Closed complexgenome closed 3 years ago
Unfortunately, for now that will be the max speed of PRSice. You can do prefiltering with PLINK (which should be more efficient) and provide PRSice with the extraction / exclusion list to speed things up.
I have included/excluded individuals and SNPs interested for in the PLINK files. It was ultra fast if I recall in earlier versions of the prscise2.
From the log, it seems like you did not provide PRSice the extraction / exclusion list, I guess that is why it is slow. Also, if you have pre-filter with PLINK, you don't need to re-run --maf
as that will just slow things down. Hope this help.
Got it; that helped tremendously. I removed --maf
Dear developer,
I have used prscise2 earlier for computing PRS on a binary trait. I am currently using PRScise2 for a continuous trait. The number of input iids is ~1,750. The number of SNPs in plink file is ~7M (MAF 1%). The number of SNPs in GWAS/base dataset is 7.8M
Data are TOPMED imputed. hg38 base. tool takes hours (8+) and still processed ~8% of allele frequency computing. (Calculating allele frequencies:)
Is there anything to improve? best,