chris-martin / bricks

Bricks is a lazy functional language based on Nix.
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Escape sequences in indented strings #3

Closed chris-martin closed 6 years ago

chris-martin commented 6 years ago

Since ${ and '' have special meaning in indented strings, you need a way to quote them. ${ can be escaped by prefixing it with '' (that is, two single quotes), i.e., ''${. '' can be escaped by prefixing it with ', i.e., '''. Finally, linefeed, carriage-return and tab characters can be written as ''\n, ''\r, ''\t.

chris-martin commented 6 years ago

That's real dumb, IMO, so I'm not going to to do that.

chris-martin commented 6 years ago

Nevermind, I no longer think indented strings need sequences at all.