chrippa / livestreamer

Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Unable to launch twitch streams using VLC #1481

Open bdriffield opened 8 years ago

bdriffield commented 8 years ago


I'm receiving the bel;ow access_token json error message whenever I attempt to launch a twitch stream in OSX El Capitain.

bdriffield$ livestreamer source [cli][info] Found matching plugin twitch for URL error: Unable to open URL: (400 Client Error: Bad Request)

skulblakka commented 8 years ago

See #1456 and #1478

sshilko commented 8 years ago

screen shot 2016-09-16 at 15 28 14

mxwn commented 8 years ago

Thank you @sshilko, worked almost flawlessly for me; livestreamer reports "failed to authenticate" upon using my oauth token but it still starts the stream.

For all the other batch noobs here, I wrote a very ugly batch file asking for the stream name and quality which means you don't have to paste URLs in your CLI:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Livestreamer
set /p inputName=Stream name:%=%
set /p inputQuality=Stream quality (low, medium, high, source):%=%
livestreamer --twitch-oauth-token xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx %inputQuality%
set /p restart=restart script? (y/n):
IF "%restart%"=="y" goto START

I apologize in advance as I am not at all familiar with batch and there are certainly 100 ways to do this better.

sshilko commented 8 years ago

for all those mac pplz, VLC has proper hardware acceleration

livestreamer source -p '/Applications/ --network-caching 8000 --file-caching 8000' --player-http -v --hls-segment-threads 4
boom•~/twitch» cat ~/.livestreamerrc                                                                                                                              
sshilko commented 8 years ago

@mxwn for windows there is built in livestreamer alternative with proper UI and so on, its on Reddit. Tardsplaya

valobal commented 8 years ago

Hi all, sorry for my newbie question. Anybody knows how to play a live streaming from Vaughnlive with VLC on mac? regards

KORandi commented 8 years ago

Yeah with oauth key it works. thx