chocolatey / ChocolateyGUI

A delicious GUI for Chocolatey
Apache License 2.0
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Let people select multiple packages to install at once #12

Open chrissie1 opened 11 years ago

chrissie1 commented 11 years ago

Make it possible for the user to install multiple packages at once. Let them select and then click install selected or something.

bsara commented 10 years ago

Is this a feature that will be included soon? I would desperately love to have it. Any way that I can help with the implementation?

gep13 commented 10 years ago

At present, no, not likely :-( We have just had our first child, so my time will be limited. In the current pre-release version of chocolatey, there is a system to allow multiple packages in a single command, so I suspect that if we implement this, we should be able to take advantage of this new functionality. There is a question whether we take a dependency on the beta version though, or whether we wait for the official release. I suspect the latter.

bertvanbrakel commented 10 years ago

+1 for this feature. Usability really suffers. It would be great if it could download everything in the background, and only when all packages have been downloaded run the installs. This means a user on a brand new machine could simply tick all the progs required, go away and have some coffee then in one sitting go through each individual installer without needing to wait between downloads

RichiCoder1 commented 10 years ago

Multi select could be a thing, but splitting downloads and installing probably wouldn't, at least not in the short term. Thats a limitation of chocolatey, not choco GUI.

gep13 commented 10 years ago

@RichCoder1 what are you thoughts on this one? Should we include in the 0.12.0 release, which I am terming the "WPF Refresh" release, or push out to vNext, which will be 0.13.0?

RichiCoder1 commented 10 years ago

Probably vNext. Multiselect is something I need more time and brainpower to tackle probably.

gep13 commented 10 years ago

Okay, for now, let's push it out, and concentrate on the other stuff.

philweb commented 10 years ago

+1, any news on this? Functionality seems to be implemented in chocolatey. Additionally pre-selecting multiple options via config would be neat.

gep13 commented 10 years ago


At the minute no, this is not something that have progressed anywhere yet :-(


jrkd commented 7 years ago

I'd be keen to implement this. Need to have a look a the UI setup, so don't assign me or anything, but I'll fork and see how we go.

compwiz21 commented 6 years ago

Why can't we have it so that when users select multiple items, it adds it to a que that gets processed? Still installing one at a time, but without any manual intervention by users?

ziziz commented 6 years ago

Next to Half-Life 3 and 'long, (really long) range Wi-Fi', this would improve my life ;-)

In the scope of ChocolateyGUI, selectability is far more useful than categories or improved filter functions In my opinion. I realized that more than 30% of my 'chocolatey installs' was for multiple apps.

I realized that most often in those cases ive started with a clistin the terminal followed by either searching in the chocolatey web-galley or in the gui to get some visual aid and confirmation needed.

When searching the gui I made one install there followed by going back to the terminal for installing more apps. Looking at that popup progress-bar/term-output is a frustrating experience if you have more apps to install!

vertigo220 commented 6 years ago

This seems to be related to issue #87, and is one of the things I came here to suggest. A batch feature would make a HUGE difference in the usability of Chocolatey, especially for those of us with relatively slow connections, where installing many programs requires a lot of waiting. This is further compounded by the fact that, as I mentioned in issue #595, the GUI is painfully slow at loading search results. I think Chocolatey would benefit greatly from this, and imagine a simple "Add to Queue" and/or plus sign followed by a command to download and install all queued items would be the best way to do it. In order for it to work properly, it would have to log any errors and present them all at the end, instead of halting on them, and it would ideally allow you to continue adding items to the queue as it's processing (and perhaps start processing right away, or have an option to do so), so you can get it going while selecting programs, instead of wasting time having it idle during that process, but not then be unable to keep adding more to keep it busy overnight or whatever.

sigino commented 5 years ago

Is this feature still not implemented? I might have a look if not?

AdmiringWorm commented 5 years ago

@sigino I do not believe it has yet been implemented.

mkevenaar commented 5 years ago

+1 I would love to see this function implemented.

pherwanikar commented 4 years ago

Is this feature still not implemented? I might have a look if not?

Xoph commented 4 years ago

I'm interested at taking a look at this. I'm basically new to Git, and totally new to this project, so if someone can "sponsor" me please reach out to me directly and I'll try to tackle this.

Looking to improve my personal skills by contributing to an actual project that is relevant to me.

AdmiringWorm commented 4 years ago

@Xoph I don't know about sponsoring you, but if you got any questions regarding git, feel free to reach out to me on gitter (If the link don't work, I am AdmiringWorm on gitter).

What I recommend you start with though, is to familiarize yourself with the basic commands on git (I do not recommend using a gui until you at least know what some of the commands do, and how to use them).

The commands I consider basic are (In no specific order):

That is what I can think of right now.

Basic workflow on github is (example commands, may differ from what you decide):

  1. Fork the repository (image)
  2. Clone your fork (git clone
  3. Create a work branch (git switch -c gh-12)
  4. Do some work
    1. Stage your changes (git add filesChanged)
    2. Create a commit/change message (git commit)
    3. Repeat until all necessary changes have been made...
  5. Push your changes to your fork (git push -u origin gh-12) (You will be asked for your github username and password the first time).
  6. Open a Pull Request on the repository ( )
    1. Change the base branch to your work branch ( image)
    2. Press Create Pull Request, and input a title and body message.

I unfortunately don't got any hands-on tutorials to follow, as the ones I used when I started no longer exist 😞.

Yes, there is quite the learning curve for using git. But once you get used to it, you won't be able to do without it 😺.

AdmiringWorm commented 4 years ago

For the project specifically, I think the Contributing Guidelines pretty much goes through what is necessary to contribute (With the exception of using git itself of course).

Xoph commented 4 years ago

I've contributed to repos before using the tooling available on the website, I just haven't used the git command-line.

The Contributing Guidelines page doesn't appear to highlight all the project dependencies. Is there any documentation on that?

umarabdullahmansoori commented 3 years ago

why every idea just remains an idea on chocolatey? why its not been implemented since 7 years

ppvnf commented 1 year ago

Any update on this?

yaomtc commented 1 year ago


Personally, I just stopped using Windows. For those stuck there, I'm sorry for the mess you have to deal with.

CynicalWilson commented 1 year ago

WOW! Issue opened in pretty much exactly 10 years ago, and still no ability in Choco-GUI to simply select multiple packages to install in succession?? so sad.... and I love the tool

gep13 commented 1 year ago

and still no ability in Choco-GUI to simply select multiple packages to install in succession?? so sad.... and I love the tool

There are lots of reason as to why this function hasn't been implemented in Chocolatey GUI. Primary amongst them that time and other commitments haven't allowed for it.

If you are interested in helping with a PR to provide this functionality, I would happily provide feedback on any suggestions that you might have.

eyalroz commented 1 month ago

We have just had our first child, so my time will be limited. ... Primary amongst them that time and other commitments haven't allowed for it.

It's been 10 years... please don't wait until they go off to college T_T

There are lots of reason as to why this function hasn't been implemented in Chocolatey GUI.

Are there, though?

A straightforward implementation:

  1. Add a boolean setting for single/multi selection
  2. When multi-selection is enabled, add another button to the top-right of the "chocolatey" tab, like we have for the "This PC" tab - perhaps even with the same icon if you want to minimize effort - whose action is to install all selected items. Actuall selection doesn't install anything.
  3. Right-click on a multi-selection offers details on the current item and either Install current item or install all items. Perhaps both? i.e. a third menu item?