chris-belcher / electrum-personal-server

Maximally lightweight electrum server for a single user
MIT License
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Failed to build electrum-personal-server #87

Open Gav111n opened 5 years ago

Gav111n commented 5 years ago

I love the idea of EPS but I'm struggling to install - so this is not really a software issue - more a user issue, I guess.

I'm very inexperienced with Linux, but nonetheless decided to go that route to create my full node - using Ubuntu 18.04.

Latest Bitcoin Core (QT) - all fine, fully synced, running for months. I use an external HDD to hold the data. So the Bitcoin folder is not located in my home folder. The Bitcoin folder and all contents are on the HDD.

Running Bitcoin Core through Tor hidden service - all fine, working fine for weeks.

Electrum - latest version installed, connects to my Ledger, all fine.

Final step - install EPS - I've followed your step by step guide, which all makes sense. But I'm getting stuck at the install stage:

"Failed building wheel for electrum-personal-server" "Failed to build electrum-personal-server" "...failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-kkzx7ao9-build/"

I tried editing config.cfg, thinking that I might need to point EPS at my Bitoin folder, in the [bitcoin-rpc] section with this:

datadir = /media/gavin/Bitcoin

But I get the same failure.

I've got a copy of all the info displayed in terminal at the end of the install attempt.

Any thoughts? Or can anyone point me to a forum where I might look for help?

chris-belcher commented 5 years ago

Look in the file /tmp/pip-kkzx7ao9-build/, maybe there's useful information there.

andreysmi commented 5 years ago

I think you shouldn't rename config.cfg_sample as set in the instruction. Thy it with original name. I manage to install it successfully with config.cfg_sample. at least i got a message saying "Successfully installed electrum-personal-server-0.1.4.dev0"

My problems comes after. I couldn't start the server. On command "electrum-personal-server" my Ubuntu is saying "no command found"

Gav111n commented 5 years ago

Thanks both for the reply.

There is no file or folder /tmp/pip-kkzx7ao9-build/. Perhaps this is created temporarily during installation and then removed at the end?

Below I paste the information shown in the CLI at the end of the installation attempt.

You may be correct andreysmi, because the info shows: error: "can't copy 'config.cfg_sample': doesn't exist or not a regular file"

I will try renaming "config.cfg" back to "config.cfg_sample" and see how that goes. Here's the info from CLI: ==Removed==

Gav111n commented 5 years ago

You are right andreysmi. The installation process is looking for "config.cfg_sample" and not "config.cfg".

I changed the file name back to "config.cfg_sample" and installation completed correctly.

I have been able to start the server without problem. In the terminal change directory to ~/.local/bin

I checked that the 2 scripts were present, with the ls command. Then entered "electrum-personal-server ~/electrum-personal-server-eps-v0.1.6/config.cfg_sample"

or whatever path points to the "config.cfg_sample" file. I hope this helps you with starting the server.

sergeylats commented 5 years ago

Sergey Leo

athijssen commented 5 years ago

Hi guys, I’m on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and I’ve run into the same problems. I was also able to install the electrum-personal-server and electrum-personal-server-rescan scripts to ~/.local/bin after renaming config.cfg back to config.cfg_sample

Like andreysmi mentioned I got “Successfully installed electrum-personal-server-0.1.4.dev0”

However, when I go to ~/.local/bin and try to run “electrum-personal-server ~/electrum-personal-server-eps-v0.1.6/config.cfg_sample” I get

“electrum-personal-server: command not found”

Same for “electrum-personal-server-rescan”

Any ideas?

Gav111n commented 5 years ago

Hi Athijssen,

Be aware that I'm very much a linux 'learner' - but here's my thoughts:

Change directory so that you are in ~/.local/bin

Then do a "ls -l" command.

Are the scripts “electrum-personal-server" and “electrum-personal-server-rescan” actually there?

If so, what do the permissions show? Mine show -rwxr-xr-x . So mine have user and group and others ending x, so that the scripts are executable. If not then do a chmod to change permissions to make them executable.

The scripts rely on you having python3 installed - but I guess you must have that to have installed EPS successfully. I sounds like some kind of permission issue.

See how you get on.

athijssen commented 5 years ago

Hi Gavin,

Thanks for replying, I’m also still learning Linux and command line fun!

Anyway yes the scripts are in that directory, they have the same permissions as yours and python3 is installed..

@chris-belcher can you help please?

EDIT: I added “python3” at the start of the command to run the script.. solved!

suvayu commented 5 years ago

However, when I go to ~/.local/bin and try to run “electrum-personal-server ~/electrum-personal-server-eps-v0.1.6/config.cfg_sample” I get

“electrum-personal-server: command not found”

Same for “electrum-personal-server-rescan”

You do not have ~/.local/bin in your PATH. You can still execute the script by calling it with the full/relative path. E.g. from inside that directory, you can call it as ./electrum-personal-server, or from your home directory you can call as ~/.local/bin/electrum-personal-server. Note the leading path elements.

05nelsonm commented 5 years ago

trying to run EPS, but it's throwing errors when I try to execute 'electrum-personal-server /path/to/config.cfg' , as outlined in the

matthew@Ubuntu-Desktop:~$ electrum-personal-server ~/eps-v0.1.6/config.cfg
INFO:2019-04-17 14:56:23,670: Starting Electrum Personal Server
INFO:2019-04-17 14:56:23,670: Logging to /tmp/electrumpersonalserver.log
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/matthew/.local/bin/electrum-personal-server", line 11, in <module>
  File "/home/matthew/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/electrumpersonalserver/server/", line 641, in main
    rpc_p = config.get("bitcoin-rpc", "rpc_password")
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 800, in get
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 394, in before_get
    self._interpolate_some(parser, option, L, value, section, defaults, 1)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 444, in _interpolate_some
    "found: %r" % (rest,))
configparser.InterpolationSyntaxError: '%' must be followed by '%' or '(', found: '%Gn'

Does the same thing if I input command with ./ while in the bin directory, or not. Still the same errors. Any suggestions?

suvayu commented 5 years ago

This is a separate issue. You have now successfully installed EPS, but you are providing it with a malformed config file. Could you please close this issue, and open a separate issue about the config file?

Please note: do not blindly post bits of your config file asking for help. You run the risk of inadvertently exposing private details about yourself.

05nelsonm commented 5 years ago

This is a separate issue. You have now successfully installed EPS, but you are providing it with a malformed config file. Could you please close this issue, and open a separate issue about the config file?

Please note: do not blindly post bits of your config file asking for help. You run the risk of inadvertently exposing private details about yourself.

copy, on it.