chopshopnacho / crawr

Web UI to download manga, manhua and manhwa
2 stars 1 forks source link

More explanations about the system, please #1

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I wish save a manhwa published on one of the platforms in Your list (I'll not say what nor the title of the manhwa in order not to compromise Your work, @chopshopnacho) but, since I've really no knowledge about programming language and/or PHP😓, I would like to ask for some more explanation and at least an example. I really don't understand your explantions in the section «Usage».

Clone the repo and use composer install to download its dependencies or use the Docker container: $ git clone $ docker build -t crawr crawr $ docker run --publish 8000:80 crawr

Please, help me: I'm in total confusion😵... Is it prudent to discuss it here? 'Cause, if You prefer, we can speak by email(I've a ProtonMail account).

chopshopnacho commented 4 years ago

Hi Simon, thank you for your interest. I'll try to give you a point to start.

This project is thought to be hosted on a server and requires PHP. Docker is a way that abstracts all this as well as installing the dependencies on your system.

You can either install PHP (either through your package manager of choice if you're using Linux of MacOS) or by downloading it from its website. After that, you'd need to install Composer and maybe additional dependencies (like libzip for zip and libmagick for image support).

However, I would suggest to install Docker (which is easier and faster than installing PHP) and follow the three commands in the readme: Download the repository, open a terminal (or console when on Windows), in it change to the direcotry in which you just downloaded the repo, run docker build to build the project and docker run to run it. Then open a browser and go to localhost:8080.

I really hope this helps you. If you want more specific support, it would be best to use email. Good luck :)