Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
These two things, writeObject invocation and no-arg constructors, make Kryo a
prohibitive replacement for the Java serialization.
Original comment by
on 5 Sep 2012 at 1:55
May be there is some gate function, like writeNullOrRef that precedes every
object serialization? Can I override it?
Original comment by
on 5 Sep 2012 at 1:56
I think that I have succeeded by intercepting writeReferenceOrNull
Kryo kryo = new Kryo() {
public boolean writeReferenceOrNull (Output output, Object object, boolean mayBeNull) {
if (object instanceof IGItem) {
((IGItem) object).preSerialize();
return super.writeReferenceOrNull(output, object, mayBeNull);
But I am not sure how reliable this is and I had to patch the function's
visibility: package -> public
Original comment by
on 5 Sep 2012 at 2:26
I am having difficulty understanding what your issue is.
Kryo ignores writeObject(ObjectStream) because Kryo has nothing to do with Java
built-in serialization.
Java built-in serialization constructs objects without invoking constructors.
This requires classes to know about serialization to avoid inconsistent state.
This is not recommended. It is better to use a constructor, but see "object
creation" in the docs if you still need this type of object creation.
You seem to want to invoke a method before serialization. You can do this by
overriding the serializer method:
kryo.register(SomeClass.class, new FieldSerializer<SomeClass>(kryo,
SomeClass.class) {
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, SomeClass object) {
super.write(kryo, output, object);
If you want to do this for all your objects, you can have an interface define
beforeSerialization(), create a serialize class similar to the above that uses
instanceof to call beforeSerialization() in Serializer#write(), and use
Kryo#setDefaultSerializer() to use that class as the default for all objects.
Alternatively you can subclass Kryo and return your serializer in
Original comment by
on 5 Sep 2012 at 10:37
> Kryo ignores writeObject(ObjectStream) because Kryo has nothing to do with
Java built-in serialization.
writeObject(ObjectStream) is used for something different than writing into
java stream. In my project, it just converts some fields into DB identifiers,
before object is serialized. Externalization, for instance, provides
writeExternal() for the same purpose. Any serialization needs an event system.
Serializes an object? Fire event! Kryo provides nothing: neither listeners nor
simple overridable mechanism. Not even a direct guideline how to achieve the
same goal.
This is a caveat (as well as no-arg constructors and inner classes) that make
transition from java serialization -> Kryo painful. You could mention that so
that people do not need to figure out this by experiment.
> If you want to do this for all your objects, you can have an interface define
beforeSerialization(), create a serialize class similar to the above that uses
instanceof to call beforeSerialization() in Serializer#write(), and use
Kryo#setDefaultSerializer() to use that class as the default for all objects.
How is this different from what I tried? Where is my mistake? Do you see that I
have to remember the default serializer and call it for actual serialization of
the fields, after I fire necessary events? Do you see that I loose some fields,
the ones that extend the SomeClass definition? So, it works only when SomeClass
is "final". How can this approach work for "all objects" after that? Why do you
mark this issue as "inappropriate"?
> Alternatively you can subclass Kryo and return your serializer in
I tried
Kryo kryo = new Kryo() {
protected Serializer newDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
final Serializer def = super.newDefaultSerializer(type);
Serializer custom = new Serializer() {
public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, Object object) {
System.err.println("writing " + object + ":" + object.getClass().getSimpleName());
def.write(kryo, output, object);
public Object read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
System.err.println("reading " + type.getSimpleName());
return, input, type);
System.err.println("new serializer for "+ type.getSimpleName());
return custom;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Output output = new Output(baos);
A a = new A("a"), b = new A("b"), c = new A("c");
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, a);
System.err.println(baos.size() + " after first write");
Where A is a class with a List that may contain subelements. Here is what I get:
new serializer for A
writing a:A
writing c:A
50 after first write
writing b:A
90 after second write
So, this intercepted all my objects. Thanks. List was not captured because it
has a more preferred serializer, I suspect. So, it seems to work but overriding
writeReferenceOrNull was much less pain than this. You should provide a
shortcut mechanism for intercepting the serialization/generating serialization
events. The writeReferenceOrNull seems to serve exactly that purpose.
Original comment by
on 6 Sep 2012 at 8:26
> List was not captured because it has a more preferred serializer, I suspect.
> How is this different from what I tried? Where is my mistake? Do you see that
I have to remember the default serializer and call it for actual serialization
of the fields, after I fire necessary events? Do you see that I loose some
fields, the ones that extend the SomeClass definition?
I have no idea because you did not provide a simple, executable example. I
won't waste my time trying to cobble one together just to hope I end up with
whatever you actually tried.
> Do you see that I have to remember the default serializer and call it for
actual serialization of the fields, after I fire necessary events?
Any class with your "beforeSerialization" method is application specific, and
so you know what serializer it should use. There is likely no need to remember
the default.
> Why do you mark this issue as "inappropriate"?
I didn't. It is marked as invalid.
> List was not captured because it has a more preferred serializer, I suspect.
Correct. Again, since you didn't provide the code, I can only guess you used an
ArrayList. Intercepting this is useless, since ArrayList doesn't have a
"beforeSerialization" method.
> The writeReferenceOrNull seems to serve exactly that purpose.
No. That method is not called if references are disabled.
I expect you know what serializer to use for classes you want to call
"beforeSerialization" on and can easily invoke it there. I see calling a method
like this to be exactly as application specific as any other action needed to
serialize an application specific class. If you don't want to do the intercept
in the serializer, then you can override the writeObject, writeObjectOrNull,
and writeClassAndObject methods. These are guaranteed to be called for all
objects that are serialized.
Original comment by
on 6 Sep 2012 at 9:54
> I have no idea because you did not provide a simple, executable example. I
won't waste my time trying to cobble one together just to hope I end up with
whatever you actually tried.
How can you say such thing when your code snippets are not more executable than
mine? I expected that you know about the issue, that not all fields are
serialized, when you register a serializer. Here are three alternatives and
only OverridingNewDefaultSerializer fires events and serializes everything.
public class A {
String f1;
A(String a) {
f1 = a;
List list = new ArrayList();
public String toString() {
return "f1 = " + f1 + ":" + f1.getClass().getSimpleName();
boolean written = false;
public void beforeSerialization() {
written = true;
public class B extends A {
B(String a) {
f2 = 1;
Integer f2;
public String toString() {
Class t = f2.getClass(); // <- AddingDefaultSerializer NullPointerException
// because f2 was not serialized
return super.toString() + ", f2=" + f2 + ":" + t.getSimpleName();
boolean written2 = false;
public void beforeSerialization() {
written2 = true;
public class OverridingNewDefaultSerializerCustomization extends Kryo {
protected Serializer newDefaultSerializer(Class type) {
final Serializer def = super.newDefaultSerializer(type);
Serializer custom = new Serializer() {
public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, Object object) {
System.err.println("writing " + object + ":" + object.getClass().getSimpleName());
if (object instanceof A)
def.write(kryo, output, object);
public Object read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
System.err.println("reading " + type.getSimpleName());
return, input, type);
System.err.println("new serializer for "+ type.getSimpleName());
return custom;
public class RegisteringFieldSerializerCustomization extends Kryo {
register(A.class, new FieldSerializer<A>(this, A.class) {
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, A object) {
System.err.println("writing " + object.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + object + ")");
super.write(kryo, output, object);
public class AddingDefaultSerializerCustomization extends Kryo {
final Serializer def = getDefaultSerializer(A.class);
addDefaultSerializer(A.class, new Serializer() {
public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, Object object) {
System.err.println("writing " + object.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + object + ")");
if (object instanceof A)
def.write(kryo, output, object);
public Object read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class type) {
return, input, type);
public class KryoCustomization {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
for (Class s: new Class[] {
public static void test(Class<Kryo> cls) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
System.err.println("- - -\ntesting " + cls + "\n");
Kryo kryo = cls.newInstance();
kryo.setInstantiatorStrategy(new StdInstantiatorStrategy());
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// Save
Output output = new Output(baos);
A a = new B("a"), b = new B("b"), c = new B("c");
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, a);
System.err.println(baos.size() + " after first write");
System.err.println(cls.getSimpleName() + " WRITE " +
((c.written && ((B)c).written2) ? "SUCCES" : "FAILURE"));
// Another save
output = new Output(baos);
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, b);
System.err.println(baos.size() + " after second write");
// Restore
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
Input input = new Input(in);
B o = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
o = (B) kryo.readClassAndObject(input);
System.err.println(" " + i + ". " + o);
System.err.println(cls.getSimpleName() + " READ " + (o.f2 == 1 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"));
The output is
- - -
testing class kryo_test.OverridingNewDefaultSerializerCustomization
new serializer for B
writing f1 = a:String, f2=1:Integer:B
writing f1 = c:String, f2=1:Integer:B
58 after first write
OverridingNewDefaultSerializerCustomization WRITE SUCCES
writing f1 = b:String, f2=1:Integer:B
102 after second write
reading B
reading B
0. f1 = a:String, f2=1:Integer
reading B
1. f1 = b:String, f2=1:Integer
OverridingNewDefaultSerializerCustomization READ SUCCESS
- - -
testing class kryo_test.RegisteringFieldSerializerCustomization
58 after first write
RegisteringFieldSerializerCustomization WRITE FAILURE
102 after second write
0. f1 = a:String, f2=1:Integer
1. f1 = b:String, f2=1:Integer
RegisteringFieldSerializerCustomization READ SUCCESS
- - -
testing class kryo_test.AddingDefaultSerializerCustomization
writing B(f1 = a:String, f2=1:Integer)
writing B(f1 = c:String, f2=1:Integer)
52 after first write
AddingDefaultSerializerCustomization WRITE SUCCES
writing B(f1 = b:String, f2=1:Integer)
93 after second write
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at kryo_test.B.toString(
at java.lang.String.valueOf(
at java.lang.StringBuilder.append(
at kryo_test.KryoCustomization.test(
at kryo_test.KryoCustomization.main(
registring field serializer is not called at all and last test that adds
default serializer fails because it ignores the fields besides the ones
declared in A.class. The failing solutions also suffer from the need to be
careful and register all classes that implement KryoEvents interface.
Registering is thus fragile/error-prone. This is not oblivious. Is it a kind of
test you want the users to write and figure out experimentally when they want
just a basic stuff of event triggering?
>> Why do you mark this issue as "inappropriate"?
> I didn't. It is marked as invalid.
Ok, it's very big difference
> Any class with your "beforeSerialization" method is application specific, and
so you know what serializer it should use.
> I see calling a method like this to be exactly as application specific as any
other action needed to serialize an application specific class.
Any class you serialize is application-specific. Why user must write his own
Kryo serializer for getting events? He must write his own serialization
framework! We should better not have the Kryo for this puropose!
Actually, it is very easy to know which client method the serializer must to
invoke. You just define that method as a author of the framework, like java
serializer does. As result, java serializer is easer to customize, despite it
is not customizable at all. It is because demanding a custom wheel reinvention
for a typical thing is stupid.
Frameworks from different vendors may have incompatible event-firing
mechanisms. It is fact user have to live with. Kryo, in similar way, could
prescribe implementing KryoExternalizable.willSerializeYouInSecond() for any
user who wants to receive seiralization events. Java writeObject/writeExternal
methods demand invoking java-default serialization out.writeDefaultObject().
So, Kryo cannot call them when serializes. So, I have to rewirte my classes
anyway when taking a new serialization engine. But, it is not enough when using
Kryo! In addition to event-listeners, Kryo wants you to create a custom
serializer! May be this is also not flexible enough? May be we should better
not have Kryo at all for this reason to let the user to implement the
application-specific serialization engine? Serialization is totally
application-specific task, after all.
Original comment by
on 6 Sep 2012 at 1:55
Kryo and support for Kryo is free. You are not owed anything. It appears that
you think I will spend my time supporting you no matter how rude and sarcastic
you behave. This is not the case. Perhaps you are better off using a different
Original comment by
on 6 Sep 2012 at 7:24
Thank you for appreciating my research. I have also discovered that there is
another extensible mechanism, KryoSerializable, which is exactly what I was
looking for. Thank you for explaining how bad such "application-specific" thing
is. I recommend it is lifted ahead of custom serializers section in the Quick
Original comment by
on 7 Sep 2012 at 8:35
No, KryoSerializable serializable has the same issue as Externalizable: no way
to invoke the default (de)serialization. Using new in
read creates a new instance whereas only population of existing object needed.
But, that is another issue. So overriding the new default serializer seems only
the way.
Original comment by
on 7 Sep 2012 at 10:18
Original issue reported on by
on 5 Sep 2012 at 1:42