The first run generated a PRSice.valid file automatically.
18803059 variant(s) observed in base file, with:
2635603 ambiguous variant(s) excluded
Error: A total of 83395 duplicated SNP ID detected out of
16073292 input SNPs! Valid SNP ID (post --extract /
--exclude, non-duplicated SNPs) stored at
PRSice.valid. You can avoid this error by using
--extract PRSice.valid
Tried using --extract PRSice.valid to remove duplicate SNPs, but the second run still reported 3 duplicates.
18803059 variant(s) observed in base file, with:
2796065 variant(s) excluded based on user input
16006994 total variant(s) included from base file
Error: A total of 3 duplicated SNP ID detected out of
5080168 input SNPs! Valid SNP ID (post --extract /
--exclude, non-duplicated SNPs) stored at
PRSice.valid. You can avoid this error by using
--extract PRSice.valid
Kept using --extract on the third run, but it did not resolve the duplicate SNP issue.
18803059 variant(s) observed in base file, with:
13722893 variant(s) excluded based on user input
5080166 total variant(s) included from base file
Error: A total of 1 duplicated SNP ID detected out of
5080166 input SNPs! Valid SNP ID (post --extract /
--exclude, non-duplicated SNPs) stored at
PRSice.valid. You can avoid this error by using
--extract PRSice.valid
@choishingwan I have encountered this issue with several base files. I would greatly appreciate it if you could please help me resolve this problem when you have a moment.
The first run generated a PRSice.valid file automatically.
Tried using --extract PRSice.valid to remove duplicate SNPs, but the second run still reported 3 duplicates.
Kept using --extract on the third run, but it did not resolve the duplicate SNP issue.