chr233 / ASFEnhance

ASF 扩展命令插件 / External commands for ASF
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add a new command #101

Open aVitaliy opened 1 year ago

aVitaliy commented 1 year ago


Is it possible to create such a command. Send from Bot1 to Bot2, for example, only 5 sets of cards from the CS:GO game or any other game. Craft these 5 sets on Bot2 to get a level 5 badge (this is already done by the CRAFTBADGE command).

I know ASF has a command !transfer@ Bot1 730 Bot2. But if there are a lot of such cards on Bot1, then it will just take a huge amount of time. Then again it is necessary to send all these cards to Bot3 and other BotXX in the same way.

But here commands to send only 5 sets of cards and not all cards would be a great solution to automate the process for crafting a badge on all Bots.

chr233 commented 1 year ago

I had wrote another plugin for such card trade:

it can let you to transfer sets of card to other by given trade link

aVitaliy commented 1 year ago

I don't know but it doesn't work for me.

`!FULLSET Bot1 730 < CardTradeExtension 遇到错误, 日志如下

  • 原始消息: FULLSET Bot1 730
  • Access: Owner
  • ASF 版本:
  • 插件版本:

    { "EULA": true, "Statistic": true, "DisabledCmds": [ "FOO", "BAR" ], "MaxItemPerTrade": 255 }

  • 错误类型: System.MissingMethodException
  • 错误消息: Attempted to access a missing method. at CardTradeExtension.Card.Handler.GetAppCardGroup(Bot bot, IEnumerable1 appIds, IEnumerable1 inventory) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.StartTStateMachine at CardTradeExtension.Card.Handler.GetAppCardGroup(Bot bot, IEnumerable1 appIds, IEnumerable1 inventory) at CardTradeExtension.Card.Command.ResponseFullSetCountOfGame(Bot bot, String query) at ArchiSteamFarm.Core.Utilities.InParallel[T](IEnumerable1 tasks) at CardTradeExtension.Card.Command.ResponseFullSetCountOfGame(String botNames, String query) at CardTradeExtension.CardTradeExtension.ResponseCommand(Bot bot, EAccess access, String message, String[] args, UInt64 steamId) at CardTradeExtension.CardTradeExtension.OnBotCommand(Bot bot, EAccess access, String message, String[] args, UInt64 steamI
chr233 commented 1 year ago

I see, I'm working on it.