The path is not of a legal form." 2021-03-24 21:51:59,496 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin -validExitCodes '0' -workingDirectory 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools' -statements '--quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program Files\Cygwin --local-package-dir C:\Program Files\Cygwin --no-desktop ' -exeToRun 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe' 2021-03-24 21:51:59,498 23760 [DEBUG] - Unable to use current location for Working Directory. Using Cache Location instead. 2021-03-24 21:51:59,522 23760 [DEBUG] - Test-ProcessAdminRights: returning True 2021-03-24 21:51:59,530 23760 [DEBUG] - Elevating permissions and running ["C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe" --quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program Files\Cygwin --local-package-dir C:\Program Files\Cygwin --no-desktop ]. This may take a while, depending on the statements. 2021-03-24 21:53:10,462 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Starting cygwin install, version 2.905 2021-03-24 21:53:10,464 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: User has backup/restore rights 2021-03-24 21:53:10,470 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access. 2021-03-24 21:53:10,471 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Current Directory: C:\Program 2021-03-24 21:53:10,472 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory 2021-03-24 21:53:10,473 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: root: C:\Program system 2021-03-24 21:53:10,474 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Selected local directory: C:\Program 2021-03-24 21:53:10,475 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: net: Preconfig 2021-03-24 21:53:10,476 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: site: 2021-03-24 21:53:10,477 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/timestamp) failed 2 No such file or directory 2021-03-24 21:53:10,478 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such file or directory 2021-03-24 21:53:10,480 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: solving: 37 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no 2021-03-24 21:53:10,481 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Augmented Transaction List: 2021-03-24 21:53:10,483 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 4 install libpopt-common 1.18-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,484 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 2 install terminfo 6.1-1.20190727 2021-03-24 21:53:10,485 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 5 install libffi6 3.2.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,487 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 6 install libtasn1_6 4.14-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,488 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 7 install liblzma5 5.2.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,489 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 8 install libbz2_1 1.0.8-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,491 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 3 install tzdata 2021a-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,491 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 9 install libgmp10 6.2.1-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,493 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 1 install cygwin 3.1.7-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,494 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 0 install base-cygwin 3.8-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,496 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 10 install libargp 20110921-3 2021-03-24 21:53:10,498 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 11 install libpcre1 8.44-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,499 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 12 install libgcc1 10.2.0-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,500 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 13 install libpipeline1 1.5.3-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,502 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 14 install liblz4_1 1.7.5-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,503 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 15 install zlib0 1.2.11-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,504 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 16 install libiconv2 1.16-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,504 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 17 install libsigsegv2 2.10-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,505 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 18 install which 2.20-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,506 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 19 install run 1.3.4-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,508 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 20 install mintty 3.4.7-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,509 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 21 install login 1.13-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,510 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 22 install ipc-utils 1.0-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,511 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 24 install editrights 1.03-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,513 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 25 install dash 2021-03-24 21:53:10,514 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 23 install hostname 3.13-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,516 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 26 install terminfo-extra 6.1-1.20190727 2021-03-24 21:53:10,517 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 27 install getent 2.18.90-4 2021-03-24 21:53:10,518 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 28 install libmpfr6 4.1.0-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,519 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 29 install libstdc++6 10.2.0-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,520 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 30 install file 5.39-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,521 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 31 install libintl8 2021-03-24 21:53:10,522 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 33 install libncursesw10 6.1-1.20190727 2021-03-24 21:53:10,523 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 34 install libp11-kit0 0.23.20-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,524 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 32 install _autorebase 001007-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,525 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 36 install libpopt0 1.18-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,526 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 35 install libattr1 2.4.48-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,527 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 37 install libuuid1 2.33.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,528 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 38 install libsmartcols1 2.33.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,533 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 39 install libgdbm6 1.18.1-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,534 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 40 install sed 4.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,535 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 41 install diffutils 3.5-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,536 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 42 install alternatives 1.3.30c-10 2021-03-24 21:53:10,536 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 43 install less 563-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,537 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 44 install vim-minimal 8.2.0486-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,538 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 45 install ncurses 6.1-1.20190727 2021-03-24 21:53:10,539 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 46 install libreadline7 7.0.3-3 2021-03-24 21:53:10,541 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 47 install info 6.7-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,542 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 48 install p11-kit-trust 0.23.20-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,543 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 49 install p11-kit 0.23.20-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,544 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 50 install cygutils 1.4.16-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,545 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 51 install libblkid1 2.33.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,547 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 52 install gawk 5.1.0-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,548 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 53 install coreutils 8.26-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,549 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 54 install libfdisk1 2.33.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,550 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 55 install bash 4.4.12-3 2021-03-24 21:53:10,551 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 56 install util-linux 2.33.1-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,552 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 57 install tzcode 2021a-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,553 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 58 install ca-certificates 2.40-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,553 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 59 install groff 1.22.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,555 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 60 install zstd 1.4.9-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,556 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 62 install bzip2 1.0.8-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,557 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 61 install xz 5.2.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,558 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 63 install gzip 1.8-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,559 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 64 install grep 3.0-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,560 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 65 install findutils 4.6.0-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,561 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 66 install crypto-policies 20190218-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,563 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 67 install tar 1.34-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,564 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 68 install man-db 2.9.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,565 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 69 install rebase 4.4.4-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,567 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 70 install base-files 4.3-2 2021-03-24 21:53:10,568 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 71 install libssl1.1 1.1.1f-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,568 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: 72 install openssl 1.1.1f-1 2021-03-24 21:53:10,569 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,570 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,571 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,573 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,574 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,575 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,576 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,577 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,578 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,579 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,580 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,582 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,583 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,584 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,585 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,586 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,587 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,588 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,590 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,591 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,593 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,594 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,596 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,597 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,598 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,599 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,600 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,601 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,603 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,604 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,606 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,607 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,608 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,610 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,611 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,613 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,615 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,616 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,617 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,619 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,620 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,621 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,622 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,623 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,624 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,625 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,626 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,627 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,629 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,630 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,631 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,632 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,633 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,634 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,636 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,637 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,638 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,640 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,641 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,642 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,643 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,645 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,646 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,647 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,649 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,650 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,651 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,653 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,654 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,655 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,656 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,657 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,658 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Downloaded C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,659 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,660 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,662 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,663 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,664 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,665 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,675 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,676 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,677 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,678 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,680 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,681 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,682 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,683 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,684 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,686 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,687 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,688 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,689 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,690 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,691 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,692 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,694 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,695 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,696 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,697 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,699 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,700 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,702 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,703 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,704 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,706 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,707 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,709 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,710 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,712 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,713 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,715 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,716 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,717 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,719 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,720 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,721 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,722 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,723 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,725 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,726 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,728 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,729 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,730 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,732 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,733 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,735 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,736 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,737 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,738 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,739 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,740 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,741 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,743 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,744 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,745 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,747 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,748 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,749 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,750 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,751 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,752 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,753 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,754 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,756 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,757 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,758 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Extracting from file://C:\Program/ 2021-03-24 21:53:10,759 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Changing gid back to original 2021-03-24 21:53:10,759 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,760 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,761 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,762 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,763 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,764 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,765 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,766 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,767 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,768 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,769 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/man-db.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,770 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,771 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,772 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:10,772 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Changing gid to Administrators 2021-03-24 21:53:10,773 23760 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Ending cygwin install 2021-03-24 21:53:10,804 23760 [DEBUG] - Command ["C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe" --quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program Files\Cygwin --local-package-dir C:\Program Files\Cygwin --no-desktop ] exited with '0'. 2021-03-24 21:53:10,811 23760 [DEBUG] - Finishing 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin' 2021-03-24 21:53:10,813 23760 [INFO ] - Cygwin has been installed. 2021-03-24 21:53:10,829 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Install-BinFile -name 'Cygwin' -path 'C:\Program Files\Cygwin\Cygwin.bat' 2021-03-24 21:53:10,842 23760 [DEBUG] - ShimGen found at 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe' 2021-03-24 21:53:10,843 23760 [DEBUG] - Calling C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe -o "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\Cygwin.exe" -p "c:\program files\cygwin\cygwin.bat" -i "C:\Program Files\Cygwin\Cygwin.bat" 2021-03-24 21:53:11,181 23760 [INFO ] - Added C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\Cygwin.exe shim pointed to 'c:\program files\cygwin\cygwin.bat'. 2021-03-24 21:53:11,183 23760 [INFO ] - Copying cygwin package manager (setup) to C:\Program Files\Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:53:11,185 23760 [DEBUG] - Running Get-OSArchitectureWidth -compare '32' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,195 23760 [ERROR] - ERROR: The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Could not find a part of the path. 2021-03-24 21:53:11,199 23760 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin''] exited with '-1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:11,203 23760 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] 2021-03-24 21:53:11,253 23760 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] exited with '1116' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,451 23760 [DEBUG] - Capturing package files in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,462 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\Cygwin.nupkg' with checksum 'F1C12E629A63D3D7C8365DA24A285B03' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,464 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\Cygwin.nuspec' with checksum 'D01C2B4958CE4EE2DE09498AF0CAA3B1' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,465 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\legal\LICENSE.txt' with checksum '3C34AFDC3ADF82D2448F12715A255122' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,467 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\legal\VERIFICATION.txt' with checksum '58373864825164BDCD97BC117F275578' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,468 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' with checksum '671AD649BFC26E02F0965975BB273F7C' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,470 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyUninstall.ps1' with checksum '9DB0B6ACDDC4BF165A297D73CC19623F' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,475 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe' with checksum '4E1F41DD7DB45D8383D20631027CE9E4' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,480 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe' with checksum '7A8C030CA58900E52EFC55D3B617F443' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,481 23760 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe.ignore' with checksum 'BEA07E6D2B8DCE396FE21BAA61B34956' 2021-03-24 21:53:11,506 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to replace "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files" with "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.23760.update". Backup placed at "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.backup". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,509 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.backup". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,512 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.23760.update" to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,515 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.23760.update". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,516 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.arguments". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,518 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.extra". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,520 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.version". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,521 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.sxs". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,522 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.pin". 2021-03-24 21:53:11,525 23760 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'HandlePackageResultCompletedMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:53:11,527 23760 [ERROR] - The install of cygwin was NOT successful. 2021-03-24 21:53:11,531 23760 [ERROR] - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'. See log for details. 2021-03-24 21:53:11,537 23760 [DEBUG] - Moving 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin' to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:53:13,549 23760 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\Users\Destroy666\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache\Cygwin.3.1.7.nupkg". 2021-03-24 21:53:13,563 23760 [WARN ] - Chocolatey installed 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed. See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log). 2021-03-24 21:53:13,566 23760 [INFO ] - 2021-03-24 21:53:13,567 23760 [ERROR] - Failures 2021-03-24 21:53:13,569 23760 [ERROR] - - cygwin (exited -1) - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'. See log for details. 2021-03-24 21:53:13,572 23760 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PostRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:53:13,636 23760 [DEBUG] - Exiting with -1 2021-03-24 21:53:39,778 20556 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational 2021-03-24 21:53:39,819 20556 [INFO ] - ============================================================ 2021-03-24 21:53:39,980 20556 [INFO ] - Chocolatey v0.10.15 2021-03-24 21:53:39,988 20556 [DEBUG] - Chocolatey is running on Windows v 10.0.19042.0 2021-03-24 21:53:39,990 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/choco.exe.old". 2021-03-24 21:53:39,991 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe.old". 2021-03-24 21:53:39,999 20556 [DEBUG] - Command line: "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe" install cygwin --params="/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" 2021-03-24 21:53:40,000 20556 [DEBUG] - Received arguments: install cygwin --params=/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:53:40,039 20556 [DEBUG] - RemovePendingPackagesTask is now ready and waiting for PreRunMessage. 2021-03-24 21:53:40,045 20556 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PreRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:53:40,052 20556 [DEBUG] - [Pending] Removing all pending packages that should not be considered installed... 2021-03-24 21:53:40,430 20556 [DEBUG] - Performing validation checks. 2021-03-24 21:53:40,436 20556 [DEBUG] - Global Configuration Validation Checks: 2021-03-24 21:53:40,438 20556 [DEBUG] - - Package Exit Code / Exit On Reboot = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,439 20556 [DEBUG] - System State Validation Checks: 2021-03-24 21:53:40,441 20556 [DEBUG] - Reboot Requirement Checks: 2021-03-24 21:53:40,444 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending Computer Rename = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,446 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending Component Based Servicing = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,447 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Auto Update = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,449 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending File Rename Operations = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,451 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,453 20556 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer SysWow64 = Checked 2021-03-24 21:53:40,456 20556 [INFO ] - 2 validations performed. 2 success(es), 0 warning(s), and 0 error(s). 2021-03-24 21:53:40,459 20556 [DEBUG] - The source '' evaluated to a 'normal' source type 2021-03-24 21:53:40,461 20556 [DEBUG] - NOTE: Hiding sensitive configuration data! Please double and triple check to be sure no sensitive data is shown, especially if copying output to a gist for review. 2021-03-24 21:53:40,472 20556 [DEBUG] - Configuration: CommandName='install'| CacheLocation='C:\Users\Destroy666\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey'| ContainsLegacyPackageInstalls='True'| CommandExecutionTimeoutSeconds='2700'|WebRequestTimeoutSeconds='30'| Sources=''|SourceType='normal'| Debug='False'|Verbose='False'|Trace='False'|Force='False'|Noop='False'| HelpRequested='False'|UnsuccessfulParsing='False'|RegularOutput='True'| QuietOutput='False'|PromptForConfirmation='True'|AcceptLicense='False'| AllowUnofficialBuild='False'|Input='cygwin'|AllVersions='False'| SkipPackageInstallProvider='False'|PackageNames='cygwin'| Prerelease='False'|ForceX86='False'|OverrideArguments='False'| NotSilent='False'| PackageParameters='/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin'| ApplyPackageParametersToDependencies='False'| ApplyInstallArgumentsToDependencies='False'|IgnoreDependencies='False'| AllowMultipleVersions='False'|AllowDowngrade='False'| ForceDependencies='False'|Information.PlatformType='Windows'| Information.PlatformVersion='10.0.19042.0'| Information.PlatformName='Windows 10'| Information.ChocolateyVersion=''| Information.ChocolateyProductVersion='0.10.15'| Information.FullName='choco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79d02ea9cad655eb'| Information.Is64BitOperatingSystem='True'| Information.Is64BitProcess='True'|Information.IsInteractive='True'| Information.UserName='Destroy666'| Information.UserDomainName='GEJMINGKOMPJUTO'| Information.IsUserAdministrator='True'| Information.IsUserSystemAccount='False'| Information.IsUserRemoteDesktop='False'| Information.IsUserRemote='True'| Information.IsProcessElevated='True'| Information.IsLicensedVersion='False'|Information.LicenseType='Foss'| Information.CurrentDirectory='C:\WINDOWS\system32'| Features.AutoUninstaller='True'|Features.ChecksumFiles='True'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksums='False'| Features.AllowEmptyChecksumsSecure='True'| Features.FailOnAutoUninstaller='True'| Features.FailOnStandardError='False'|Features.UsePowerShellHost='True'| Features.LogEnvironmentValues='False'|Features.LogWithoutColor='False'| Features.VirusCheck='True'| Features.FailOnInvalidOrMissingLicense='False'| Features.IgnoreInvalidOptionsSwitches='True'| Features.UsePackageExitCodes='True'| Features.UseEnhancedExitCodes='False'| Features.UseFipsCompliantChecksums='False'| Features.ShowNonElevatedWarnings='True'| Features.ShowDownloadProgress='True'| Features.StopOnFirstPackageFailure='False'| Features.UseRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades='True'| Features.IgnoreUnfoundPackagesOnUpgradeOutdated='False'| Features.SkipPackageUpgradesWhenNotInstalled='False'| Features.RemovePackageInformationOnUninstall='False'| Features.ExitOnRebootDetected='False'| Features.LogValidationResultsOnWarnings='True'| Features.UsePackageRepositoryOptimizations='True'| Features.ScriptsCheckLastExitCode='False'| ListCommand.LocalOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdOnly='False'|ListCommand.IncludeRegistryPrograms='False'| ListCommand.PageSize='25'|ListCommand.Exact='False'| ListCommand.ByIdOnly='False'|ListCommand.ByTagOnly='False'| ListCommand.IdStartsWith='False'|ListCommand.OrderByPopularity='False'| ListCommand.ApprovedOnly='False'| ListCommand.DownloadCacheAvailable='False'| ListCommand.NotBroken='False'| ListCommand.IncludeVersionOverrides='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnUnfound='False'| UpgradeCommand.FailOnNotInstalled='False'| UpgradeCommand.NotifyOnlyAvailableUpgrades='False'| UpgradeCommand.ExcludePrerelease='False'| NewCommand.AutomaticPackage='False'| NewCommand.UseOriginalTemplate='False'|SourceCommand.Command='unknown'| SourceCommand.Priority='0'|SourceCommand.BypassProxy='False'| SourceCommand.AllowSelfService='False'| SourceCommand.VisibleToAdminsOnly='False'| FeatureCommand.Command='unknown'|ConfigCommand.Command='unknown'| ApiKeyCommand.Remove='False'|PinCommand.Command='unknown'| OutdatedCommand.IgnorePinned='False'|Proxy.BypassOnLocal='True'| 2021-03-24 21:53:40,474 20556 [DEBUG] - _ Chocolatey:ChocolateyInstallCommand - Normal Run Mode _ 2021-03-24 21:53:40,478 20556 [INFO ] - Installing the following packages: 2021-03-24 21:53:40,482 20556 [INFO ] - cygwin 2021-03-24 21:53:40,484 20556 [INFO ] - By installing you accept licenses for the packages. 2021-03-24 21:53:40,596 20556 [DEBUG] - Using ''. 2021-03-24 21:53:41,080 20556 [DEBUG] - - Supports prereleases? 'True'. 2021-03-24 21:53:41,081 20556 [DEBUG] - - Is ServiceBased? 'True'. 2021-03-24 21:53:41,310 20556 [DEBUG] - Package 'cygwin' found on source '' 2021-03-24 21:53:41,404 20556 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Attempting to resolve dependency 'chocolatey-core.extension (? 1.3.3)'. 2021-03-24 21:53:44,717 20556 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Attempting to resolve dependency 'chocolatey (? 0.10.5)'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,084 20556 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Installing 'Cygwin 3.1.7'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,090 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'LICENSE.txt' to folder 'Cygwin\legal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,092 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'VERIFICATION.txt' to folder 'Cygwin\legal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,094 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyInstall.ps1' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,095 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyUninstall.ps1' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,098 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'setup-x86.exe' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,101 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'setup-x86_64.exe' to folder 'Cygwin\tools'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,108 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Cygwin.nupkg' to folder 'Cygwin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,357 20556 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'Cygwin.nuspec' to folder 'Cygwin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,358 20556 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Successfully installed 'Cygwin 3.1.7'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,360 20556 [INFO ] - Cygwin v3.1.7 [Approved] 2021-03-24 21:53:46,379 20556 [INFO ] - cygwin package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,528 20556 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:53:46,529 20556 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for Cygwin 2021-03-24 21:53:46,530 20556 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1': 2021-03-24 21:53:46,537 20556 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $toolsPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $pp = Get-PackageParameters $toolsLocation = Get-ToolsLocation # mkdir $toolsLocation -ea 0 | Out-Null $cygwin_root = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Cygwin\setup' -ea 0).rootdir if (!$cygwin_root) { $cygwin_root = if ($pp.InstallDir) { $pp.InstallDir } else { "$toolsLocation\cygwin" } } else { Write-Host 'Existing installation detected, ignoring InstallDir argument' } if (!$pp.Proxy) { $pp.Proxy = $Env:ChocolateyProxyLocation if (!$pp.Proxy) { $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $url = '' $pp.Proxy = if (!$wc.Proxy.IsBypassed($url)) { $wc.Proxy.GetProxy($url).Authority } } } if (!$pp.Site) { $pp.Site = '' } Write-Host "Download site: $($pp.Site)" $silentArgs = @( '--quiet-mode' "--site $($pp.Site)" '--packages default' "--root $cygwin_root" "--local-package-dir $cygwin_root" if (!$pp.DesktopIcon) { '--no-desktop' } else { Write-Host 'Desktop icon will be created' } if ($pp.NoStartMenu) { '--no-startmenu'; Write-Host 'No start menu items will be created' } if ($pp.Proxy) { "--proxy $($pp.Proxy)"; Write-Host "Using proxy: $($pp.Proxy)" } if ($pp.Pubkey) { "--pubkey $($pp.Pubkey)";Write-Host "URL of extra public key file is provided" } if ($pp.NoAdmin) { '--no-admin'; Write-Host "Do not require running as administrator" } ) $packageArgs = @{ packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName fileType = 'exe' file = "$toolsPath\setup-x86.exe" file64 = "$toolsPath\setup-x86_64.exe" softwareName = 'Cygwin*' silentArgs = $silentArgs validExitCodes = @(0) } Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage @packageArgs Install-BinFile -Name "Cygwin" -Path "$cygwin_root\Cygwin.bat" Write-Host "Copying cygwin package manager (setup) to $cygwin_root" $setup_path = if ((Get-OSArchitectureWidth 32) -or $env:ChocolateyForceX86) { $packageArgs.file } else { $packageArgs.file64 } Move-Item $setup_path $cygwin_root\cygwinsetup.exe -Force 2021-03-24 21:53:46,539 20556 [INFO ] - The package Cygwin wants to run 'chocolateyInstall.ps1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,541 20556 [INFO ] - Note: If you don't run this script, the installation will fail. 2021-03-24 21:53:46,543 20556 [INFO ] - Note: To confirm automatically next time, use '-y' or consider: 2021-03-24 21:53:46,545 20556 [INFO ] - choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation 2021-03-24 21:53:46,565 20556 [INFO ] - Do you want to run the script? 2021-03-24 21:53:46,566 20556 [INFO ] - 1) yes 2021-03-24 21:53:46,567 20556 [INFO ] - 2) all - yes to all 2021-03-24 21:53:46,569 20556 [INFO ] - 3) no 2021-03-24 21:53:46,570 20556 [INFO ] - 4) print 2021-03-24 21:53:48,054 20556 [INFO ] - Choice selected: 'all - yes to all' 2021-03-24 21:53:48,070 20556 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin''] 2021-03-24 21:53:48,073 20556 [DEBUG] - Redirecting System.Management.Automation.resources, Version=, Culture=pl-PL, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by '' 2021-03-24 21:53:48,283 20556 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.19041.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.19041.610' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,040 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,041 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,042 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,043 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,044 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,045 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,046 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,047 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,048 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,048 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,049 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,050 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,051 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,051 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,052 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,053 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,054 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,055 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,056 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,057 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,058 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,059 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,059 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,060 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,061 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,063 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,064 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,065 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,066 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,067 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,068 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,069 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,070 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,071 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,073 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,074 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,075 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,076 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,078 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,079 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,081 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,081 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,083 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,085 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,088 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,089 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,091 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,092 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,093 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,094 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,094 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,095 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,096 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,102 20556 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions 2021-03-24 21:53:49,112 20556 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:53:49,114 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,290 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,292 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,293 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,295 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,296 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,298 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,299 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,300 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,301 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,303 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,304 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,305 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,306 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,307 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,308 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,309 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,309 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,310 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,312 20556 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:53:49,313 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,385 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,386 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,388 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,389 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,390 20556 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-misc-helpers\chocolatey-misc-helpers.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:53:49,392 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-misc-helpers\chocolatey-misc-helpers.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,472 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,473 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,474 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,475 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,476 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,477 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,479 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,480 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,481 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,482 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,483 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,484 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,485 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,485 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,486 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,487 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,488 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,489 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,490 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,491 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,492 20556 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-visualstudio\chocolatey-visualstudio.extension.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:53:49,494 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-visualstudio\chocolatey-visualstudio.extension.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,979 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,980 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,981 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,982 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,982 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,983 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,984 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,985 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,985 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,986 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,987 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,988 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,988 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,989 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,990 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,990 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,991 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,991 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,992 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,993 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,993 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,994 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,994 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,995 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,996 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,996 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,997 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,997 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:49,999 20556 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,000 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,096 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,097 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,098 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,099 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,100 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,101 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,102 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,103 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,104 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,105 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,106 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,106 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,107 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,108 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,109 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,109 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,110 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,110 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,111 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,112 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,113 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,114 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,114 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,115 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,116 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,117 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,117 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,118 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,119 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,120 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,120 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,121 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,122 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,122 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,123 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,124 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,124 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,125 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,126 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,127 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,128 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,128 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,129 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,130 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,132 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,133 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,134 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,136 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,137 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,138 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,139 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,139 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,140 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,142 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,142 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,143 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,144 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,145 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,146 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,147 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,148 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,148 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,149 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,150 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,150 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,151 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,152 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,152 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,153 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,154 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,154 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,155 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,156 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,157 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,158 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,158 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,159 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,161 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,161 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,161 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,162 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,163 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,163 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,164 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,165 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,165 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,166 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,167 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,167 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,168 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,170 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,170 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,171 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,172 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Add-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,174 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Enable-AutoPin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,174 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,175 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,177 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,178 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,178 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,178 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,180 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,181 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,181 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,181 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,183 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,183 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,184 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,184 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,184 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,186 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,187 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,187 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,189 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,190 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstallerHealth'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,190 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioInstance'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,190 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VisualStudioVsixInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,192 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,193 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,193 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,193 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,194 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,196 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,196 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,196 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,197 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,197 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,198 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,198 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,199 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,200 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,200 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,202 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,202 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,203 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,203 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,205 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,206 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioInstaller'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,207 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,207 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,208 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,209 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,210 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,210 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioComponent'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,212 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioProduct'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,212 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-VisualStudioWorkload'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,213 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,213 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,214 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-Patreon'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,215 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-PayPal'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,215 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Show-ToastMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,216 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,216 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-CheckandThrow'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,217 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,219 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStop'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,219 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-WaitandStopActual'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,220 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-Dependency'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,221 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,221 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-URL'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,222 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,223 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,223 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,224 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,224 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,225 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudio'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,225 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VisualStudioVsixExtension'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,226 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,227 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,227 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,228 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,228 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,229 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,230 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,230 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,231 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,231 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,233 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,234 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,234 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,235 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,274 20556 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------Script Execution--------------------------- 2021-03-24 21:53:50,277 20556 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for Cygwin v3.1.7 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin', 2021-03-24 21:53:50,284 20556 [DEBUG] - Running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,314 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Get-PackageParameters 2021-03-24 21:53:50,316 20556 [DEBUG] - Parsing $env:ChocolateyPackageParameters and $env:ChocolateyPackageParametersSensitive for parameters 2021-03-24 21:53:50,340 20556 [DEBUG] - Adding package param 'InstallDir'='C:\Program Files\Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,355 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ToolsLocation 2021-03-24 21:53:50,397 20556 [INFO ] - Existing installation detected, ignoring InstallDir argument 2021-03-24 21:53:50,414 20556 [INFO ] - Download site: 2021-03-24 21:53:50,443 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage -silentArgs '--quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program --local-package-dir C:\Program --no-desktop' -file 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe' -file64 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe' -fileType 'exe' -validExitCodes '0' -packageName 'Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,446 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ProcessorBits -compare '32' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,457 20556 [INFO ] - Installing 64-bit Cygwin... 2021-03-24 21:53:50,511 20556 [DEBUG] - Error ensuring directories exist - Exception calling "GetDirectoryName" with "1" argument(s): "The path is not of a legal form." 2021-03-24 21:53:50,563 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin -validExitCodes '0' -workingDirectory 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools' -statements '--quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program --local-package-dir C:\Program --no-desktop ' -exeToRun 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe' 2021-03-24 21:53:50,565 20556 [DEBUG] - Unable to use current location for Working Directory. Using Cache Location instead. 2021-03-24 21:53:50,594 20556 [DEBUG] - Test-ProcessAdminRights: returning True 2021-03-24 21:53:50,605 20556 [DEBUG] - Elevating permissions and running ["C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe" --quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program --local-package-dir C:\Program --no-desktop ]. This may take a while, depending on the statements. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,378 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Starting cygwin install, version 2.905 2021-03-24 21:53:58,380 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: User has backup/restore rights 2021-03-24 21:53:58,384 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Current Directory: C:\Program 2021-03-24 21:53:58,385 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,386 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: root: C:\Program system 2021-03-24 21:53:58,387 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Selected local directory: C:\Program 2021-03-24 21:53:58,415 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: net: Preconfig 2021-03-24 21:53:58,416 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: site: 2021-03-24 21:53:58,418 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: solving: 0 tasks, update: no, use test packages: no 2021-03-24 21:53:58,419 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Augmented Transaction List: is empty 2021-03-24 21:53:58,420 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Changing gid back to original 2021-03-24 21:53:58,421 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:58,422 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_update-info-dir.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:58,424 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: running: C:\Program\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/zp_man-db-update-index.dash" 2021-03-24 21:53:58,425 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Changing gid to Administrators 2021-03-24 21:53:58,426 20556 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Ending cygwin install 2021-03-24 21:53:58,437 20556 [DEBUG] - Command ["C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe" --quiet-mode --site --packages default --root C:\Program --local-package-dir C:\Program --no-desktop ] exited with '0'. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,445 20556 [DEBUG] - Finishing 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,448 20556 [INFO ] - Cygwin has been installed. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,461 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Install-BinFile -name 'Cygwin' -path 'C:\Program\Cygwin.bat' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,472 20556 [DEBUG] - ShimGen found at 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,473 20556 [DEBUG] - Calling C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe -o "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\Cygwin.exe" -p "c:\program\cygwin.bat" -i "C:\Program\Cygwin.bat" 2021-03-24 21:53:58,735 20556 [INFO ] - Added C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\Cygwin.exe shim pointed to 'c:\program\cygwin.bat'. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,740 20556 [INFO ] - Copying cygwin package manager (setup) to C:\Program 2021-03-24 21:53:58,741 20556 [DEBUG] - Running Get-OSArchitectureWidth -compare '32' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,757 20556 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2021-03-24 21:53:58,762 20556 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin''] exited with '0'. 2021-03-24 21:53:58,765 20556 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] 2021-03-24 21:53:58,802 20556 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] exited with '1116' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,983 20556 [DEBUG] - Capturing package files in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,994 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\Cygwin.nupkg' with checksum 'F1C12E629A63D3D7C8365DA24A285B03' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,995 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\Cygwin.nuspec' with checksum 'D01C2B4958CE4EE2DE09498AF0CAA3B1' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,997 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\legal\LICENSE.txt' with checksum '3C34AFDC3ADF82D2448F12715A255122' 2021-03-24 21:53:58,998 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\legal\VERIFICATION.txt' with checksum '58373864825164BDCD97BC117F275578' 2021-03-24 21:53:59,000 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' with checksum '671AD649BFC26E02F0965975BB273F7C' 2021-03-24 21:53:59,001 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\chocolateyUninstall.ps1' with checksum '9DB0B6ACDDC4BF165A297D73CC19623F' 2021-03-24 21:53:59,005 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe' with checksum '4E1F41DD7DB45D8383D20631027CE9E4' 2021-03-24 21:53:59,007 20556 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86_64.exe.ignore' with checksum 'BEA07E6D2B8DCE396FE21BAA61B34956' 2021-03-24 21:53:59,018 20556 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe" --path="..\\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe" --output="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\setup-x86.exe" --iconpath="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe"'] 2021-03-24 21:54:01,026 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] [WARN ] Could not extract icon from associated program. Using default. Error: 2021-03-24 21:54:01,028 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] Format not recognized by IconLib 2021-03-24 21:54:01,151 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version 4.8.4084.0 2021-03-24 21:54:01,152 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] for C# 5 2021-03-24 21:54:01,153 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2021-03-24 21:54:01,154 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] This compiler is provided as part of the Microsoft (R) .NET Framework, but only supports language versions up to C# 5, which is no longer the latest version. For compilers that support newer versions of the C# programming language, see 2021-03-24 21:54:01,155 20556 [DEBUG] - [ShimGen] ShimGen has successfully created 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\setup-x86.exe' 2021-03-24 21:54:01,163 20556 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\tools\shimgen.exe" --path="..\\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe" --output="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\setup-x86.exe" --iconpath="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe"'] exited with '0' 2021-03-24 21:54:01,164 20556 [INFO ] - ShimGen has successfully created a shim for setup-x86.exe 2021-03-24 21:54:01,169 20556 [DEBUG] - Created: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\setup-x86.exe Targeting: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\tools\setup-x86.exe IsGui:False 2021-03-24 21:54:01,191 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to replace "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files" with "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.20556.update". Backup placed at "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.backup". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,194 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.backup". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,197 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.20556.update" to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,200 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.files.20556.update". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,201 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.arguments". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,203 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.extra". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,204 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.version". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,205 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.sxs". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,206 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\Cygwin.3.1.7\.pin". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,212 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\Cygwin". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,218 20556 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'HandlePackageResultCompletedMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:54:01,220 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Cygwin\.chocolateyPending". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,224 20556 [INFO ] - The install of cygwin was successful. 2021-03-24 21:54:01,226 20556 [INFO ] - Software installed as 'exe', install location is likely default. 2021-03-24 21:54:01,229 20556 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\Users\Destroy666\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache\Cygwin.3.1.7.nupkg". 2021-03-24 21:54:01,238 20556 [WARN ] - Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages. See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log). 2021-03-24 21:54:01,241 20556 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PostRunMessage' out if there are subscribers... 2021-03-24 21:54:01,288 20556 [DEBUG] - Exiting with 0 ```

As it can be seen, the paths required by the installer are sent without quotes: --root C:\Program Files\Cygwin --local-package-dir C:\Program Files\Cygwin Then, after Copying cygwin package manager (setup) to C:\Program Files\Cygwin, you can see the error from the last code lines of installer script.

RedBaron2 commented 3 years ago

@AdmiringWorm @Destroy666x I tested the standard way to install with the normal --params="/InstallDir:C:\Program Files\Cygwin" . Chocolatey sees and passes the params to the installer Correctly. The Problem is in the passed arguments to the Native Setup file. The Native Setup needs to have the arguments with Spaces enclosed in quotes. (I mentioned this earlier)

This is not a problem of Chocolatey reading the params Wrong, but it is a problem of the Native Setup needing to be Double Quoted to see the params Correctly

The lines 30 and 31 need to be changed to "--root ""$cygwin_root"" " "--local-package-dir ""$cygwin_root"" " as mentioned my @Destroy666x earlier and tested out here

None of these changes will fix the last line of the Cygwin package line 55 that fails because of the $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' at line 1 changing this to be `$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' fixes the fail to pass

I hope this helps you all out. If @AdmiringWorm would like a PR to make the changes please let me know.

The other way of implementing these without waiting on a PR is to use the following choco install Cygwin --installargs='--root ""C:\Program Files\Cygwin"" --local-package-dir ""C:\Program Files\Cygwin"" '

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

@RedBaron2 the reason why those changes fail, is due to it being invalid unfortunately, the correct approach would be change the lines to:

"--root `"$cygwin_root`""
"--local-package-dir `"$cygwin_root`""

The two characters `" tells PowerShell to escape the double quote, but using "" can unfortunately not be used in this context.

changing this to be `$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' fixes the fail to pass

That unfortunately doesn't really fix anything, it just ignores the error but would cause a bug to happen instead.

I hope this helps you all out. If @AdmiringWorm would like a PR to make the changes please let me know.

Feel free, and we can take it from there. Please only make the changes to that PR that is necessary to fix this issue though. May also want to do the quoting for the site, proxy and the public key as well (just to be sure).

Destroy666x commented 3 years ago

I assume noone is working on a PR, so I'll do one soon

AdmiringWorm commented 3 years ago

@Destroy666x AFAIK, there is no one that works on this issue, so feel free. I'll assign the issue to you in the meantime.

AdmiringWorm commented 2 years ago

This is now fixed in the repository, and a new fix version of the package is queued to be pushed to Chocolatey Community Repository.