chr66475 / connorross-MADA-portfolio

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Data Visualization Exercise #3

Closed hayhem closed 1 year ago

hayhem commented 1 year ago

Connor, nice job! I think that my best piece of advice would be to change your color palette. I have a few approaches you might take with this. One would be to change from a continuous palette to a sequential color palette (and to change the legend to ranges accordingly (0-10, 10-20, etc).RColorBrewer has some color palettes that I think would work nicely. Alternatively, you could keep the continuous color palette and not break the counts up into ranges, but use a continuous palette that transitions into more colors (palettes in viridis are great for this!)

Also, if you're interested in making maps with Hawaii and Alaska, I've worked a bit with usmaps. The package works on its own, but really shines when you use it with ggplot2.

chr66475 commented 1 year ago

Sweet! Thanks Hayley! I'm a little familiar with RColorBrewer and palettes in viridis, however, I've hardly ever used them but this would be a perfect opportunity to learn. I also want to maybe switch to plotly/ggploty or leaflet to build a more interactive component in the map. I just go frustrated with it because I kept receiving error when attempting to load a map to use. I don't plan to put this down until I've figured it out :D

chr66475 commented 1 year ago

Issue resolved/closed.