A comprehensive update to the PLINK association analysis toolset. Beta testing of the first new version (1.90), focused on speed and memory efficiency improvements, is finishing up. Development is now focused on building out support for multiallelic, phased, and dosage data in PLINK 2.0.
Dear sir or madam.
We want to use WGS data to study CNV-SNP LD. How to use PLINK for linkage disequilibrium analysis?
Because the END information seems to be lost after the vcf file of CNV is converted into plink format. This bothers me.
Dear sir or madam. We want to use WGS data to study CNV-SNP LD. How to use PLINK for linkage disequilibrium analysis? Because the END information seems to be lost after the vcf file of CNV is converted into plink format. This bothers me.