chorhatarahuduketuri / gc

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Add espionage features #55

Open adrianlshaw opened 5 years ago

adrianlshaw commented 5 years ago

Do we want to add espionage features?

chorhatarahuduketuri commented 5 years ago

Yes, yes we do.

chorhatarahuduketuri commented 5 years ago

I think we do, but that it won't be implementable prior to implementation of visibility scopes as per #9 . They may be implementable at the same time.

Also, what do we want espionage for? (just random info from random systems/where ships are/empire stats) or more like civ where you can spy on the whole of a city/system? or put a spy in a system, then they can jump onto passing ships, and just provide visibility? do espionage spies also do sabotage?

adrianlshaw commented 5 years ago

or put a spy in a system

I don't think we should require manual actions. Let's just keep it as a simple risk/reward slider for each race you are aware of. More manual controls could be added later.

One simple thing we can make is to have a statistical chance that a spy is placed on one of the enemy ships, and the sector of where the ship is becomes visible to you.

However, until we have a proper economy and military then there won't be much to pilfer/sabotage/learn.