cholalabs / passport-localapikey

MIT License
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Add optionalApiKey option #8

Open hippich opened 10 years ago

hippich commented 10 years ago

I have use case where I use LocalAPIKey strategy to authenticate each REST request with apikey passed in query string with each request. And at the same time I am using password authentication with sessions to allow browser app have access to the same API endpoints. To allow that I had to allow Local API Key strategy not fail when 'apikey' is not found. This is optional and should not break existing applications.

jfaissolle commented 10 years ago

I have the same type of need in my app. I have found that you can simply wrap the filter like this and put it at the end of the chain.

var apiKeyFilter = passport.authenticate('localapikey', {session: false});

function(req, res, next) {
  if (!req.isAuthenticated()) {
    return apiKeyFilter(req, res, next);
  } else {