chocolatey / cChoco

Community resource to manage Chocolatey
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(GH-87) Moved to using limited output. #88

Closed lukegriffith closed 7 years ago

lukegriffith commented 7 years ago

Old implementation caused promotional message, and chocolatey banner to get mixed into the works. If upgrading Chocolatey, cause problems as the version caught is a string with "vX.X.X" and in the where clause is attempted to be converted to a .net version type.

Limiting the output reduces it to only the packages, leaving out any banners.

Spent a while thinking of how to test this, as point 5 states - but nothing could come to mind without mocking the call to choco and writing its own response, at least from what I can think of.

An example of the fixes below


PS C:\Users\lg\Documents\Git\cChoco> choco list -lo
Chocolatey v0.10.7
chocolatey 0.10.7
erlang 19.3
rabbitmq 3.6.10
3 packages installed.


 function Get-ChocoInstalledPackage {
    $res = choco list -lo | ForEach-Object {
        $Obj = $_ -split '\s'
            'Name'    = $Obj[0]
            'Version' = $Obj[1]     
    Return $res




 Name       Version 
----       ------- 
Chocolatey v0.10.7 
chocolatey 0.10.7  
erlang     19.3    
rabbitmq   3.6.10  
3          packages


 function Get-ChocoInstalledPackage {

 Return (choco list -lo -r | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header 'Name', 'Version' -Delimiter "|")




 Name       Version
----       -------
chocolatey 0.10.7 
erlang     19.3   
rabbitmq   3.6.10


Closes #87.

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago

Merged into development at

ferventcoder commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your contribution!