chocolatey / Chocolatey.Cake.Recipe

A set of convention based Cake scripts for building Chocolatey projects
Apache License 2.0
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No build platform target is provided when invoking XBuild #86

Closed gep13 closed 1 year ago

gep13 commented 1 year ago

As a result, when running the build on a non Windows system, the output folder for the generated files is not the same as when running on a Windows system.

For example, the output folder is:


rather than:


This causes a problem on the chocolatey/choco repository, since there is an expectation that the output files are in a known location. When generating the POSIX artifacts, the builds are currently failing due to this problem.

We should create a ToolSetting for XBuild similar to the following:

So that we can rely on exactly where the output files will reside. This new setting should default to Any CPU, and be passed into the XBuildSettings using the WithProperty alias.