chopengauer / nrf_analyze

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Questions on nRF24L01+ #1

Open HyperC opened 8 years ago

HyperC commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I found this blogpost and since I'm fairly new to the subject I have some questions:

Thanks in advance! :)

chopengauer commented 8 years ago


HyperC commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks for the help. I'm trying to get the nRF24 transceiver to work with my Arduino, but it's not giving any output in the serial monitor. When I disconnect the 3v3 pin, it does show these empty results: 5556 ms: 164249 Ch: 13 Get data: 5557 ms: 164252 Ch: 13 Get data: 5558 ms: 164255 Ch: 13 Get data: ... But then the 'w' and 's' doesn't work. When I plug in the 3v3 pin, the serial monitor stops with the output BUT the channel switching does work..?! I'm sure I wired the thing up correctly, but it feels like it's making a bad connection somewhere. Do you know what could be wrong?

Also, the code in the blogpost is incomplete, the for loop just stops:

for (byte i=0; i ???

HyperC commented 8 years ago

Ok I changed the CE en CSN pin definitions, and it does keep outputting in my serial monitor now. But there's nothing behind the 'Get data:' part.. It should always show something right..? I'm getting the idea that the radio isn't working.

Also: 'w' and 's' input in serial monitor dont do anything while it's 'trying to collect data'.

HyperC commented 8 years ago

I think it's my board, so I'll try to fix it tomorrow. One more question for now: You say the nRF24L01 is an independent chip, with its own protocol. Can only drones using this chip (or the BK2423) be controlled by the nRF24L01 chip? The protocol differs per drone any way.. so why does it have to be compatible with the nRF24 chip? Or can I also control one of those random mini-drones (that operate on the 2.4GHz frequency)? Like this one: