chocolatey-community / chocolatey-packages

Chocolatey Community Maintainers Team Packages - packages that are managed and maintained by core community team for community package repository (
Apache License 2.0
443 stars 374 forks source link

(freecad) Wrong package url #1817

Closed nickvanbaelen closed 2 years ago

nickvanbaelen commented 2 years ago

Chocolatey Version


Chocolatey License

No response

Package Version


Current Behaviour

Downloading freecad 64 bit from ''

ERROR: The remote file either doesn't exist, is unauthorized, or is forbidden for url ''. Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found." This package is likely not broken for licensed users - see The install of freecad was NOT successful. Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'. See log for details.

Expected Behaviour

URL should be changed from:


Steps To Reproduce

choco install freecad -y


- Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0
- PowerShell Version: 5.1.19041.1320
- Shell: Cmd

Chocolatey Log

2022-03-07 14:18:21,582 33184 [DEBUG] - _ Chocolatey:ChocolateyInstallCommand - Normal Run Mode _
2022-03-07 14:18:21,584 33184 [INFO ] - Installing the following packages:
2022-03-07 14:18:21,585 33184 [INFO ] - freecad
2022-03-07 14:18:21,586 33184 [INFO ] - By installing, you accept licenses for the packages.
2022-03-07 14:18:21,647 33184 [DEBUG] - Using ''.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,029 33184 [DEBUG] - - Supports prereleases? 'True'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,030 33184 [DEBUG] - - Is ServiceBased? 'True'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,144 33184 [DEBUG] - Package 'freecad' found on source ''
2022-03-07 14:18:22,188 33184 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Attempting to resolve dependency 'chocolatey-core.extension (= 1.3.3)'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,654 33184 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Installing 'freecad 0.19.3'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,658 33184 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyInstall.ps1' to folder 'freecad\tools'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,659 33184 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'chocolateyUninstall.ps1' to folder 'freecad\tools'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,659 33184 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'helper.ps1' to folder 'freecad\tools'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,661 33184 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'freecad.nupkg' to folder 'freecad'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,891 33184 [DEBUG] - [NuGet] Added file 'freecad.nuspec' to folder 'freecad'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,892 33184 [INFO ] - [NuGet] Successfully installed 'freecad 0.19.3'.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,893 33184 [INFO ] - 
freecad v0.19.3 [Approved]
2022-03-07 14:18:22,901 33184 [INFO ] - freecad package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
2022-03-07 14:18:22,995 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for freecad
2022-03-07 14:18:22,996 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for freecad
2022-03-07 14:18:22,997 33184 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1':
2022-03-07 14:18:23,002 33184 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

if (!$PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent }
. "$PSScriptRoot\helper.ps1"

$packageArgs = @{
  packageName    = 'freecad'
  fileType       = 'exe'
  url            = ''
  url64          = ''
  softwareName   = 'FreeCAD'
  checksum       = 'A3C00E00E5321D9786C56D58C501F8A8E43BA9D25F7147CD8B9C869D744BE514'
  checksumType   = 'sha256'
  checksum64     = 'D4CC7869B7BB1C3E5C7B4FE75A578BC825D191D4CD4054FA015D7AE83C6F51F7'
  checksumType64 = 'sha256'
  silentArgs     = '/S'
  validExitCodes = @(0)

if ( $packageArgs.filetype -eq '7z' ) {
  # Checking for Package Parameters
  $pp = ( Get-UserPackageParams -scrawl )
  if ($packageArgs.url64 -match "Conda") { $packageArgs.Remove("url"); $packageArgs.Remove("checksum"); $packageArgs.Remove("checksumType"); }
  if ($pp.InstallDir) { $packageArgs.Add( "UnzipLocation", $pp.InstallDir ) }
  Install-ChocolateyZipPackage @packageArgs
  if ($pp.Shortcut) { $pp.Remove("Shortcut"); Install-ChocolateyShortcut @pp }
  $files = get-childitem $pp.WorkingDirectory -filter "*.exe" -recurse
  foreach ($file in $files) {
    if ( $file -notmatch "freecad" ) {
      $file = $file.Fullname
      New-Item "$file.ignore" -type "file" -force | Out-Null # Generate an ignore file(s)
else {
  Install-ChocolateyPackage @packageArgs

2022-03-07 14:18:23,013 33184 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters ''']
2022-03-07 14:18:23,015 33184 [DEBUG] - Redirecting System.Management.Automation.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by ''
2022-03-07 14:18:23,156 33184 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.19041.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.19041.1320' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,586 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,587 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,587 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,588 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,588 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,588 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,589 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,589 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,589 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,590 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,590 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,590 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,591 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,591 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,592 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,592 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,592 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,593 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,593 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,593 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,594 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,594 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,595 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,595 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,595 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,596 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,596 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,596 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,597 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,597 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,597 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,598 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,598 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,598 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,599 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,599 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,599 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,600 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,600 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,600 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,601 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,601 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,602 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,602 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,603 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,603 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,604 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,604 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,604 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,605 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,605 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,605 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,606 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,611 33184 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions
2022-03-07 14:18:23,616 33184 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1'
2022-03-07 14:18:23,617 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-core\chocolatey-core.psm1'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,675 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,676 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,676 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,677 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,677 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,678 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,678 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,679 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,679 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,680 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,680 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,681 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,681 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,681 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,682 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,682 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,682 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,683 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,684 33184 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1'
2022-03-07 14:18:23,684 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-dotnetfx\chocolatey-dotnetfx.psm1'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,716 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,717 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,717 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,718 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,719 33184 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-vscode\chocolatey-vscode.psm1'
2022-03-07 14:18:23,719 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-vscode\chocolatey-vscode.psm1'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,736 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,737 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,737 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,738 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,738 33184 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'
2022-03-07 14:18:23,739 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,794 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,795 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,795 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,796 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,796 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,797 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,797 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,797 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,798 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,798 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,799 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,799 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,799 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,800 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,800 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,800 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,801 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,801 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,801 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,802 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,802 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,802 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,803 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,803 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,803 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,804 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,804 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,805 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,805 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,805 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,806 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,806 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,806 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,807 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,807 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,807 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,808 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,808 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,808 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,809 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,809 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,809 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,810 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,810 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,810 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,811 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,811 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,811 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,812 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,812 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,812 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,813 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,813 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebContent'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,814 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Register-Application'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,814 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Remove-Process'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,814 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,815 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-DotNetFramework'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,815 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,816 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,816 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,816 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,817 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,817 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,817 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,818 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,818 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,818 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,819 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,819 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,819 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,820 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,820 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AppInstallLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,821 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-AvailableDriveLetter'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,821 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,821 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,822 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,822 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EffectiveProxy'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,822 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,823 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,823 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,823 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,824 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageCacheLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,824 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,825 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,825 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,825 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,826 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,826 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,827 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebContent'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,827 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,827 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,828 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,828 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,828 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyDesktopLink'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,829 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,829 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,829 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,830 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,830 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,830 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,831 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,831 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,832 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,832 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,832 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,833 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetDevPack'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,833 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-DotNetFramework'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,833 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,834 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,834 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,834 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Register-Application'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,835 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Remove-Process'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,835 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,835 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,836 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,836 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,836 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,837 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,837 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,837 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,838 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,838 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-VsCodeExtension'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,838 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,839 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateyFailure'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,839 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-ChocolateySuccess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,840 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FileUpdateLog'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,840 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,840 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,841 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,841 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,841 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,842 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,842 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,842 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,843 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,843 33184 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2022-03-07 14:18:23,866 33184 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------Script Execution---------------------------
2022-03-07 14:18:23,867 33184 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for freecad v0.19.3 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '',
2022-03-07 14:18:23,871 33184 [DEBUG] - Running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'
2022-03-07 14:18:23,912 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Install-ChocolateyPackage -url '' -silentArgs '/S' -checksum 'A3C00E00E5321D9786C56D58C501F8A8E43BA9D25F7147CD8B9C869D744BE514' -checksum64 'D4CC7869B7BB1C3E5C7B4FE75A578BC825D191D4CD4054FA015D7AE83C6F51F7' -checksumType 'sha256' -packageName 'freecad' -fileType 'exe' -validExitCodes '0' -checksumType64 'sha256' -url64bit '' 
2022-03-07 14:18:23,934 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ChocolateyWebFile -packageName 'freecad' -fileFullPath 'C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\freecad\0.19.3\freecadInstall.exe' -url '' -url64bit '' -checksum 'A3C00E00E5321D9786C56D58C501F8A8E43BA9D25F7147CD8B9C869D744BE514' -checksumType 'sha256' -checksum64 'D4CC7869B7BB1C3E5C7B4FE75A578BC825D191D4CD4054FA015D7AE83C6F51F7' -checksumType64 'sha256' -options 'System.Collections.Hashtable' -getOriginalFileName 'True' 
2022-03-07 14:18:23,941 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Get-ProcessorBits -compare '64' 
2022-03-07 14:18:23,951 33184 [DEBUG] - CPU is 64 bit
2022-03-07 14:18:23,955 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting url to '' and bitPackage to 64
2022-03-07 14:18:23,967 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Get-WebFileName -url '' -defaultName 'freecadInstall.exe' 
2022-03-07 14:18:25,262 33184 [DEBUG] - Url request/response failed - file name will be 'freecadInstall.exe':  Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
2022-03-07 14:18:25,267 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Get-WebHeaders -url '' -ErrorAction 'Stop' 
2022-03-07 14:18:25,268 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting the UserAgent to 'chocolatey command line'
2022-03-07 14:18:25,269 33184 [DEBUG] - Request Headers:
2022-03-07 14:18:25,271 33184 [DEBUG] -   'Accept':'*/*'
2022-03-07 14:18:25,272 33184 [DEBUG] -   'User-Agent':'chocolatey command line'
2022-03-07 14:18:26,419 33184 [INFO ] - Attempt to get headers for failed.
  The remote file either doesn't exist, is unauthorized, or is forbidden for url ''. Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
2022-03-07 14:18:26,422 33184 [INFO ] - Downloading freecad 64 bit
  from ''
2022-03-07 14:18:26,432 33184 [DEBUG] - Running Get-WebFile -url '' -fileName 'C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\freecad\0.19.3\freecadInstall.exe' -options 'System.Collections.Hashtable' 
2022-03-07 14:18:26,433 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting request timeout to  30000
2022-03-07 14:18:26,434 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting read/write timeout to  2700000
2022-03-07 14:18:26,434 33184 [DEBUG] - Setting the UserAgent to 'chocolatey command line'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,586 33184 [ERROR] - ERROR: The remote file either doesn't exist, is unauthorized, or is forbidden for url ''. Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found." 
This package is likely not broken for licensed users - see
2022-03-07 14:18:28,589 33184 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ''; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '''] exited with '404'.
2022-03-07 14:18:28,591 33184 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a']
2022-03-07 14:18:28,615 33184 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\WINDOWS\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] exited with '1116'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,710 33184 [DEBUG] - Capturing package files in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,711 33184 [DEBUG] -  Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\freecad.nupkg'
  with checksum '566B9ADC0693A7EBFF7A650EAD745634'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,712 33184 [DEBUG] -  Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\freecad.nuspec'
  with checksum '8FD8C95544BBC14FA43008BFF72E1B82'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,712 33184 [DEBUG] -  Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'
  with checksum '6F60BE5D3CD8E6DF582E26D62466366B'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,713 33184 [DEBUG] -  Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyUninstall.ps1'
  with checksum '9CFEB84588F63CC9C58FAEFC444B37A8'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,714 33184 [DEBUG] -  Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\helper.ps1'
  with checksum '3A764D248C2F330FC546975A3C50DF06'
2022-03-07 14:18:28,723 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\freecad.0.19.3\.arguments".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,723 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\freecad.0.19.3\.extra".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,723 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\freecad.0.19.3\.version".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,724 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\freecad.0.19.3\.sxs".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,724 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\.chocolatey\freecad.0.19.3\.pin".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,727 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\freecad".
2022-03-07 14:18:28,729 33184 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'HandlePackageResultCompletedMessage' out if there are subscribers...
2022-03-07 14:18:28,730 33184 [ERROR] - The install of freecad was NOT successful.
2022-03-07 14:18:28,732 33184 [ERROR] - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'.
 See log for details.
2022-03-07 14:18:28,734 33184 [DEBUG] - Moving 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad'
 to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bad\freecad'
2022-03-07 14:18:30,742 33184 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\NuGet\Cache\freecad.0.19.3.nupkg".
2022-03-07 14:18:30,748 33184 [WARN ] - 
Chocolatey installed 0/1 packages. 1 packages failed.
 See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).
2022-03-07 14:18:30,749 33184 [INFO ] - 
2022-03-07 14:18:30,750 33184 [ERROR] - Failures
2022-03-07 14:18:30,751 33184 [ERROR] -  - freecad (exited 404) - Error while running 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\freecad\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1'.
 See log for details.
2022-03-07 14:18:30,752 33184 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PostRunMessage' out if there are subscribers...
2022-03-07 14:18:30,762 33184 [DEBUG] - Exiting with 404

Anything else?

No response

pauby commented 2 years ago

This is a duplicate of #1637