chris1111 / Wireless-USB-OC-Big-Sur-Adapter

Drivers for Realtek 802.11n and 802.11ac USB Wi-Fi adapters. Packages for macOS Hackintosh PC or Laptop
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Virtualbox support #96

Closed alitteration closed 3 years ago

alitteration commented 3 years ago


I'm on BIg Sur and I tried everything as the guide but my TL-832N V2 is still not responding or blinking.

Are there any plans to support VIRTUALBOX?

Many thanks

chris1111 commented 3 years ago

Hey I have the TL WN823N V2 its work TL-WN823N-01

alitteration commented 3 years ago

Thank you but I'm testing on virtual box not on hackintosh and It doesn't seem to work somehow. All I did was installed the software and restarted after disabling SIP. Anything else I should be doing on "Virtualbox" ?