choderalab / msm-pipeline

A pipeline for MSMs.
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ValueError even with staged trajectories. #36

Closed sonyahanson closed 7 years ago

sonyahanson commented 7 years ago

Getting ValueError even with staged trajectories.

Josh and I have also seen this for non-staged trajectories (/cbio/jclab/projects/fah/fah-data/munged3/no-solvent/11401/), but thought it would not happen with staged trajectories.

traj = frames_from_files(trajfiles, top, indexes, chunksize, stride, reader=reader)
 File "/cbio/jclab/home/hansons/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyemma/coordinates/data/util/", line 111, in frames_from_files
ValueError: largest specified index (436 * stride=436 * 1=436) is larger than trajectory length '/cbio/jclab/home/hansons/sims/AZ/SYK/11407/run7-clone19.h5' = 240

Also note pyemma version:

conda list| grep pyemma
pyemma                    2.2.6               np110py27_0    omnia

Going to run this on other staged trajectories to see if it's maybe just a problem with the copying process?

jchodera commented 7 years ago

Can you report this to the pyemma issue tracker? The problematic file is only 10MB, so it could be easily shared as a test case.


There's nothing wrong with the HDF5 file that I can tell from examining the header:

h5dump -H /cbio/jclab/home/hansons/sims/AZ/SYK/11407/run7-clone19.h5
sonyahanson commented 7 years ago

As suggested, I made an issue in pyemma for this:

As mentioned in that issue, I tried running msm-pipeline on just that trajectory, and it seems to run fine.

I've so far seen this issue for both staged SYK and SRC trajectories. I've even tried rerunning after moving that particular errored trajectory into a different subfolder, and so far no matter how many trajectories I move, the error still comes up, referencing a new trajectory.

This error happens while we are outputing pdb's for macrostates right? Could it be that somehow we aren't lining up the trajectories with how we are pulling out the pdb's here?

jchodera commented 7 years ago

As suggested, I made an issue in pyemma for this: markovmodel/PyEMMA#958


This error happens while we are outputing pdb's for macrostates right? Could it be that somehow we aren't lining up the trajectories with how we are pulling out the pdb's here?

Maybe this is a question for @maxentile?

The only other thing I can think of trying is to try the github version of pyemma, since there have been a few bugfixes applied since the release of 2.2.6.

maxentile commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I don't yet have a guess for where this would happen.

@sonyahanson : Do you have an idea for where this might happen?

We define a source here, then project all frames from the source ultimately onto discrete trajectories in dtrajs, and then we call save_trajs using that source object here.

So, at some point, either (1) the trajectory files have changed length while the script is running (definitely shouldn't happen), or (2) dtrajs somehow end up with different lengths than their corresponding input trajectories (unclear why this would happen).

I think we can add a check for (1), e.g.:

initial_traj_lengths = source.trajectory_lengths()
if not np.array_equal(source.trajectory_lengths(), initial_traj_lengths):
   print('Something went wrong: the lengths of the trajectory files have changed!')

We can add a check for (2) after line 102, e.g.:

if not np.array_equal(source.trajectory_lengths(), [len(dtraj) for dtraj in dtrajs]):
   print('Something went wrong: the lengths of the trajectory files have become misaligned from the lengths of their corresponding discrete trajectories!')
sonyahanson commented 7 years ago

This has been solved. Updating pyemma has eliminated these issues.