Closed aCompanionUnobtrusive closed 11 months ago
I just ran into this issue too, and it seems like if you change the @counts
in the function to $counts
instead, it works. You also have to do this for the doubletFinder_v3 function.
paramSweep_v3_Seurat5<-function (seu, PCs = 1:10, sct = FALSE, num.cores = 1)
pK <- c(5e-04, 0.001, 0.005, seq(0.01, 0.3, by = 0.01))
pN <- seq(0.05, 0.3, by = 0.05)
min.cells <- round(nrow( - 0.05) - nrow(
pK.test <- round(pK * min.cells)
pK <- pK[which(pK.test >= 1)]
orig.commands <- seu@commands
if (nrow( > 10000) {
real.cells <- rownames([sample(1:nrow(,
10000, replace = FALSE)]
data <- seu@assays$RNA$counts[, real.cells]
n.real.cells <- ncol(data)
if (nrow( <= 10000) {
real.cells <- rownames(
data <- seu@assays$RNA$counts
n.real.cells <- ncol(data)
if (num.cores > 1) {
cl <- makeCluster(num.cores)
output2 <- mclapply(as.list(1:length(pN)), FUN = parallel_paramSweep_v3,
n.real.cells, real.cells, pK, pN, data, orig.commands,
PCs, sct, mc.cores = num.cores)
else {
output2 <- lapply(as.list(1:length(pN)), FUN = parallel_paramSweep_v3,
n.real.cells, real.cells, pK, pN, data, orig.commands,
PCs, sct)
sweep.res.list <- list()
list.ind <- 0
for (i in 1:length(output2)) {
for (j in 1:length(output2[[i]])) {
list.ind <- list.ind + 1
sweep.res.list[[list.ind]] <- output2[[i]][[j]]
name.vec <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(pN)) {
name.vec <- c(name.vec, paste("pN", pN[j], "pK", pK,
sep = "_"))
names(sweep.res.list) <- name.vec
Furthermore, doubletFinder_v3 is also need to be changed accordingly:
doubletFinder_v3_SeuratV5 <- function (seu, PCs, pN = 0.25, pK, nExp, reuse.pANN = FALSE,
sct = FALSE, annotations = NULL)
if (reuse.pANN != FALSE) {
pANN.old <-[, reuse.pANN]
classifications <- rep("Singlet", length(pANN.old))
classifications[order(pANN.old, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nExp]] <- "Doublet"[, paste("DF.classifications", pN, pK, nExp,
sep = "_")] <- classifications
if (reuse.pANN == FALSE) {
real.cells <- rownames(
data <- seu@assays$RNA$counts[, real.cells]
n_real.cells <- length(real.cells)
n_doublets <- round(n_real.cells/(1 - pN) - n_real.cells)
print(paste("Creating", n_doublets, "artificial doublets...",
sep = " "))
real.cells1 <- sample(real.cells, n_doublets, replace = TRUE)
real.cells2 <- sample(real.cells, n_doublets, replace = TRUE)
doublets <- (data[, real.cells1] + data[, real.cells2])/2
colnames(doublets) <- paste("X", 1:n_doublets, sep = "")
data_wdoublets <- cbind(data, doublets)
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
stopifnot(typeof(annotations) == "character")
stopifnot(length(annotations) == length(Cells(seu)))
annotations <- factor(annotations)
names(annotations) <- Cells(seu)
doublet_types1 <- annotations[real.cells1]
doublet_types2 <- annotations[real.cells2]
orig.commands <- seu@commands
if (sct == FALSE) {
print("Creating Seurat object...")
seu_wdoublets <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data_wdoublets)
print("Normalizing Seurat object...")
seu_wdoublets <- NormalizeData(seu_wdoublets, normalization.method = orig.commands$NormalizeData.RNA@params$normalization.method,
scale.factor = orig.commands$NormalizeData.RNA@params$scale.factor,
margin = orig.commands$NormalizeData.RNA@params$margin)
print("Finding variable genes...")
seu_wdoublets <- FindVariableFeatures(seu_wdoublets,
selection.method = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$selection.method,
loess.span = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$loess.span,
clip.max = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$clip.max,
mean.function = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$mean.function,
dispersion.function = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$dispersion.function,
num.bin = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$num.bin,
binning.method = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$binning.method,
nfeatures = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$nfeatures,
mean.cutoff = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$mean.cutoff,
dispersion.cutoff = orig.commands$FindVariableFeatures.RNA$dispersion.cutoff)
print("Scaling data...")
seu_wdoublets <- ScaleData(seu_wdoublets, features = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$features,
model.use = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$model.use,
do.scale = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$do.scale, = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$,
scale.max = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$scale.max,
block.size = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$block.size, = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$
print("Running PCA...")
seu_wdoublets <- RunPCA(seu_wdoublets, features = orig.commands$ScaleData.RNA$features,
npcs = length(PCs), rev.pca = orig.commands$RunPCA.RNA$rev.pca, = orig.commands$RunPCA.RNA$,
verbose = FALSE)
pca.coord <- seu_wdoublets@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,
cell.names <- rownames(
nCells <- length(cell.names)
if (sct == TRUE) {
print("Creating Seurat object...")
seu_wdoublets <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = data_wdoublets)
print("Running SCTransform...")
seu_wdoublets <- SCTransform(seu_wdoublets)
print("Running PCA...")
seu_wdoublets <- RunPCA(seu_wdoublets, npcs = length(PCs))
pca.coord <- seu_wdoublets@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,
cell.names <- rownames(
nCells <- length(cell.names)
print("Calculating PC distance matrix...")
dist.mat <- fields::rdist(pca.coord)
print("Computing pANN...")
pANN <-, nrow = n_real.cells,
ncol = 1))
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
neighbor_types <-, nrow = n_real.cells,
ncol = length(levels(doublet_types1))))
rownames(pANN) <- real.cells
colnames(pANN) <- "pANN"
k <- round(nCells * pK)
for (i in 1:n_real.cells) {
neighbors <- order(dist.mat[, i])
neighbors <- neighbors[2:(k + 1)]
pANN$pANN[i] <- length(which(neighbors > n_real.cells))/k
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
for (ct in unique(annotations)) {
neighbor_types[i, ] <- table(doublet_types1[neighbors -
n_real.cells]) + table(doublet_types2[neighbors -
neighbor_types[i, ] <- neighbor_types[i, ]/sum(neighbor_types[i,
print("Classifying doublets..")
classifications <- rep("Singlet", n_real.cells)
classifications[order(pANN$pANN[1:n_real.cells], decreasing = TRUE)[1:nExp]] <- "Doublet"[, paste("pANN", pN, pK, nExp, sep = "_")] <- pANN[rownames(,
1][, paste("DF.classifications", pN, pK, nExp,
sep = "_")] <- classifications
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
colnames(neighbor_types) = levels(doublet_types1)
for (ct in levels(doublet_types1)) {[, paste("DF.doublet.contributors",
pN, pK, nExp, ct, sep = "_")] <- neighbor_types[,
Hi @aCompanionUnobtrusive @mmarchin and @gangcai -- I'm looking to update DF this weekend. Thanks for posting the code -- leaving this open so others can find until I actually update things.
@mmarchin Thanks so much for your solution. I use this solution, and work well in seurat v5, but when I use it in seurat5+bpcells, I get this error:
Error: In function [: "j" must not have duplicated values
1. ├─BiocGenerics::lapply(...)
2. └─base::lapply(...)
3. └─global FUN(X[[i]], ...)
4. └─global paramSweep_v3_Seurat5(seu = i, PCs = 1:30, sct = F)
5. ├─BiocGenerics::lapply(...)
6. └─base::lapply(...)
7. └─DoubletFinder (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
8. ├─data[, real.cells1]
9. └─data[, real.cells1]
10. └─BPCells:::selection_index(j, ncol(x), colnames(x))
Do you have any ideas of this error?
@chris-mcginnis-ucsf Thanks so much for your package, will you update this package about seurat5+bpcells workflow?
If you are using seurat5 + BPCells, a possible workaround is:
# set seurat to v3
options(Seurat.object.assay.version` = "v3")
# run DoubletFinder like always
seu_kidney <- CreateSeuratObject(
seu_kidney <- NormalizeData(seu_kidney)
seu_kidney <- FindVariableFeatures(seu_kidney, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
seu_kidney <- ScaleData(seu_kidney)
seu_kidney <- RunPCA(seu_kidney)
seu_kidney <- RunUMAP(seu_kidney, dims = 1:10)
sweep.res.list_kidney <- paramSweep_v3(seu_kidney, PCs = 1:10, sct = FALSE)
# save singlet matrix
raw_st <- doublets@assays$RNA@counts
# set seurat v5
options(Seurat.object.assay.version = "v5")
# convert matrix to `uint32_t` (default behaviour of `open_matrix_10x_hdf5`)
raw_feature_matrix <- convert_matrix_type(raw_st, type = "uint32_t")
# write matrix to disk and load it
write_matrix_dir(raw_feature_matrix, dir = paste0(bpcells_dir,"/",sample_name))
raw_feature_matrix <- open_matrix_dir(dir = paste0(bpcells_dir,"/",sample_name))
# continue with seurat
object <- CreateSeuratObject(raw_feature_matrix)
is now a seurat 5 object containing only the singlets from DoubletFinder
Hi @aCompanionUnobtrusive @mmarchin and @gangcai -- I'm looking to update DF this weekend. Thanks for posting the code -- leaving this open so others can find until I actually update things.
Have you update/fixed these errors?
Hi, just ran into this issue too. I guess now Seurat installs version 5 by default from CRAN rather than 4, so many more people and packages will likely run into these kinds of issues. An update would be amazing. Thanks, @chris-mcginnis-ucsf for all your hard work on this great package!
Hi just wanted to bring this issue back to attention. Thanks @chris-mcginnis-ucsf !!!
Not an elegant work around, but what I did was create an older version seurat object to run DF, and then exported the metadata of the barcodes and their doublet classification, and then added this data with Seurat::AddMetadata() to a brand new version 5 seurat object, and subset accordingly.
I just fixed it -- should work with Seurat V5 now.
I recently upgraded to seurat version 5, and now one of the DoubletFinder function is no longer working.
With earlier Seurat, I ran the following code without any issues:
But now with seurat version 5 I have the following error:
my package version is:
Has anyone found workarounds for this issue, and are there plans to update DoubletFinder to work with Seurat 5?