chop-dbhi / data-models

Collection of various biomedical data models in parseable formats.
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Adding dose_value in schema file for dose_era table #155

Closed burrowse closed 7 years ago

burrowse commented 7 years ago

murphyke commented 7 years ago

@burrowse Thanks, DMSA succeeds with this. I'll merge it. FWIW, here is the diff between 2.3.0 and this version.

< INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create tables', 'pedsnet', '2.3.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create tables', 'pedsnet', '2.4.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> CREATE TABLE adt_occurrence (
>   adt_date DATE, 
>   adt_occurrence_id SERIAL NOT NULL, 
>   adt_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
>   adt_type_source_value VARCHAR(256), 
>   care_site_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
>   next_adt_occurrence_id INTEGER, 
>   person_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
>   prior_adt_occurrence_id INTEGER, 
>   service_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
>   service_source_value VARCHAR(256), 
>   visit_occurrence_id INTEGER NOT NULL, 
>   CONSTRAINT xpk_adt_occurrence PRIMARY KEY (adt_occurrence_id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE condition_era (
>   condition_concept_id INTEGER, 
>   condition_era_end_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   condition_era_id SERIAL NOT NULL, 
>   condition_era_start_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   condition_occurrence_count INTEGER, 
>   person_id INTEGER, 
>   CONSTRAINT xpk_condition_era PRIMARY KEY (condition_era_id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE dose_era (
>   dose_era_end_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   dose_era_id SERIAL NOT NULL, 
>   dose_era_start_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   dose_value FLOAT NOT NULL, 
>   drug_concept_id INTEGER, 
>   person_id INTEGER, 
>   unit_concept_id INTEGER, 
>   CONSTRAINT xpk_dose_era PRIMARY KEY (dose_era_id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE drug_era (
>   drug_concept_id INTEGER, 
>   drug_era_end_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   drug_era_id SERIAL NOT NULL, 
>   drug_era_start_date DATE NOT NULL, 
>   drug_exposure_count INTEGER, 
>   gap_days INTEGER, 
>   person_id INTEGER, 
>   CONSTRAINT xpk_drug_era PRIMARY KEY (drug_era_id)
> );
>   box_size INTEGER, 
< INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create constraints', 'pedsnet', '2.3.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create constraints', 'pedsnet', '2.4.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> ALTER TABLE adt_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_adt_occ_caresite FOREIGN KEY(care_site_id) REFERENCES care_site (care_site_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE adt_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_adt_occ_person FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE adt_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_adt_occ_visit FOREIGN KEY(visit_occurrence_id) REFERENCES visit_occurrence (visit_occurrence_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE adt_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_adt_ser_concept FOREIGN KEY(service_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE adt_occurrence ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_adt_type_concept FOREIGN KEY(adt_type_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE condition_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cond_era_c_concept FOREIGN KEY(condition_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE condition_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_cond_era_person FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE dose_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_dose_era_d_concept FOREIGN KEY(drug_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE dose_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_dose_era_person FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE dose_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_dose_era_u_concept FOREIGN KEY(unit_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE drug_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_era_d_concept FOREIGN KEY(drug_concept_id) REFERENCES concept (concept_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
> ALTER TABLE drug_era ADD CONSTRAINT fpk_drug_era_person FOREIGN KEY(person_id) REFERENCES person (person_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;
< INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create indexes', 'pedsnet', '2.3.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> INSERT INTO version_history (operation, model, model_version, dms_version, dmsa_version) VALUES ('create indexes', 'pedsnet', '2.4.0', '1.0.4-beta', '0.5.9');
> CREATE INDEX idx_adt_next_id ON adt_occurrence (next_adt_occurrence_id);
> CREATE INDEX idx_adt_prior_id ON adt_occurrence (prior_adt_occurrence_id);
> CREATE INDEX idx_adt_service_id ON adt_occurrence (service_concept_id);
> CREATE INDEX idx_adt_type_id ON adt_occurrence (adt_type_concept_id);
> CREATE INDEX idx_adt_visit_id ON adt_occurrence (visit_occurrence_id);