chqu1012 / Language-Editor

This editor is for specifing the color of the keyword and the autocompletion of the editor. So each user can use one file to colorize his code at there own.
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Adding new Tokens for the comments and quotes #11

Closed chqu1012 closed 7 years ago

chqu1012 commented 7 years ago
    rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\"", "\"", new Token(new TextAttribute(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GREEN))), '\\'));
    rules.add(new SingleLineRule("\'", "\'", new Token(new TextAttribute(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GREEN))), '\\'));
    rules.add(new MultiLineRule("/*", "*/", new Token(new TextAttribute(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE)))));
    rules.add(new EndOfLineRule("//", new Token(new TextAttribute(Display.getCurrent().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE)))));
chqu1012 commented 7 years ago
