chriltola / mail

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Rr #31

Open chriltola opened 1 year ago

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Dear Campu Customer Service Department,

I am writing to request that you inform our province branch about the upcoming update to the EPP system as per the schedule provided in the attached document.

It is important that our province branch is aware of this update and is prepared to implement the necessary changes. Could you please contact them and provide them with the relevant information and support to ensure a smooth transition?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


[Your Name]

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Dear Lim Tian Song,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an issue with two window profiles, namely UAR62260 and LVS69711. These profiles are unable to access the internet despite being assigned specific host names and IP addresses.

I kindly request your assistance in checking and resolving this issue as soon as possible. It is crucial that these profiles are able to access the internet in order to carry out their intended functions efficiently.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

chriltola commented 1 year ago


CD "C:\Users\PVisal\Desktop" FOR /D /R %%G in (*) DO ( SET "FileName=%%~G" SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F %%H IN ('wmic fsdir where name^="!FileName:\=\!" get creationdate^|find "."') DO SET "cdate=%%H"

FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %%A IN ('DIR /T:C /A:-D "!FileName!" ^|FIND "/"') DO (
SET Cdate=%%A
SET Fname=%%B
SET Fname=!Fname:~24!

ECHO Creation Date:    !CDate!        File Name:       !Fname!   File Path:  !FileName!



chriltola commented 1 year ago

i have a batch script that list every file in folder and sub-folder. i want to short it by date from new to old.


CD "C:\Users\PVisal\Desktop" FOR /D /R %%G in (*) DO ( SET "FileName=%%~G" SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F %%H IN ('wmic fsdir where name^="!FileName:\=\!" get creationdate^|find "."') DO SET "cdate=%%H"

FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %%A IN ('DIR /T:C /A:-D "!FileName!" ^|FIND "/"') DO (
SET Cdate=%%A
SET Fname=%%B
SET Fname=!Fname:~24!

ECHO Creation Date:  !CDate!      File Name:      !Fname!    File Path:  !FileName!



chriltola commented 1 year ago

To sort the output by date from newest to oldest, you can modify the FOR loop as follows:

FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %%A IN ('DIR /T:C /O:-D /A:-D "!FileName!" ^|FIND "/"') DO ( SET Cdate=%%A SET Fname=%%B SET Fname=!Fname:~24! ECHO Creation Date: !CDate! File Name: !Fname! File Path: !FileName! )

The /O:-D option in the DIR command sorts the files by date in descending order (newest first).

chriltola commented 1 year ago

i have a batch script that list every file in folder and sub-folder. but for the folder that don't have file it echo file not found. i don't want to echo file not found.

@echo OFF &SETLOCAL color 0A

CD "C:\Users\PVisal\Desktop" FOR /D /R %%G in (*) DO ( SET "FileName=%%~G" SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F %%H IN ('wmic fsdir where name^="!FileName:=!" get creationdate^|find "."') DO SET "cdate=%%H"

FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims= " %%A IN ('DIR /T:C /A:-D "!FileName!" ^|FIND "/"') DO ( SET Cdate=%%A SET Fname=%%B SET Fname=!Fname:~24!

ECHO Creation Date: !CDate! File Name: !Fname! File Path: !FileName! ) ENDLOCAL )


chriltola commented 1 year ago

To prevent the "file not found" message from being displayed, you can add an IF statement to check if there are any files in the folder before running the inner FOR loop. If there are no files, the inner loop will be skipped.

Here's the modified script:

@echo OFF &SETLOCAL color 0A CD "C:\Users\PVisal\Desktop" FOR /D /R %%G in () DO ( SET "FileName=%%~G" SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F %%H IN ('wmic fsdir where name^="!FileName:=!" get creationdate^|find "."') DO SET "cdate=%%H" IF EXIST "!FileName!*" ( FOR /F "tokens=1, delims= " %%A IN ('DIR /T:C /A:-D "!FileName!" ^|FIND "/"') DO ( SET Cdate=%%A SET Fname=%%B SET Fname=!Fname:~24! ECHO Creation Date: !CDate! File Name: !Fname! File Path: !FileName! ) ) ENDLOCAL ) pause.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

@echo off set folder="C:\path\to\folder" if exist %folder%* ( echo Files found in folder. ) else ( echo No files found in folder. ) pause.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

NECATR- WEB APPLICATION Nectar is a web application completely automates the internal process of the Terminals (ATM, CDM & KIOS) such as Cash Management, Transaction Management, EJ Streaming, Diagnostics, Monitoring and File Upload/Download in order to simplify manual work of all the available Terminals that are geographically separated. EJ Streaming and Diagnostics processes are taken care of by the Agent which are located in the terminal. It automates banks to distribute/upload promotional advertisements, videos, camera images and download EJ Files and Agent logs without having to physically send staff to the Terminals to perform the operations. RESPONSIBILITY EJ STREAMING -Involved in Analysis, Design, Implementation and Maintenance -Follow Test Driven Development -Involved in development of Agent component which is runs on every Terminal. -Implemented Spring tasks and Quartz Job in Agent. -Implemented various design patterns. -Implemented EJ Parser for Wincor vendor. -Implemented multiple search option CASH MANAGEMENT -Involved in redesigning Table structure -Follow Test Driven Development -Responsible for tuning up the performance -Implemented multiple search option TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT -Implemented and involved in Parser -Implemented Select2 component TRANSPORTER -Involved in development of UI design for File Collection -Involved in development of UI design for Multiple Job request -Implemented recovery process for Failure Job -Responsible for auto update and maintenance for Agent. -Implemented Multiple command executor DIAGNOSTICS -Involved in Analysis, Design, Implementation and Maintenance -Implemented command executor on demand service. -Implemented and involved in viewing Terminal File System. -Implemented and involved in viewing current process in Terminal. -Implemented Spring Task to monitor Terminal status. -Implemented Quarter Job for server client communication. -Involved in UI design for Agent Config / Log File Viewer Add-ons -EJ Publisher - Used to push the EJ file from Local to Remote server over SSH. -Time Sync – Used to maintain the Terminal Time based on Regional Time Zone. -Terminal Security – Used to monitor and disable the unauthorized user access.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Nectar System is a web application that automates the internal processes of terminals such as ATMs, CDMs, and kiosks. It simplifies manual work by automating cash management, transaction management, EJ streaming, diagnostics, monitoring, and file upload/download. The system also allows banks to distribute/upload promotional advertisements, videos, camera images, and download EJ files and agent logs without physically sending staff to the terminals. The system includes various components such as EJ streaming, cash management, transaction management, transporter, diagnostics, and add-ons like EJ Publisher, Time Sync, and Terminal Security. The team responsible for Nectar System is involved in analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of the system and follows test-driven development.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

write me a mail as below scenario: Dear Mr. Prescott,

I'm Tola Chril work out on outstanding "VA Findings on Prod Campu Master Card PC". I would like to continue from the previous issues. Currently, we have an outstanding issues "Apache Log4j Unsupported Version Detection (156032) (High Risk)".

Follow your previous mail, wrote:

"As a workaround, the following item can be done:

Will consider to lower down the risk finding to LOW risk after perform the above actions. Please provide screenshot evidence."

I have deleted the following class files from the log4j jar files you mention.

Below screen is the screenshot evidence:

-pic1 -pic2 -pic3 -pic4 -pic5 -pic6 -pic7

i wish you will consider to lower down the risk finding to LOW risk after perform the above actions and continue new pentest

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Subject: Request for New Penetration Test

Dear Mr. Prescott,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request a new penetration test for our "VA Findings on Prod Campu Master Card PC" project.

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your prompt action in addressing the outstanding issue regarding the "Apache Log4j Unsupported Version Detection (156032) (High Risk)". As per your instructions, I have successfully deleted the specified class files from the log4j jar files. I have attached the screenshot evidence for your reference.

[Attach screenshot evidence: pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4, pic5, pic6, pic7]

I kindly request that you consider lowering the risk finding to LOW after reviewing the evidence. This would greatly contribute to the overall security of our system.

Now, moving forward, I would like to proceed with a new penetration test. To ensure that we cover all necessary areas and address potential vulnerabilities, I would appreciate it if you could provide more details about the specific aspects or areas you would like us to focus on during the test. Any specific requirements or concerns you may have will be taken into account to tailor the test to your needs.

Once we receive the details from you, our team will promptly initiate the new penetration test and provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Dear Mr. Prescott,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to provide an update on the outstanding "VA Findings on Prod Campu Master Card PC" and to discuss a solution for the current issue of "Apache Log4j Unsupported Version Detection (156032) (High Risk)."

In accordance with your previous email, I have taken the necessary steps to address this issue. Specifically, I have deleted the following class files from the log4j jar files as you instructed:

To provide you with the required evidence, I have attached screenshots of the deleted class files for your reference. Please find them attached to this email.

-pic1 -pic2 -pic3 -pic4 -pic5 -pic6 -pic7

I kindly request that you consider downgrading the risk finding to LOW after performing the aforementioned actions. Additionally, I would appreciate it if we could proceed with the new penetration test to ensure the continued security of the system.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Tola Chril Main Avatar

chriltola commented 1 year ago

write me a status upadate project OneSpan Jump Server as below scenario. the project is implemented on 5/7/23. however, the remoting access to other servers via Jumper do not work yet due to Mr. Sohong do not disable Network Level Authentication(NLA) yet.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

write a mail to Mr. Many as below detial: i want like to request to allow firewall to be process remotely from Jump Server to DR SMS server. For more detial please kindly check the attachment for firewall request form.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Dear Mr. Many,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request your permission to allow the firewall to be processed remotely from the Jump Server to the DR SMS server.

To provide further details and formalize the request, I have attached a firewall request form. Kindly review the form, which outlines the necessary information and steps required to facilitate this process.

Enabling remote access to the firewall from the Jump Server to the DR SMS server will enhance efficiency and streamline operations. It will allow for timely firewall adjustments and configurations, ultimately contributing to the overall security and stability of our network.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter. Should you require any additional information or clarifications, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this regard.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

chriltola commented 1 year ago

i want to write the background of a procedure about Collection ATM and CRM response time. we collect them due to monitor which ATM or CRM processing unnormal.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

Monitoring the response times of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is essential for efficient operation and optimal performance. By collecting data on response times, organizations can identify anomalies and potential issues, such as technical glitches or network problems. This data can be used to establish benchmarks for comparison and proactive investigation. Analyzing response time data over time helps identify trends and peak usage periods, enabling resource allocation and system optimization. Ultimately, monitoring response times ensures smooth operations, minimal downtime, and a seamless customer experience.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

The Collection ATM and CRM response time procedure monitors the performance of ATMs and CRMs to identify any processing irregularities. This ensures that the machines are operating efficiently and providing customers with a high level of service. The procedure involves collecting data on response time and analyzing it to identify any issues, which can then be addressed through maintenance or repairs. This is important for maintaining customer satisfaction and the smooth operation of banking services.

chriltola commented 1 year ago

i want to create batch scirpt to copy a file from C:\Users\Public\Documents\Default.rdp to C:\Users\%USERNAMe%\Documents\ and execute it in every user login