choderalab / msm-pipeline

A pipeline for MSMs.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Devtools #19

Closed maxentile closed 8 years ago

maxentile commented 8 years ago

Standard structure, following John's comment:

jchodera commented 8 years ago

Great start, but you'll need to update the .travis.yml to use the testing framework too:

Here's an example:

We probably want to make your pipeline script an "entry point", where running a script command (like msm-pipeline) that gets installed into ~/miniconda/bin/ will call into an entry point like msmpipeline/ into a function like run_pipeline() or something. More info on entry points here:

jchodera commented 8 years ago

Why not use conda to install omnia dependencies? Are you using things that aren't available through omnia?

jchodera commented 8 years ago

Sorry for all the travis pains.

We've tried to minimize these by sticking to a fairly standard structure for most of our projects.

For example, in smarty, we have this block:

language: c
sudo: false

    - master

  - source devtools/travis-ci/
  - export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true

  # Add omnia channel
  - conda config --add channels ${ORGNAME}
  # build the recipe
  - conda build devtools/conda-recipe
  # Test the local installation
  - source activate _test
  # This is a temporary workaround for the conda issues.
  - conda install --yes nose nose-timer numpy networkx lxml openmm
  #- pip install .
  # Install OpenEye toolkit
  - pip install $OPENEYE_CHANNEL openeye-toolkits && python -c "import openeye; print(openeye.__version__)"
  # Run tests
  #- cd devtools && nosetests $PACKAGENAME --nocapture --verbosity=2 --with-doctest --with-timer -a "\!slow" && cd ..
  - python --version
  - cd devtools && nosetests -vv --nocapture --with-timer $PACKAGENAME && cd ..

    - python=2.7  CONDA_PY=27
    - python=3.4  CONDA_PY=34
    - python=3.5  CONDA_PY=35

    - ORGNAME="omnia"
    - PACKAGENAME="smarty"

The install: section installs Miniconda, while the script: section builds the conda dev recipe in devtools/conda-recipe. If you have a test: section in the conda dev recipe, it also sets up a conda environment called _test that you can also install other stuff into (as we do here, with the OpenEye tools). You can test your script inside the conda-recipe/meta.yaml, as we do here for YANK:

    - nose
    - nose-timer
    - yank
    - yank --help
    - yank selftest
maxentile commented 8 years ago

Thanks, John!

And sorry to all subscribers for the deluge of Github notification spam the last few hours -- most of this complication was self-inflicted. I first directly copied this structure from FAHMunge, and then I tried to simplify / remove bits of the "boilerplate" that didn't seem needed here (e.g. pushing docs to S3) and inadvertently broke a bunch of things, which I think are now mostly fixed:

Remaining minutia:

  1. sets the version in, but the version is also hardcoded in meta.yaml. To-do: use versioneer's version inside the meta.yaml file.
  2. Set the matplotlib backend correctly. I think I've made sure matplotlib.use('Agg') is before every use of matplotlib, but I keep getting an "Invalid DISPLAY variable error" accompanied by this warning: "This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the backend has already been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called before pylab, matplotlib.pyplot, or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time."
jchodera commented 8 years ago

The reason we avoid mucking about with the stock boilerplate is to avoid the technical debt of having everything be different. By spending a day of self-inflicted pain as a direct result of mucking with it, I hope you understand now why we don't do this. :)

For (1), you can't use the output of versioneer in meta.yaml, to my knowledge. @jhprinz has looked into this, but there may bit be a good solution yet.

For (2), I figured this out in some of my scripts --- trying to figure out which ones.

jchodera commented 8 years ago

I think this idiom should work for the matplotlib issue:

import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
maxentile commented 8 years ago

Thanks John! I'll try that now.

maxentile commented 8 years ago

Will sort out the Travis error later. Merging.