chr15m / bugout

Back end web app services over WebRTC.
MIT License
603 stars 59 forks source link

Data transmission not working #44

Closed tanayseven closed 3 years ago

tanayseven commented 3 years ago

I tried a lot of things and a lot of combinations.

Nothing seems to be working, I'm thinking to move away from using bugout now. Requesting some help from you, if possible before I decide to move away.

chr15m commented 3 years ago

Hi @tanayseven. The best way to get help is to provide details about the problems or bugs you are experiencing. If a specific bug can be replicated then it can be fixed. Nobody can do much with a statement like "nothing seems to be working".

If this library with its default trackers is not a stable enough basis for your app's networking here are some alternatives:

Best of luck.