chrippa / livestreamer

Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
3.88k stars 579 forks source link

Ustream issue #1607

Open skilleek opened 7 years ago

skilleek commented 7 years ago

Hi, since 3 days ago I am unable to catch ustream channels:

livestreamer -v "" best
[cli][info] Found matching plugin ustreamtv for URL
[plugin.ustreamtv][error] Unable to fetch desktop streams: Unable to validate result: Unable to validate key 'stream': Unable to validate result: Unable to validate key 'streams': Unable to validate result: Type of ScriptDataReference(reference=7) should be 'dict' but is 'ScriptDataReference' or Type of ScriptDataReference(reference=7) should be 'list' but is 'ScriptDataReference' or [ScriptDataObject([(u'name', u'uhs_tcdn'), (u'url', u''), (u'streams', [ScriptDataObject([(u'chunkTime', 5000.0), (u'offsetInMs', 0.0), (u'chunkRange', ScriptDataObject([(u'1493237990', u'da0d1a3aae'), (u'1493238000', u'09b0341e02')])), (u'offset', 0.0), (u'isTranscoded', False), (u'width', 854.0), (u'bitrate', 760.0), (u'preset', u'original'), (u'chunkId', 1493237998.0), (u'streamName', u'1/chunk_%_%.flv'), (u'height', 480.0), (u'videoCodec', u'H264')])]), (u'streamType', u'flv/segmented')]), ScriptDataObject([(u'name', u'uhs_akamai'), (u'streamType', u'flv/segmented'), (u'varnishUrl', u''), (u'url', u''), (u'streams', ScriptDataReference(reference=7))]), ScriptDataObject([(u'name', u'uhs_llnw'), (u'streamType', u'flv/segmented'), (u'varnishUrl', u''), (u'url', u''), (u'streams', ScriptDataReference(reference=7))]), ScriptDataObject([(u'name', u'uhs_highwinds'), (u'streamType', u'flv/segmented'), (u'varnishUrl', u''), (u'url', u''), (u'streams', ScriptDataReference(reference=7))])] does not equal 'offline'
error: No streams found on this URL:

Does anybody know what happened? Or if there is any solution? Thank you!

infinityhaitian commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem, please help.

It was working last week.

ukoz commented 7 years ago

it works here livestreamer not supported anymore