chrihand / report

Bachelor report
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General feedback #115

Open chrihand opened 7 years ago

chrihand commented 7 years ago

Fixed: -1. Don’t use phrases such as “cake punishment”.
-2. Avoid confusing retrospect with retrospective.
-3. Typo at existing solutions (2.2). “a user story are”.
-7. Fix Project Life Cycle chapter, move some of the text about sprints to appendix and just write about main happenings in chapter -8. Move "Web hotel vs. webserver" to prestudy product. -10. Fix mail title to email -11. Activity plan, nevne at status rapport er leveret gjevnlig -12. Divide prestudy chapter -13. Should we have sections without content? (Eg. Front-End) -14. Thanks to -9. More images of product in report -18. Remove stand-up and exchange with daily meeting -20. Event vs. activity. Change event to activity -21. Web portal. Change portal to web portal -22. Aktørbasen, i stede for Aktørdatabasen og Aktørbase -23. Kommune to municipality

chrihand commented 7 years ago

Not fixed:

  1. There are a few misplaced commas in the report.
  2. There were a few sentences I didn’t understand.
  3. A lot of that need to be reformulated.
  4. Check refs
  5. slutter å rette på det, men er en ting som er utrolig gjennomgående. ting slik som "An offer outside of Norway that is similar to is Go Smart[11]". Dette burde endres til "Go Smart[11] is an offer outside of Norway that is similar to"