cholla-hydro / cholla

A GPU-based hydro code
MIT License
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CGOLS #384

Closed evaneschneider closed 2 weeks ago

evaneschneider commented 3 months ago

This branch contains a working version of the code for the CGOLS-2020-style initial conditions setup and clustered supernova feedback. This includes: -A version of disk_ICs for hydro + static gravity (currently hard-coded to the Milky Way setup, but also includes commented-out code for M82) -A version of cluster feedback as described in Schneider & Mao 2024, contained in the "cluster" subdirectory. This currently loads a cluster list designed for the MW (""), but still contains an old version ("") that was used for the M82 sims.

To run, one should build using the "m82" type. Example parameter files are in the top-level directory (i.e. "m82_512.txt").

Note that this version of the code has been merged with an up-to-date version of dev, but that has not been tested.

Other notes: -This version of the code has a temperature ceiling of 1e9 applied in the cooling module ( -This version also applies a passive scalar (using "BASIC_SCALAR") to all of the gas in the grid, with different values for the disk and halo. It is currently designed not to let pure halo gas cool (see modifications in -min_dt_slow is hard-coded (in grid3D.cpp) to a value that corresponds to ~speed-of-light / cell size -The xz projection outputs have been modified to only output a projection that is 1/10th the y-direction domain width. This can be easily undone by setting pwidth = 1.0 instead of 0.1 in the projection output function. (My plan is to make this a runtime parameter, but I haven't gotten around to it.)