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Charmm36 nonbonded forces with Alchemy #510

Open AJZein opened 3 years ago

AJZein commented 3 years ago


I am trying to perform alchemy using the charmm36 forcefield but I've noticed that there are remaining forces when lambda is set to 0. In the LysozymeImplicit test system for example, the pxylene_atoms wont separate from its binding pocket when lambda is set to 0 in charmm36, but it will when using the test system's forcefield. I've added a minimal example for both cases at the bottom.

I've tried looking into the problem and I believe it might be due to the LJ Parameters being implemented in a CustomNonbondedForce when using charmm36, which allows for adding nonbonded fix (NBFIX) as a lookup table. However I don't know how to get alchemy to work with this.

Thanks for any help, Zein

Working example

from openmmtools import alchemy, testsystems, integrators
import as app
from sys import stdout

# Create the reference OpenMM System that will be alchemically modified.
lysozyme_pxylene = testsystems.LysozymeImplicit()
t4_system = lysozyme_pxylene.system

# Define the region of the System to be alchemically modified.
pxylene_atoms ='resname TMP')
alchemical_region = alchemy.AlchemicalRegion(alchemical_atoms=pxylene_atoms)

# Set up simulation
factory = alchemy.AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory()
alchemical_system = factory.create_alchemical_system(t4_system, alchemical_region)
integrator = integrators.LangevinIntegrator()
simulation = app.Simulation(lysozyme_pxylene.topology, alchemical_system, integrator)

# Add reporting
simulation.reporters.append(app.StateDataReporter(stdout, 1000, step=True, potentialEnergy=True, temperature=True))
app.PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, lysozyme_pxylene.positions, open(f'working.pdb', 'w'))
simulation.reporters.append(app.DCDReporter(f'working.dcd', 1000))

# Remove interactions by setting lambda=0
alchemical_state = alchemy.AlchemicalState.from_system(alchemical_system)
alchemical_state.lambda_electrostatics = 0
alchemical_state.lambda_sterics = 0


Failing example with charmm36

from openmmtools import alchemy, testsystems, integrators
import as app
from sys import stdout

# Create the reference OpenMM System that will be alchemically modified.
lysozyme_pxylene = testsystems.LysozymeImplicit()
forcefield = app.ForceField('charmm36.xml')
t4_system = forcefield.createSystem(lysozyme_pxylene.topology, constraints=app.HBonds)

# Define the region of the System to be alchemically modified.
pxylene_atoms ='resname TMP')
alchemical_region = alchemy.AlchemicalRegion(alchemical_atoms=pxylene_atoms)

# Set up simulation
factory = alchemy.AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory()
alchemical_system = factory.create_alchemical_system(t4_system, alchemical_region)
integrator = integrators.LangevinIntegrator()
simulation = app.Simulation(lysozyme_pxylene.topology, alchemical_system, integrator)

# Add reporting
simulation.reporters.append(app.StateDataReporter(stdout, 1000, step=True, potentialEnergy=True, temperature=True))
app.PDBFile.writeFile(simulation.topology, lysozyme_pxylene.positions, open(f'not_working.pdb', 'w'))
simulation.reporters.append(app.DCDReporter(f'not_working.dcd', 1000))

# Remove interactions by setting lambda=0
alchemical_state = alchemy.AlchemicalState.from_system(alchemical_system)
alchemical_state.lambda_electrostatics = 0
alchemical_state.lambda_sterics = 0

Lnaden commented 3 years ago

I've done a bit of digging and I think I can better describe the source of the problem.

I think you are correct: This is a bug due to OpenMMTool's alchemical factory never being taught to recognize OpenMM's implementation of the CHARMM forcefield.

The t4_system object you create from the charm36.xml file and forcefield object adds in a native CustomNonbondedForce to the OpenMM System. This force is a pure LJ force (no electrostatics) computed from two Discrete2DFunction's:

'acoef(type1, type2)/r^12 - bcoef(type1, type2)/r^6;'

where acoef and bcoef are the tabulated functions based on the paired interaction. OpenMM's native code makes this here.

When OpenMMTools creates its alchemical forces, it goes through the native forces it expects OpenMM to make, and then modifies parameters based on the AlchemicalRegion and adds forces as needed. So the fix here is for OpenMMTools to recognize this corner case, then compensate for it accordingly.

I can probably write up a code you can use in the short term to get your system working, but I don't I personally will have time to implement a proper fix in the code base.

The short fix would be to modify the energy expression of the native CustomNonbondedForce object to recognize if the particle is in the AlchemicalRegion and then null that interaction out. Caveats:

AJZein commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this so quickly. I'll try explore some other options but in the end I may have to just rewrite the whole function.

Lnaden commented 3 years ago

I wanted to touch on this issue a bit more. I've done some looking at the forces which come out of the CHARMM forcefield.

It looks like the Lennard-Jones interaction is purely handled by the CustomNonbondedForce object and none of the NonbondedForce. The NonbondedForce has every epsilon set to 0, so the LJ interactions are never handled by that force. As such, most of the changes the AlchemicalFactory wont actually do anything. I think the fix would be to add another function to detect the form of the CHARMM LJ implementation in this CustomNonbondedForce and modify accordingly.

That said, I don't know what the fix should be:

Although the CHARMM forcefield in OpenMM has this problem, I think any forcefield which calls the LennardJonesGenerator class from will have this problem.

Lnaden commented 3 years ago

The proper fix to this is complicated by a few other factors from's design:

These assumptions make it simpler for the alchemical force factory to flow down the list and cast each native force through a single dispatch, getting out all the needed forces in one pass. However, to properly include these tabulated functions, all the Nonbonded forces would have to be compiled together and passed to the function which makes the alchemical forces, or we can treat both native forces as separate, which will result in more CustomNonbondedForces

Adding more CustomNonbondedForces will make the simulation a bit slower, but without doing an overhaul of the code base to handle multiple forces providing the native interactions, i don't know how this is avoidable.

Lnaden commented 3 years ago

Last thought for now: Also have to think about how to properly softcore a tabulated function where the 4e term is folded in...

jchodera commented 3 years ago

@ajzein: Apologies for the long delay in addressing this---we're shorthanded on developers during COVID, but should have a new developer aboard to start working through the backlog of issues later in June.

@Lnaden : Thanks for diagnosing this! #511 is a good temporary safety improvement.

We should be able to implement a simple solution to handle CustomNonbondedForce terms generally, following a similar strategy to how we deal with alchemically modifying CustomGBForce.

We could alter the CustomNonbondedForce using the following rules:

More recently, we've been experimenting with 4th dimensional lifting, which has a simpler form:

r_eff = (r^2 + ((1-scaling)*softcore_fraction*r_cutoff)^2)^(1/2)

where we are just "lifting" the interaction out into the 4th dimension a fraction of the cutoff as lambda approaches 0

This should safely work for all kinds of CustomNonbondedForce implementations, including the lookup-table based LJ and reaction field electrostatics. The only problematic ones are likely to be the ones that mix sterics and electrostatics into a single CustomNonbondedForce, but that might still be "safe" if we treat them all with the sterics.

Future fancier versions of this could make use of multiple CustomNonbondedForce terms and particle groups to split out the alchemical interactions from the non-alchemical for better performance.

Lnaden commented 3 years ago

I like the solution for the alchemical side of things in the energy expression. I do wonder if we need to somehow incorporate the existing floats/constant of alpha, beta, a, b, c into this to be consistent with how the standard NonbondedForce is cast.

The other engineering problem is how to detect this and not have an overlap of force objects generated from the Factory. Right now the factory detects the NonbondedForce and splits out all the CustomNonbondedForce objects to handle electrostatics and Lennard-Jones for all alchemical/nonalchemical permutations. The current logic would not be able to correctly and reliably handle the case where the electrostatics are contained in the NonbondedForce and the Lennard-Jones are in this CustomNonbondedForce. This is a solvable problem, but will take some engineering.

AJZein commented 3 years ago

@jchodera No problem, I can understand that covid has put a lot of people in difficult situations.