chris1642 / alexaroku

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Slot types and English (UK) #4

Open jrtokarz opened 7 years ago

jrtokarz commented 7 years ago


My Echo is setup with language set to 'English (UK)'. When I try to set up the Intent Schema and Sample Utterances, I get the following error:

Error: There was a problem with your request: The built-in slot type AMAZON.LITERAL is not supported for this locale.

Does this only work with US Echoes?

big-ted commented 7 years ago

Literal is only supported under US English, although it will be unsupported in all languages from Feb You can either use US English and set your Echo to US English, or remove all the sections with Literal and relevenat sample Utterances and lose the search facility

philhawthorne commented 7 years ago

Hey @big-ted you shouldn't lose the search functionality.

The slot types will greatly improve the accuracy for TV shows. For example, let's say I add a slot type called "media title". In that slot type, I am going to give it some of my TV Show and Movie Names, such as

That will give Amazon an idea of what you the slot type is like. Now, you can go ahead and search for something not in the list as well, for example "Alexa tell roku to play the notebook". Alexa will pickup the slot, even though the item isn't included. I've seen this work on a similar custom Alexa skill for Sonos, where I can ask Alexa to play an artist on Sonos, even though the artist isn't included in the original ARTIST slot.

Using literal sucks for me. My Australian accent never picks up the right show. I am going to export my Plex library to a CSV file, and add the media titles as a custom slot as described above, which should increase the accuracy for me a lot.

big-ted commented 7 years ago

Thanks, it was just a quick fix for a busy time of year, I'll have a play

philhawthorne commented 7 years ago

no worries.

I got this working on this skill, so if you want me to share the intent and schema let me know.

AJB1968 commented 7 years ago

Hi could you share the intent and schema as I have not been able to get this working.


big-ted commented 7 years ago

My Mods for UK Intent

{ "intents": [ { "intent": "Home", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Amazon", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Plex", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "TV", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Netflix", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "FX", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "FourK", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Fastforward", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Instantreplay", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Captionson", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Captionsoff", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Rewind", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Up", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Uptwo", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Upthree", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Upfour", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Upfive", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Down", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Downtwo", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Downthree", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Downfour", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Downfive", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Left", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Lefttwo", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Leftthree", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Leftfour", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Leftfive", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Right", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Righttwo", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Rightthree", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Rightfour", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Rightfive", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Back", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Power", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "YouTube", "slots": [] }, { "intent": "Select", "slots": [] },

  "intent": "PlayPause",
  "slots": []

  "intent": "None",
  "slots": []

] }

Custom Slot Type media_name Values: star trek stargate atlantis war dogs the social network main in a high castle the grand tour

Custom Slot media_title Values: star trek stargate atlantis war dogs the social network main in a high castle the grand tour

Sample Uterances Amazon open amazon Amazon start amazon Amazon go to amazon

YouTube open youtube YouTube start youtube YouTube go to youtube

Plex open plex Plex start plex Plex go to plex

TV open tv TV start tv TV go to tv

FX open eff x FX start eff x FX go to eff x

Netflix open netflix Netflix start netflix Netflix go to netflix

FourK open four k FourK start four k FourK go to four k

Home home Home go home Home go to home

Fastforward fast forward Fastforward skip ahead Fastforward move ahead

Rewind rewind Rewind move back

Up go up Up move up

Uptwo go up two Uptwo move up two

Upthree go up three Upthree move up three

Upfour go up four Upfour move up four

Upfive go up five Upfive move up five

Down go down Down move down

Downtwo go down two Downtwo move down two

Downthree go down three Downthree move down three

Downfour go down four Downfour move down four

Downfive go down five Downfive move down five

Left go left Left move left

Lefttwo go left two Lefttwo move left two

Leftthree go left three Leftthree move left three

Leftfour go left four Leftfour move left four

Leftfive go leftfive Leftfive move leftfive

Back go back Back move back

Right go right Right move right

Righttwo go right two Righttwo move right two

Rightthree go right three Rightthree move right three

Rightfour go right four Rightfour move right four

Rightfive go right five Rightfive move right five

Instantreplay skip back Instantreplay instant replay

PlayPause play PlayPause pause PlayPause stop

Select go Select enter Select select Select yes

Power turn off Power fuck off Power goodbye

Back go back Back back up Back return

Captionson turn on captions

Captionsoff turn off captions