chrippa / livestreamer

Command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice. No longer maintained, use streamlink or youtube-dl instead.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
3.88k stars 583 forks source link

Need help with livestreamer internet issue. please help #727

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I am sorry if this is the wrong place to make this thread. I am new to this site. Also let me start off by saying that livestreamer is a gift from god/the person who created it because it solved a lot of problems for me.

I have been using livestreamer since early november and I have had random bugs here and there, the worst and most recent was last night where I was watching a stream and my internet was fine, but vlc went grey and then the stream started to loop, I restarted it and it was fine, I have also gotten random error codes etc... But I have been dealing with a weird problem for a little over 2 weeks now and I believe (I am willing to be wrong) I have narrowed it down to livestreamer.

First the problem. At random times during the day when I will be using the internet or playing a game such as hearthstone or magic online, my internet will cut out for a split second and then come back as if nothing happened. My router also stays the same, no resets, it doesn't turn off etc... I am always watching a stream using livestreamer when the internet cuts.

I have tried different things to solve this issue. Changing my router did nothing, scanning my computer for viruses and found nothing. I removed my comodo firewall and still the problem persisted. I then made a firewall exception ( I hope I correctly did) for livestreamer in windows firewall and still these things happen.

The reason I believe it is livestreamer is because it is always on when I am on my computer and watching a stream and even by itself these things can happen although the cut outs happen a little more randomly. It also happened today when I was doing nothing but watching a stream and I was on facebook, I looked at the cmd prompt and saw an error code 11004. When I am playing hearthstone by itself, nothing happens, when I am surfing the internet and going about my business without livestreamer being used, nothing happens. I am hoping someone here can help me with this problem as it is very disturbing to me and it really screws up things when gaming etc... If anyone here also has idea's on how to check what it could be, please let me know. I have searched a lot through git hub but no one seems to have this problem but me, much like the grey screen issue. I found someone who experienced it, but they had a wifi issue and I am not on wifi.

Also if it helps, I am on a wired Ethernet connection. Also drivers up to date and the wire is working properly and is not broken. Again thank you to whoever can help me. I have my phone and my laptop on wifi, they never lose internet connection and so I know the modem and router are good. I have run disc checks, error checks for my computer and every time, the report says nothing is broken and I am all good to go.

ghost commented 9 years ago

can no one shed any light on this issue? Granted its a pretty unusual one I would suspect.

chrippa commented 9 years ago

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps your connection has problems keeping a stable link when it is put under strain over a long period of time. Does running the stream at low or mobile quality help for example?

ghost commented 9 years ago

First, thank you very much for responding. Now on to what you said, I did think of that. But back when I used to watch streams on twitch, I would watch on medium or low because I would just listen to the streams as background noise and nothing would happen (I would watch them that low because flash player is a piece of crap) and I could listen to the streams and play hearthstone for 2 hours straight and nothing would go wrong. But even when I would watch on source, nothing would go wrong... Is livestreamer different? Something weird did happen last night where I got an error and it said couldn't load segment, but my computer was doing something in the back round and was being weird for a little while (I think avast was updating and was hogging my internet, this did not happen all the other times my problem persisted so it should have no inlfuence) and then everything fixed itself about 20 minutes later.

Assuming you are correct (which im sure you know what your talking about) is there any way I could confirm it and if it is as you said, not strong enough and buckles over long use, is there any way to fix it? Whenever I do a ping test, no packets get lost or anything like that. I am sure if I call my isp, they won't be able to help me at all so I am at a loss on what to do.

If it does help, on my laptop's wifi, I can be watching a stream for 2 hours and then at the same time, buffer a 3-4 20 minute long videos and it still won't lose connection, is my main desktop just a piece of crap? Doesn't help my desktop's case when my laptop is 8 years old as wellXD

Also last piece of info, I have 57-58 down and 28-29 up so that makes me think my internet connection isn't unstable unless I am a complete moron and have no idea how things work.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Just want to let know it just happened again and Im watching a stream through livestreamer on high and that's all I am doing and the error I got was 11004,,,, Man I hate my lifeXD

Update! I called my isp to see if they could shed any light and low and behold they did, guy said he can see it on his end, the signal with my router is messed up. They are sending someone out in a few days, will let you know what happens.