choishingwan / PRS-Tutorial

A tutorial on how to run basic polygenic risk score analysis
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LDpred-2 tutorial: error in "Obtain model PRS" #19

Closed DM087 closed 3 years ago

DM087 commented 3 years ago

Dear Sam,

I have been following your tutorial on LDpred-2 (Using chromosome separated bed files) and finding it very helpful in calculating PRS. Thank you.

When I run step 7 (obtain model PRS) using chromosome separated bed files, the code in big_prodMat throws an error _Error in seqlen(nrow(x)) : argument must be coercible to non-negative integer. I get this error for both Grid and Auto models.

Do you think object beta_grid[chr.idx] in big_prodMat rowMeans should be as.matrix(beta_grid[chr.idx]

Best, Dev

choishingwan commented 3 years ago

I have also updated the script

Could you please check if the new script works as expected? If it does, then I will render the new website. Thank you


choishingwan commented 3 years ago

Hi, could you please try and remove [chr.idx] from beta_grid and see if it works? I don't have time to verify it but based on my pipeline, that might be the proper solution.


tmp <- big_prodMat(genotype, beta_auto, ind.row = ind.test, ind.col = ind.chr) pred_scaled <- apply(tmp, 2, sd) final_beta_auto <- rowMeans(tmp[, abs(pred_scaled - median(pred_scaled)) < 3 * mad(pred_scaled)]) tmp <- big_prodVec(genotype, final_beta_auto, ind.row = ind.test, ind.col = ind.chr) if(is.null(pred_auto)){ pred_auto <- tmp }else{ pred_auto <- pred_auto + tmp }

DM087 commented 3 years ago


I tried the script and I get the following error for all of the models

Error: Error: Incompatibility between dimensions

Thank you! Dev

choishingwan commented 3 years ago

Ok, I will need to go back and check. Though I don’t have time for that at the moment…

For now you can maybe use the following code(Replace all ${} items with appropriate name, and change the labeling / column names if you are not using the tutorial). This is what I used to get the LDpred expected results so it should work.




    options(bigstatsr.check.parallel.blas = FALSE)

    options(default.nproc.blas = NULL)

    phenotype <- fread("${pheno}")

    covariate <- fread("${cov}")

    pheno <- merge(phenotype, covariate)

    hapMap <- readRDS("${hap}")

    sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2("${gwas}")

    names(sumstats) <-












    sumstats$beta <- log(sumstats$OR)

    sumstats <- sumstats[sumstats$rsid %in% hapMap$rsid,]

    NCORES <- 24

    tmp <- tempfile(tmpdir = "tmp-data")

    on.exit(file.remove(paste0(tmp, ".sbk")), add = TRUE)

    corr <- NULL

    ld <- NULL

    fam.order <- NULL

    info_snp <- NULL

    for (chr in 1:22) {


        obj.bigSNP <- snp_attach(paste0(chr,".rds"))

        map <- obj.bigSNP$map[-3]

        names(map) <- c("chr", "rsid", "pos", "a1", "a0")

        tmp_snp <- snp_match(sumstats[sumstats$chr==chr,], map)

        info_snp <- rbind(info_snp, tmp_snp)

        genotype <- obj.bigSNP$genotypes

        CHR <- map$chr

        POS <- map$pos

        POS2 <- snp_asGeneticPos(CHR, POS, dir = ".")

        ind.chr <- which(tmp_snp$chr == chr)

        ind.chr2 <- tmp_snp$_NUM_ID_[ind.chr]

        corr0 <- snp_cor(


                ind.col = ind.chr2,

                ncores = NCORES,

                infos.pos = POS2[ind.chr2],

                size = 3 / 1000


        if (chr == 1) {

            ld <- Matrix::colSums(corr0^2)

            corr <- as_SFBM(corr0, tmp)

        } else {

            ld <- c(ld, Matrix::colSums(corr0^2))

            corr$add_columns(corr0, nrow(corr))


        # We assume the fam order is the same across different chromosomes


            fam.order <-$fam)



    # Rename fam order


            c("family.ID", "sample.ID"),

            c("FID", "IID"))


    df_beta <- info_snp[,c("beta", "beta_se", "n_eff", "_NUMID")]

    ldsc <- snp_ldsc(   ld,


                        chi2 = (df_beta$beta / df_beta$beta_se)^2,

                        sample_size = df_beta$n_eff,

                        blocks = NULL)

    h2_est <- ldsc[["h2"]]

    y <- pheno[fam.order, on = c("FID", "IID")]

    null.model <- paste("PC", 1:6, sep = "", collapse = "+") %>%

        paste0("Height~Sex+", .) %>%

        as.formula %>%

        lm(., data = y) %>%


    null.r2 <- null.model$r.squared

    ind.test <- 1:nrow(genotype)


        beta_inf <- snp_ldpred2_inf(corr, df_beta, h2 = h2_est)

        pred_inf <- NULL

        for(chr in 1:22){

            obj.bigSNP <- snp_attach(paste0(chr,".rds"))

            genotype <- obj.bigSNP$genotypes

            chr.idx <- which(info_snp$chr == chr)

            ind.chr <- info_snp$_NUM_ID_[chr.idx]

            tmp <- big_prodVec(genotype,


                                    ind.row = ind.test,

                                    ind.col = ind.chr)


                pred_inf <- tmp


                pred_inf <- pred_inf + tmp



        reg.formula <- paste("PC", 1:6, sep = "", collapse = "+") %>%

            paste0("Height~PRS+Sex+", .) %>%


        reg.dat <- y

        reg.dat$PRS <- pred_inf

        inf.model <- lm(reg.formula, dat=reg.dat) %>%


        (result <- data.table(

            infinitesimal = inf.model$r.squared - null.r2,

            null = null.r2


    }else if("${type}"=="grid"){

        p_seq <- signif(seq_log(1e-4, 1, length.out = 17), 2)

        h2_seq <- round(h2_est * c(0.7, 1, 1.4), 4)

        grid.param <-

            expand.grid(p = p_seq,

                    h2 = h2_seq,

                    sparse = c(FALSE, TRUE))

        beta_grid <-

            snp_ldpred2_grid(corr, df_beta, grid.param, ncores = NCORES)

        pred_grid <- NULL

        for(chr in 1:22){

            obj.bigSNP <- snp_attach(paste0(chr,".rds"))

            genotype <- obj.bigSNP$genotypes

            chr.idx <- which(info_snp$chr == chr)

            ind.chr <- info_snp$_NUM_ID_[chr.idx]

            tmp <- big_prodMat( genotype,


                                ind.row = ind.test,

                                ind.col = ind.chr)


                pred_grid <- tmp


                pred_grid <- pred_grid + tmp



        reg.formula <- paste("PC", 1:6, sep = "", collapse = "+") %>%

            paste0("Height~PRS+Sex+", .) %>%


        reg.dat <- y

        max.r2 <- 0

        for(i in 1:ncol(pred_grid)){

            reg.dat$PRS <- pred_grid[,i]

            grid.model <- lm(reg.formula, dat=reg.dat) %>%


            if(max.r2 < grid.model$r.squared){

                max.r2 <- grid.model$r.squared



        (result <- data.table(

            grid = max.r2 - null.r2,

            null = null.r2



        multi_auto <- snp_ldpred2_auto(



            h2_init = h2_est,

            vec_p_init = seq_log(1e-4, 0.9, length.out = NCORES),

            ncores = NCORES


        beta_auto <- sapply(multi_auto, function(auto)


        pred_auto <- NULL

        for(chr in 1:22){

            obj.bigSNP <- snp_attach(paste0(chr,".rds"))

            genotype <- obj.bigSNP$genotypes

            chr.idx <- which(info_snp$chr == chr)

            ind.chr <- info_snp$_NUM_ID_[chr.idx]

            tmp <-



                            ind.row = ind.test,

                            ind.col = ind.chr)

            pred_scaled <- apply(tmp, 2, sd)

            final_beta_auto <-


                            abs(pred_scaled -

                                median(pred_scaled)) <

                                3 * mad(pred_scaled)])

            tmp <-



                    ind.row = ind.test,

                    ind.col = ind.chr)


                pred_auto <- tmp


                pred_auto <- pred_auto + tmp



        reg.formula <- paste("PC", 1:6, sep = "", collapse = "+") %>%

            paste0("Height~PRS+Sex+", .) %>%


        reg.dat <- y

        reg.dat$PRS <- pred_auto

        auto.model <- lm(reg.formula, dat=reg.dat) %>%


        (result <- data.table(

            auto = auto.model$r.squared - null.r2,

            null = null.r2



From: DM087 Reply-To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 4:27 PM To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Cc: Shing Wan Choi, Comment Subject: Re: [choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial] LDpred-2 tutorial: error in "Obtain model PRS" (#19)


I tried the script and I get the following error for all of the models

Error: Error: Incompatibility between dimensions

Thank you! Dev

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DM087 commented 3 years ago


Thank you for the code. I wanted to try it on the example dataset that you have provided. I have a couple of questions here

  1. "${type}"=="grid" is this the model name? what are we defining here?

  2. I wanted to add the adjusted beta from say inf model (beta_inf) to their corresponding SNP IDs. Do you think the below code would do it

adjusted_betas = cbind(data.table(info_snp)[,.(chr,pos,a0,a1,,beta_se,p,OR,INFO,MAF,beta)],beta_inf)

Thank you again!


choishingwan commented 3 years ago

Type can be grid, inf or auto, which corresponds to the three possible LDpred model.

I have never tried, but I’d imagine the index of the beta follow their input.


From: DM087 Reply-To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 12:49 PM To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Cc: Shing Wan Choi, Comment Subject: Re: [choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial] LDpred-2 tutorial: error in "Obtain model PRS" (#19)


Thank you for the code. I wanted to try it on the example dataset that you have provided. I have a couple of questions here "${type}"=="grid" is this the model name? what are we defining here? I wanted to add the adjusted beta from say inf model (beta_inf) to their corresponding SNP IDs. Do you think the below code would do it adjusted_betas = cbind(data.table(info_snp)[,.(chr,pos,a0,a1,,beta_se,p,OR,INFO,MAF,beta)],beta_inf)

Thank you again!


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DM087 commented 3 years ago

Thank you.

I tried "${type}"=="grid" as "grid"=="grid" and "inf"=="inf" (on chromosome separated files) using the above code but it creates PRS for auto model only. Am I missing something here?


choishingwan commented 3 years ago

Try to replace all ${type} with type

Then do type <- “grid” at the beginning. I might have used the ${type} to name the results.


From: DM087 Reply-To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 2:42 PM To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Cc: Shing Wan Choi, Comment Subject: Re: [choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial] LDpred-2 tutorial: error in "Obtain model PRS" (#19)

Thank you.

I tried "${type}"=="grid" as "grid"=="grid" and "inf"=="inf" (on chromosome separated files) using the above code but it creates PRS for auto model only. Am I missing something here?


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DM087 commented 3 years ago

Thank you!


tinashedoc commented 3 years ago

How do you resolve this error task 13 failed - "cannot open URL ''"

I got this after running this code POS2 <- snp_asGeneticPos(CHR, POS, dir = ".")

choishingwan commented 3 years ago

There shouldn't be chr 23 ( don't think LDpred supports the sex chromosomes)

tinashedoc commented 3 years ago

Hi and thanks for the quick response. I agree that they should be no chromosome 23. But this is the error I am getting is there a way to get around this. As that error is making me not progress with the tutorial .It pop us after running

POS2 <- snp_asGeneticPos(CHR, POS, dir = ".")

POS2 is not created and I am not able to do the downstream analysis

choishingwan commented 3 years ago

Just make sure you don’t have CHR bigger than 22 and that should in theory be fine

From: tinashedoc Reply-To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2021 at 12:05 PM To: choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial Cc: Shing Wan Choi, Comment Subject: Re: [choishingwan/PRS-Tutorial] LDpred-2 tutorial: error in "Obtain model PRS" (#19)

Hi and thanks for the quick response. I agree that they should be no chromosome 23. But this is the error I am getting is there a way to get around this. As that error is making me not progress with the tutorial .It pop us after running

POS2 <- snp_asGeneticPos(CHR, POS, dir = ".")

POS2 is not created and I am not able to do the downstream analysis

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tinashedoc commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the advice , the code ran well when I removed the chr 23.