Open bdriffield opened 8 years ago
See #1456 and #1478
Thank you @sshilko, worked almost flawlessly for me; livestreamer reports "failed to authenticate" upon using my oauth token but it still starts the stream.
For all the other batch noobs here, I wrote a very ugly batch file asking for the stream name and quality which means you don't have to paste URLs in your CLI:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer
set /p inputName=Stream name:%=%
set /p inputQuality=Stream quality (low, medium, high, source):%=%
livestreamer --twitch-oauth-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx %inputQuality%
set /p restart=restart script? (y/n):
IF "%restart%"=="y" goto START
I apologize in advance as I am not at all familiar with batch and there are certainly 100 ways to do this better.
for all those mac pplz, VLC has proper hardware acceleration
livestreamer source -p '/Applications/ --network-caching 8000 --file-caching 8000' --player-http -v --hls-segment-threads 4
boom•~/twitch» cat ~/.livestreamerrc
@mxwn for windows there is built in livestreamer alternative with proper UI and so on, its on Reddit. Tardsplaya
Hi all, sorry for my newbie question. Anybody knows how to play a live streaming from Vaughnlive with VLC on mac? regards
Yeah with oauth key it works. thx
I'm receiving the bel;ow access_token json error message whenever I attempt to launch a twitch stream in OSX El Capitain.
bdriffield$ livestreamer source [cli][info] Found matching plugin twitch for URL error: Unable to open URL: (400 Client Error: Bad Request)