chr15m / bugout

Back end web app services over WebRTC.
MIT License
603 stars 59 forks source link

[question] Maturity state #60

Closed jarodium closed 2 years ago

jarodium commented 2 years ago


I would like to know if bugout is mature enough to deploy to production server, or if it's still a much "work with it at your own risk" kind of thing, as stated in this repo page.

I would like very much to use it with a tech support module i'm building into my CMS, among other applications, so I will pretty much use it on a VPS as a server and launch this support tabs from the CMS.

Best regards

chr15m commented 2 years ago

@jarodium if you are building a tech support module on an existing site I would use websockets or SSE.

Bugout works best in the situation where you don't have an existing website backend or webserver as it allows for communication directly between peers.