choojs / create-choo-app

🚞 - create a fresh choo application
MIT License
181 stars 36 forks source link

`create-choo-app choo` fails #31

Closed majgis closed 6 years ago

majgis commented 6 years ago

Taking choo for my first test drive, I stumbled over calling the project choo and thinking I had a bad connection or there was bug unrelated to the new project name:

$ ls choo
ls: cannot access 'choo': No such file or directory

$ create-choo-app choo
Creating a new Choo app in /home/mj/projects/majgis/choo.

Creating file package.json…

Installing packages, this might take a couple of minutes.
Installing choo, choo-devtools, choo-service-worker, sheetify, and tachyons…

Aborting installation. The following error occured:
  npm install --save --cache-min Infinity --loglevel error choo choo-devtools choo-service-worker sheetify tachyons

Deleting generated file… package.json
Deleting generated file… node_modules
Cleanup completed, please try again sometime.

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 17.04
Release:        17.04
Codename:       zesty

$ node -v && npm -v

$ create-choo-app anythingelse
Creating a new Choo app in /home/mj/projects/majgis/anythingelse.

Creating file package.json…

Installing packages, this might take a couple of minutes.
Installing choo, choo-devtools, choo-service-worker, sheetify, and tachyons…
Installing bankai, dependency-check, and standard…

Creating file .gitignore…
Creating file…
Creating file index.js…
Creating file sw.js…
Creating file views/main.js…
Creating file views/404.js…
Creating file manifest.json…
Creating file assets/icon.png…

Initializing git

App created in /home/mj/projects/majgis/anythingelse.
All done, good job! 🚂🚋🚋

The following commands are available:
  npm start        Start the development server
  npm test         Lint, validate deps & run tests
  npm run build    Compile all files to dist/
  npm run inspect  Inspect the bundle dependencies

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sinacodes commented 6 years ago

hi @majgis ! actually it's an npm thing: you can't create a project with the same name as one of its dependencies. i.e. you also can't name a react app "react"

majgis commented 6 years ago

Thank you. Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall hitting this issue before in a different context. Thank you for shedding light.