chrippa / livestreamer

Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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ustream seems to be not working #113

Closed ahmadwali closed 11 years ago

ahmadwali commented 11 years ago

I'm trying this ustream channel; livestreamer live

But its giving this error;

[cli][info] Found matching plugin ustreamtv for URL [cli][error] No streams found on this URL:

The link above is working perfect in ustream website and in embed. Has ustream change something or am I doing something wrong? With livestream website channels I have no problem!

athoik commented 11 years ago

Dear @chrippa,

Also this URL does not workΑρτ-tv with livestreamer. Probably they are using something different on those channels.

chrippa commented 11 years ago

UStream has an alternative API for fetching streams and it seems like some channels are using this exclusively now. Problem is that this API is RTMP based and AFAIK there is no Python implementation of RTMP that is compatible with both Python 2 and 3, which is a requirement for any Livestreamer code. Therefore it looks unlikely that this bug will be solved any time soon unfortunately.

athoik commented 11 years ago

In order to build rtmp into Livestreamer we need amf and rtmp protocol and rtmpclient

rtmplite is one implementation (but don't know if they are Python 3 compatible)

rtmp-python + PyAMF is another implementation (but don't know if they are Python 3 compatible)

python-flashmedia is your implementation and since there is some progress (from you of course) adding AMF 3.

Maybe add the missing AMF parts into python-flashmedia?

Edit1. Using librtmp from python is it possible to use API? (eg )

chrippa commented 11 years ago

Maybe add the missing AMF parts into python-flashmedia?

AMF support is pretty much done, but RTMP is a fairly complex protocol so I don't think I will add it to python-flashmedia anytime soon, if at all.

Using librtmp from python is it possible to use API? (eg )

Using librtmp is probably the simplest option indeed. I'd rather write some Python bindings for librtmp than patching pyamf/rtmplite to support Python 3 since I don't know if they are even up to date with latest RTMP protocol, at least librtmp is still developed and fairly complete.

athoik commented 11 years ago

Dear @chrippa,

I thing we can use HLS when no RTMP streams found on UstreamTV module, or use it as a second option when rtmp stream exists.

athoik@pc:~$ livestreamer best -l debug
[cli][info] Found matching plugin ustreamtv for URL
[plugin.ustreamtv][debug] Fetching stream info
error: No streams found on this URL:

The above channel has cid = 6945431, we can use the following URL

It doesn't work directly (first we have to open the url as hls:// and then as hlsvariant://)

athoik@pc:~$ livestreamer hlsvariant:// best -l debug
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://
error: No streams found on this URL: hlsvariant://
athoik@pc:~$ livestreamer hls:// best -l debug[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hls://
[cli][info] Opening stream: live
[stream.hls][debug] Starting buffer filler thread
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Adding sequence 0 to queue
[stream.hls][debug] Adding sequence 1 to queue
[cli][debug] Pre-buffering 8192 bytes
[cli][info] Starting player: vlc
[cli][debug] Writing stream to output
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Download of sequence 0 complete
[stream.hls][debug] Download of sequence 1 complete
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
athoik@pc:~$ livestreamer hvariant:// best -l debug
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://
[cli][info] Opening stream: 240p
[stream.hls][debug] Starting buffer filler thread
[stream.hls][debug] Reloading playlist
[stream.hls][debug] Adding sequence 1 to queue
[stream.hls][debug] Adding sequence 2 to queue
[stream.hls][debug] Adding sequence 3 to queue
[cli][debug] Pre-buffering 8192 bytes
[cli][info] Starting player: vlc
[cli][debug] Writing stream to output
[cli][info] Player closed
[stream.hls][debug] Buffer filler thread completed
[cli][info] Stream ended

Using VLC this works too.

athoik@pc:~$ vlc --http-user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B179 Safari/7534.48.3"
VLC media player 2.0.5 Twoflower (revision 2.0.5-0-g1661b7d)
[0x8725908] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Got bus address:  "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-vd8hlbJO5W,guid=3463127796e914f8d683fad300000216" 
Connected to accessibility bus at:  "unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-vd8hlbJO5W,guid=3463127796e914f8d683fad300000216" 
Registered DEC:  true 
Registered event listener change listener:  true 
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: HTTP Live Streaming (
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: bandwidth adaptation detected (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343).
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Choose segment 0/3 (sequence=43)
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: downloaded segment 43 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: downloaded segment 44 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: playing segment 43 from stream 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 17
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 0
libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 12, expected 0) for PID 4095
[0xb7209a78] ts demux error: MPEG-4 descriptor not found
[0xb3cac420] packetizer_mpeg4audio packetizer: AAC channels: 1 samplerate: 44100
[0x876bf20] freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: downloaded segment 45 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: playing segment 44 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: - segment 46 appended
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: playing segment 45 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: downloaded segment 46 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: - segment 47 appended
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: downloaded segment 47 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: playing segment 46 from stream 0
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: - segment 48 appended
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Reloading HLS live meta playlist
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: Live Playlist HLS protocol version: 1
[0xb7209838] stream_filter_httplive stream: updating hls stream (program-id=1, bandwidth=389343) has 3 segments

Maybe It would be nice also to be able to setup User Agent on HLS module but this probably related with

athoik commented 11 years ago

Probably livestreamer cannot handle directly the HLS from because there are using the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag.

Downloading the playlist is like this:


Then downloading the playlist with hls:// we are getting #PROGRESSED tag.


And then we are getting the following m3u8 witch is opening with hlsvariant:// not with hls://

#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=146054,CODECS="avc1.77.13, mp4a.40.2",RESOLUTION=320x240

Probably we need to handle reload of playlist using variant parsing when tag #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY exists.

Some info of #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag are here: Technical Note TN2288

chrippa commented 11 years ago

Supporting discontinuities is not possible in Livestreamer since we do not control the playback.

What is suppose to happen with this playlist is:

  1. Play preroll segment (info about transcode being started in this case)
  2. Discontinuity happens (this resets the video decoder in preparation for next segment)
  3. Start playback of one of the available sub-playlists, switching between them depending on bandwidth.

Number 2 is necessary since the next part is likely to be a different resolution/encoding setting. If we were to simply continue to stream the data we would just end up with a broken stream that the player would refuse to play when it encounters changes.

Closest we can get is to attempt to parse the playlist as variant first, if this fails return a regular HLSStream that will contain the preroll segment. After this finished playing the user will hopefully retry to access the channel and the variant playlist be available this time.

In this case though I'm not sure it's a good idea to brute force access to the HLS playlist. I've encounted playlists that are stuck on the preroll with '#PROGRESSED 0%' forever. I might look into what the android app does to see if there is a another API available for HLS.

athoik commented 11 years ago

Actually there is a solution here

Opening the following link the playlist is starting #PROGRESSED immediatelly.
chrippa commented 11 years ago

Created a new issue to track status of this problem, #144.