chrippa / livestreamer

Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
3.88k stars 582 forks source link

VLC Re-stream? #442

Open jmz9466 opened 10 years ago

jmz9466 commented 10 years ago

I would like to re-stream the twitch vods I am watching in VLC player on my PC. That way I can watch them on my phone. I know VLC player can network stream it's playback, but I have no idea what to use as the "input" selection when I'm using livestreamer.

Or does anyone know any other way I can watch twitch vods (not livestreams) on Android without using flash player?

DrakenZA commented 10 years ago

In your config file for livestreamer, you set the player and its augs like this.

player="C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --file-caching=5000 --sout=#duplicate{dst=http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:8080/},dst=display}

This will play the stream on your PC, and restream it to http 8080. So to view the stream on another device, just open http://PC-IP:8080

dynamitemedia commented 10 years ago

where is that Config file in the Livestreamer folder?

ckorn commented 9 years ago

On Linux it is here: $HOME/.config/livestreamer/config