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11082024 #40

Open chriltola opened 1 month ago

chriltola commented 1 month ago

ERROR: File CDWHCTL.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM cannot be updated because its encoding does not match the session encoding or the file is in a format native to another host, such as WINDOWS_64.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

The error you're encountering in SAS indicates that there is an encoding mismatch between the data file and the SAS session's encoding. The file CDWHCTL.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM appears to be encoded in a different character set (wlatin1), while your session is using UTF-8.

To resolve this issue, you can try one of the following approaches:

1. Convert the Encoding of the Data Set

You can convert the encoding of the dataset to match the session's encoding (UTF-8). Here is how you can do this in SAS:

libname source 'source-path' encoding=wlatin1;
libname target 'target-path' encoding=utf8;

proc copy in=source out=target;

This code will copy the dataset from the source library with wlatin1 encoding to the target library with UTF-8 encoding.

2. Change the Session Encoding Temporarily

If you want to continue using the file in its original encoding, you can change the session encoding temporarily to match the dataset's encoding. However, this might require restarting your SAS session:

options encoding=wlatin1;

This is a temporary solution, and it means your session will run with wlatin1 encoding, so it won't be in UTF-8 until you change it back.

3. Permanent Session Encoding Change (if Applicable)

If most of your data is still in wlatin1 and you’re not ready to fully migrate to UTF-8, consider setting the session encoding to wlatin1 permanently by updating your SAS configuration file (SASV9.cfg).

4. Use the INENCODING Option (For Reading Data)

If you're only reading the data, you can use the inencoding option:

data work.temp;
    set source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(inencoding='wlatin1');

This allows you to read data with a different encoding without changing the session's encoding.

Choose the method that best suits your situation depending on whether you want to convert the dataset, change the session encoding temporarily, or handle encoding differences on a case-by-case basis.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

To change your existing data from wlatin1 to UTF-8 in SAS, you need to re-encode your datasets to match the new UTF-8 session encoding. Below are the steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Set Up Libraries for Source and Target Encodings

First, define two libraries in your SAS program: one for the existing data (with wlatin1 encoding) and another for the converted data (with UTF-8 encoding).

libname source 'path-to-wlatin1-data' encoding=wlatin1;
libname target 'path-to-utf8-data' encoding=utf8;

Replace 'path-to-wlatin1-data' and 'path-to-utf8-data' with the actual file paths to your source and target directories.

Step 2: Convert Datasets to UTF-8 Encoding

Next, you can use the PROC COPY or DATA step to copy and re-encode the datasets. Here's how to do it:

Option 1: Using PROC COPY:

proc copy in=source out=target;
   select CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM; /* Add other datasets here if needed */

Option 2: Using DATA Step:


Step 3: Verify the Conversion

After converting the datasets, it's essential to verify that the data has been correctly re-encoded:

proc contents data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;

proc print data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=5);

Step 4: Replace the Old Data

Once you're satisfied with the conversion, you can replace the old data with the newly encoded data by moving the files from the target library path back to the original location.

Additional Considerations

Here’s an example loop for multiple datasets:

proc datasets lib=source nolist;
   copy out=target;
   select _all_;

This will copy all datasets from source to target, converting them from wlatin1 to UTF-8.

This should allow you to transition your data to UTF-8 encoding smoothly while ensuring compatibility with your new SAS environment.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

i try:

libname source base 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' encoding=wlatin1;
libname target base 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target' encoding=utf8;

and got

237        /*---- Start of User Written Code  ----*/
239        libname source base 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' encoding=wlatin1;
ERROR: Libref SOURCE is not assigned.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
240        libname target base 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target' encoding=utf8;
ERROR: Libref TARGET is not assigned.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name ENCODING.

241        /*---- End of User Written Code  ----*/
chriltola commented 1 month ago

The error you're encountering suggests that there might be an issue with the syntax or the path specification in your LIBNAME statement. Specifically, the ENCODING option is not recognized as valid in the context you used it.


  1. Remove the base keyword: The base keyword is unnecessary in the LIBNAME statement. Just specify the path directly.

  2. Use the correct LIBNAME statement: Here is the corrected LIBNAME statement without the base keyword:

    libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' encoding=wlatin1;
    libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target' encoding=utf8;

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check the Directory Path: Ensure that the path D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source and D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target are correct and accessible from the SAS environment.

  2. Encoding Option: If the ENCODING option is still causing issues, you may need to ensure that your SAS version supports this option in the LIBNAME statement. If not, an alternative is to handle encoding on a dataset-by-dataset basis using the DATA step or PROC COPY without specifying encoding in the LIBNAME statement.

Example Without Encoding in LIBNAME:

If you face issues with encoding in the LIBNAME, you can omit it and handle encoding directly when processing the data:

libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source';
libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';

   set source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(inencoding='wlatin1' outencoding='utf8');

In this example:

This approach bypasses potential issues with the LIBNAME statement and handles the encoding at the data level.

chriltola commented 1 month ago
493        /*---- Start of User Written Code  ----*/
495        libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' encoding=wlatin1;
ERROR: Libref SOURCE is not assigned.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
496        libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target' encoding=utf8;
ERROR: Libref TARGET is not assigned.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name ENCODING.

497        /*---- End of User Written Code  ----*/
chriltola commented 1 month ago

The error message indicates that the ENCODING option is not being recognized in the LIBNAME statement. This suggests that either:

  1. The ENCODING option might not be valid in your SAS environment for the LIBNAME statement.
  2. There might be another issue with your SAS environment's configuration or version that is causing the ENCODING option to be unrecognized.


Since the ENCODING option is causing problems, you can instead handle the encoding at the dataset level without specifying it in the LIBNAME statement. Here’s an alternative approach:

1. Define the Libraries Without Encoding:

libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source';
libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';

2. Convert the Dataset Encoding:

Use a DATA step or PROC COPY with encoding options directly on the datasets:

Option 1: Using a DATA Step

data target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM (encoding=utf8);
    set source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(inencoding='wlatin1');

Option 2: Using PROC COPY with Encoding

If you want to copy multiple datasets:

proc copy in=source out=target;

Note: In this approach, the inencoding='wlatin1' option is used directly on the dataset to specify the input encoding, while the output encoding is implicitly set by the target library which is assumed to be UTF-8.

3. Verify the Conversion

After running the above steps, verify that the data has been correctly re-encoded by examining the dataset in the target library.

Additional Considerations:

chriltola commented 1 month ago
       /*---- Start of User Written Code  ----*/
747        data target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM (encoding=utf8);
748            set source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(inencoding='wlatin1');
ERROR 22-7: Invalid option name INENCODING.

749        run;

NOTE: Compression was disabled for data set TARGET.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM because compression overhead would increase the size of 
      the data set.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set TARGET.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM may be incomplete.  When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 
         0 variables.
WARNING: Data set TARGET.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM was not replaced because this step was stopped.
NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM|         STOP| _DISARM| 2024-08-11T16:54:58,871+07:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | 
      _DISARM| 11628544| _DISARM| 11628544| _DISARM| 11| _DISARM| 11| _DISARM| 1536| _DISARM| 2105656| _DISARM| 0.031250| _DISARM| 
      0.031000| _DISARM| 2038989298.841000| _DISARM| 2038989298.872000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM 
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.03 seconds
      cpu time            0.03 seconds

750        /*---- End of User Written Code  ----*/
chriltola commented 1 month ago

The INENCODING option is not valid in the DATA step in SAS, which is why you're getting the error. To resolve this, you can use the PROC DATASETS procedure to copy and convert the dataset from wlatin1 to UTF-8.

Updated Approach:

Instead of using INENCODING and ENCODING options in the DATA step, you should use PROC DATASETS or PROC COPY without specifying the encoding at the dataset level.

Option 1: Using PROC DATASETS with Re-encoding

libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' access=readonly;
libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';

proc datasets lib=source nolist;
    modify CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM / correctencoding=utf8;
    copy out=target;

Option 2: Using PROC COPY

libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' access=readonly;
libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';

proc copy in=source out=target;


Additional Considerations:

These methods should allow you to re-encode your data correctly and avoid the errors you've encountered with previous approaches.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

If the dataset was copied but contains no data in the target library, there are a few possible reasons for this, and we can take steps to diagnose and resolve the issue.

Potential Causes and Solutions:

  1. Source Dataset is Empty:

    • Check the Source Dataset: Verify that the source dataset (CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM) actually contains data.
    • SAS Code to Check:

      proc contents data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
      proc print data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=10);
    • If the source dataset is empty, then nothing will be copied to the target.
  2. Data Loss During Encoding Conversion:

    • Check Character Data: If there is complex character data, the conversion process from wlatin1 to UTF-8 might cause issues if there are characters that do not translate correctly.
    • Solution: Review your data to ensure all characters are compatible with UTF-8 encoding.
  3. Issue in Copying Process:

    • Check Log for Warnings: The SAS log might have warnings or notes that can provide clues about what happened during the copy or data step process.
    • Inspect the Log: Look for any warnings or notes that mention truncation, character conversion issues, or other data problems.
  4. Encoding Mismatch Still Present:

    • Double-Check Encoding Settings: Even though you've converted the dataset, there might still be an encoding mismatch. Verify the encodings by inspecting both libraries and datasets:

      proc contents data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
      proc contents data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
    • Make sure that the source library is indeed using wlatin1 and the target library is using UTF-8.
  5. Library Permissions or Path Issues:

    • Check Permissions: Ensure that the target library path (D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target) has the appropriate write permissions and is accessible.
    • Check Disk Space: Ensure there is sufficient disk space on the drive where the target library is located.

Diagnostic Steps:

  1. Print the First Few Rows from the Source and Target:

    • To ensure that data is present and correctly copied, print the first few rows of both the source and target datasets:

      proc print data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=10);
      proc print data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=10);
  2. Check the Number of Observations:

    • Verify that the number of observations matches between the source and target:
      proc sql;
       select count(*) as Source_Count from source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
       select count(*) as Target_Count from target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
  3. Review the SAS Log:

    • Carefully review the SAS log for any additional errors, warnings, or notes that might explain why no data was transferred.

These steps should help identify where the issue lies and guide you in resolving it. Let me know if you find anything unusual during these checks!

chriltola commented 1 month ago

651        /*---- Start of User Written Code  ----*/
653        /*
654        libname CDWHCTL 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Control\DWH';
655        libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';
657        proc datasets lib=CDWHCTL nolist;
658            modify CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM / correctencoding=utf8;
659            copy out=target;
660        quit;\\*/
662        libname CDWHCTL 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Control\DWH';
NOTE: Libref CDWHCTL refers to the same physical library as CDWHCTL.
NOTE: Libref CDWHCTL was successfully assigned as follows: 
      Engine:        V9 
      Physical Name: D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Control\DWH
663        libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target';
NOTE: Libref TARGET was successfully assigned as follows: 
      Engine:        V9 
      Physical Name: D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target
665        proc copy in=CDWHCTL out=target;
666            select CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
667        run;

NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set CDWHCTL.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM.
NOTE: The data set TARGET.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM has 3 observations and 2 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set TARGET.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM increased size by 100.00 percent. 
      Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: PROCEDURE COPY used (Total process time):
      real time           0.03 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM|         STOP| _DISARM| 2024-08-11T17:20:00,166+07:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | 
      _DISARM| 15044608| _DISARM| 14778368| _DISARM| 10| _DISARM| 10| _DISARM| 662016| _DISARM| 11828536| _DISARM| 0.015625| 
      _DISARM| 0.047000| _DISARM| 2038990800.119000| _DISARM| 2038990800.166000| _DISARM| 0.000000| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM 

669        proc sql;
670            select count(*) as Source_Count from CDWHCTL.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
671            select count(*) as Target_Count from target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;
672        quit;
NOTE: The PROCEDURE SQL printed pages 1-2.
NOTE: PROCEDURE| _DISARM|         STOP| _DISARM| 2024-08-11T17:20:00,228+07:00| _DISARM| WorkspaceServer| _DISARM| SAS| _DISARM| | 
      _DISARM| 20291584| _DISARM| 15044608| _DISARM| 10| _DISARM| 10| _DISARM| 279552| _DISARM| 12108600| _DISARM| 0.031250| 
      _DISARM| 0.062000| _DISARM| 2038990800.166000| _DISARM| 2038990800.228000| _DISARM| 0.031250| _DISARM| | _ENDDISARM 
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.06 seconds
      cpu time            0.03 seconds

673        /*---- End of User Written Code  ----*/
chriltola commented 1 month ago

The output shows that the dataset was successfully copied from the CDWHCTL library to the target library. Here are the key points from the log:

  1. Data Copy Confirmation:

    • The PROC COPY step successfully copied the dataset CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM from the CDWHCTL library to the target library.
    • The log indicates that 3 observations and 2 variables were copied.
  2. Data Count Verification:

    • The PROC SQL query confirmed that both the source (CDWHCTL.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM) and target (target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM) datasets contain 3 observations.

Next Steps:

Since the data was copied successfully and the number of observations matches, everything seems to be working correctly. Here are a few additional things you can do to ensure everything is as expected:

  1. Inspect Data in Target Library:

    • You can print the first few rows of the dataset in the target library to verify that the data looks correct.
      proc print data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=5);
  2. Check Data Integrity:

    • If you need to check whether the character encoding was correctly converted, you can inspect the content of any string/character variables in the dataset.
      proc contents data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;

    proc print data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=5); run;

  3. Compression Warning:

    • The log mentions that compressing the dataset increased its size. If storage space is a concern, you might want to reconsider the compression settings or leave the dataset uncompressed.
    • You can turn off compression by adding the compress=no option when creating the dataset:
      data target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(compress=no);


Everything appears to have been copied successfully with the correct number of observations. If you need further verification or encounter any specific issues with the data, the steps above should help you investigate further.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

To migrate a table from wlatin1 to UTF-8 encoding, you can follow a systematic approach to ensure the data is correctly converted and maintained. Here’s a step-by-step guide tailored for SAS:

1. Backup Your Data

Before starting the migration, ensure you have a backup of your original dataset.

2. Create Libraries

Define your source and target libraries. Assume your source library uses wlatin1 encoding and your target library will use UTF-8.

libname source 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\source' encoding=wlatin1;
libname target 'D:\DATAWAREHOUSE_PROD\Table\target' encoding=utf8;

3. Check Data Integrity

Verify that the source dataset contains data and that it is readable. Check the structure and a few records to ensure there are no hidden issues.

proc contents data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;

proc print data=source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=10);

4. Convert the Data

Use the PROC COPY procedure or DATA step to copy and convert the dataset. Since the PROC COPY doesn’t support direct encoding conversion, you need to use the DATA step or create a new dataset in the target library.

Option 1: Using a DATA Step

You can copy and convert the dataset while creating it in the target library:

    set source.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;

Option 2: Using PROC COPY (If Suitable)

If you use PROC COPY, ensure that the target library's encoding is set to UTF-8:

proc copy in=source out=target;

5. Verify the Conversion

Check the target dataset to ensure that the data was copied correctly and that the encoding is appropriate.

proc contents data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM;

proc print data=target.CTL_DWH_DAILY_BATCH_DTTM(obs=10);

6. Address Special Characters

Ensure that any special or non-ASCII characters are properly handled. Verify that characters are correctly represented in the UTF-8 encoding.

7. Update Metadata and Documentation

If you have data dictionaries or metadata documentation, update them to reflect the new encoding.

8. Test Applications and Reports

Ensure that any applications, reports, or processes that use this dataset are tested with the new UTF-8 encoded data to confirm they function correctly.

Additional Considerations:

Following these steps should help you migrate your data from wlatin1 to UTF-8 encoding successfully.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

i have following hex value in excel "48415920534F4B48414E" and i want to decode it to decimal value. how can i get?

chriltola commented 1 month ago

If you want to decode the entire hex string "48415920534F4B48414E" into a text string without splitting it into pairs, you can use the following approach in Excel:

Steps to Decode the Hex String into Text

  1. Enter the Hex String in a Cell:

    • Suppose the hex string "48415920534F4B48414E" is in cell A1.
  2. Use the Following Formula to Decode:

    You can use a combination of Excel functions to convert the hex string directly to text:

    =TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, CHAR(HEX2DEC(MID(A1, SEQUENCE(LEN(A1)/2, 1, 1, 2), 2))))


    • SEQUENCE(LEN(A1)/2, 1, 1, 2): Generates a sequence of numbers corresponding to the starting positions of each pair of hex digits.
    • MID(A1, SEQUENCE(...), 2): Extracts each pair of hex digits.
    • HEX2DEC(...): Converts each hex pair to its decimal ASCII code.
    • CHAR(...): Converts the ASCII code to the corresponding character.
    • TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, ...): Joins all the characters into a single string.

This formula will return the decoded string "HAY SOKHAN".

chriltola commented 1 month ago

I apologize for the confusion. To convert the entire hex string "48415920534F4B48414E" to its corresponding text, you can use the following approach in Excel:

Steps to Convert Hex String to Text in Excel

  1. Enter the Hex String in a Cell:

    • Place the hex string "48415920534F4B48414E" in cell A1.
  2. Use the Following Formula to Convert Hex to Text:

    Here's a step-by-step process to decode the hex string to a text string:

    =TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, MID(A1, SEQUENCE(LEN(A1)/2, 1, 1, 2), 2))


    • SEQUENCE(LEN(A1)/2, 1, 1, 2): Generates a sequence of starting positions for each pair of hex digits.
    • MID(A1, SEQUENCE(...), 2): Extracts each pair of hex digits.
    • HEX2DEC(...): Converts each hex pair to its decimal ASCII code.
    • CHAR(...): Converts the ASCII code to the corresponding character.
    • TEXTJOIN("", TRUE, ...): Joins all characters into a single string.

This formula will return the decoded string "HAY SOKHAN".

chriltola commented 1 month ago

Yes, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) in Excel can decode a hex string to a text string. Here’s how you can do it:

VBA Code to Decode Hex to Text

  1. Open the VBA Editor:

    • Press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor.
    • In the VBA editor, insert a new module: Insert > Module.
  2. Insert the Following VBA Code:

    Function HexToString(HexStr As String) As String
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim OutputStr As String
       OutputStr = ""
       ' Loop through each pair of hex digits
       For i = 1 To Len(HexStr) Step 2
           ' Convert each pair of hex digits to a character
           OutputStr = OutputStr & Chr(CLng("&H" & Mid(HexStr, i, 2)))
       Next i
       HexToString = OutputStr
    End Function
  3. Use the Function in Excel:

    • After pasting the code into the module, you can use the HexToString function in Excel.
    • For example, if your hex string is in cell A1, use the following formula in another cell:


    This will correctly decode the hex string "48415920534F4B48414E" into the text string "HAY SOKHAN".


This method should correctly convert any hex string into its corresponding text in Excel.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

To decode a Base64-encoded hex string using VBA in Excel, you can follow the steps below. This approach first converts the hex string to binary data and then decodes it from Base64.

Steps to Decode Hex64 to Text in Excel Using VBA

  1. Open the VBA Editor:

    • Press ALT + F11 to open the VBA editor.
    • Insert a new module: Insert > Module.
  2. Insert the Following VBA Code:

    Function Hex64ToString(Hex64Str As String) As String
       Dim i As Integer
       Dim BinaryData() As Byte
       Dim OutputStr As String
       ' Convert Hex string to binary data
       ReDim BinaryData(Len(Hex64Str) / 2 - 1)
       For i = 1 To Len(Hex64Str) Step 2
           BinaryData((i - 1) / 2) = CByte("&H" & Mid(Hex64Str, i, 2))
       Next i
       ' Decode binary data from Base64
       Dim Base64Encoded As String
       Base64Encoded = WorksheetFunction.EncodeBase64(BinaryData)
       ' Convert the Base64 decoded data to string
       OutputStr = WorksheetFunction.DecodeBase64(Base64Encoded)
       Hex64ToString = OutputStr
    End Function
  3. Use the Function in Excel:

    • After inserting the code, you can use the Hex64ToString function in your Excel sheet.
    • For example, if your Base64-encoded hex string is in cell A1, use the following formula:



This function assumes that your hex string is Base64-encoded. However, if the string is only in hex and you wish to decode it directly, you should skip the Base64 part and directly convert the hex to text.

If your string is purely hex and not Base64-encoded, the correct approach depends on the exact format of the data you're dealing with.

chriltola commented 1 month ago

correct email

Dear Mr. Ngoun,

Currently, SAS system does not support Khmer character yet. Thus, to handle this case, Campu ITD will extract fields which issued with Khmer character into Hex value.

Once SAS system support Khmer character, Campu ITD will perform migration by decode those hex value into Khmer character.

If you have any question, pls kindly let me know.

Thanks, Best Regards, Tola

chriltola commented 1 month ago

Your email is clear, but I’ve made a few minor adjustments for clarity and formality:

Subject: Handling Khmer Characters in SAS System

Dear Mr. Ngoun,

I hope this message finds you well.

Currently, the SAS system does not support Khmer characters. To address this, Campu ITD will extract the fields containing Khmer characters and convert them into Hex values.

Once the SAS system supports Khmer characters, Campu ITD will migrate the data by decoding those Hex values back into Khmer characters.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you.

Best regards,

This version adds a subject line, improves the flow, and ensures the tone is formal and polite.